By Chrisanne Balev | Little Darlings on Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Category: Little Darlings - Upper Mount Gravatt

Welcome to our new families


The year is flying by so quickly with Easter coming around the corner very quickly. We would love to welcome our new families to the centre and hope you have settled in well. Please feel free to ask the office or any of our staff for assistance if you need any. Our meal times are very successful. The children are enjoying our dining area and also enjoying the new tastes they are being offered.

Entertainment books are for sale here at the centre. Please come to the office and get a form from the office if you would like one.

Last week we celebrated Saint Patrick's Day, and this Wednesday 21st March, we are celebrating Harmony day. Harmony Day is a celebration of our cultural diversity here in Australia. It is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home. Each room will be celebrating and enjoying different activities. Please come dressed in orange.

Please ensure that you sign your child in and out daily using the kiosk. We have been finding that many parents are still not signing their children in and out daily. It is a legal requirement. A staff member is more than happy to assist you if you are having difficulty using the Kiosk.

Please also we ask that you label all of your children's clothes. It is very difficult for our educators to find homes for our missing belongings if they are not named. Thank you for helping us out with this.

Please also be aware that our Centre will be closed on the following days of the Easter period:

Friday - 30th March 2018

Monday - 2nd April 2018


We are having a glorious time in nursery this year. We have welcomed Ava and Yusuf and their families to our room. Our birthday boys have been Simon, Elijah and Jordan in February. And our little Allira is transitioning to the toddler room at the moment. We are having fun with sensory play, so far we have explored bubbles, water and ice, sand (dry/ wet/ in paint), finger painting and play dough. We have grown in confidence with these experiences and using a variety of art mediums ( stamp painting, thick/thin paint brushes, sponge painting,felt pens and crayons). Sensory play includes any activity that stimulates young children's senses : touch, smell, taste,sight and hearing. These all facilitate exploration and naturally encourage children to use scientific processes while they play. This week we are starting our easter activities and look forward to spending time with our families at our Easter afternoon tea on Wednesday 28.3.18. Sam and Mymy 


Welcome to the toddler room...

There goes another month flying by. We've had a fabulous time herein the toddlers with lots of exciting new activities happening. This month we focused on transport and things that move. We also all took part in a range of experiences focusing on that topic.

Learning about transportation involves a number of class discussions about the different types of transport and which ones work best in different scenarios. We practised our driving skills by moving the little cars, trucks and busses through the roads of the car mat, as well as driving the big cars and trucks through the playgrounds as well.

We have also been working on our recognition of colours by playing matching games with coloured flashcards and finding the different colours around the room. We combine this with 'can you tell me what colour your wearing today?'

In large group activity's we enjoyed dancing with streamers, shakers and singing along with actions to 'Row row row your boat'. Toddlers were encouraged to build positive relationships with one another.

We have been working on sensory play this month with activities such as, Messy play, playdough, shaving cream play, water beads, sand play, water play, soap and rice play.

Please feel free to leave us a message in our parent communication book if you don't see us in the morning. We are always ready to help you with yours and your child's need.

Thank you, Miss Kelly Miss Bailee

Junior Kindy

Welcome to all the families in Junior Kindy.

I have had to say "Unfortunately, Miss Anna left us to start her new adventure, we hope that her future will be better. So that, Miss Cecilia step into the Junior Kindy room with Miss Jasmine and Miss Jothi, together we hope to have full of fun and learning.

Last month we had some friends who also left us and began to have an overseas holiday. We hope they will enjoy their new adventures. We also welcome a new friend Lucas who is from Toddlers .

Firstly, thanks to all our lovely families for sharing the "All About Me" and your families photos with us, that fill out our sense of belongings and help us to get to know about each child's interest.

We will be concentrating on our symbols, such as numbers, alphabet and colours then we will be having fun learning about our healty and well being , our cultures and learning to say "Hello" in different home languages.

Children being to show their interest with songs, felt board stories and games, we decided to learn new books and make a book corner that will help children develop their reading skills and being interested with books.

Encourage children to explore imagination in the gardenn is our outside fun in next month. Children discover how plants grow and helping children learn to take care ofthe natural environment.

Thanking you

Miss Cecilia Miss Jasmine and Miss Jothi.


Senior Kindy Newsletter 16.3.18

It has been such a busy month here in Senior Kindy and we have had an absolute blast.

Miss Casey and Miss Hannah would like to extend a big welcome to our new friends Makayla, Joodi,Harris, & Levi. We are so glad you have come to join us and we can't wait to teach you all new things.

Science & Mathematical concepts has been one of our main interests this month, exploring measurement, cause and effort, experimentation, and investigation through the use of the water sensory tub. We have also extending on this learning through making Rain catchers, milk and dye experiment, Bi-carb Soda and vinegar explosions, and much more.

If you haven't noticed already we have recently updated our environment to include Visual learning posters. Our visual learning posters, including the emotional posters provide the children an opportunity to explore needs and wants through visual clues, by using pictures of their friends and selves they are able to associate with the action or emotion within the image. If you have the chance during drop off or pick up, feel free to walk through the classroom with your child and talk with them about the posters, pictures, and artwork we have around the classroom. This will really help to embed the learning we are teaching within your child.

This past week Miss Hannah and myself have started to hand out 'My Hopes and Dreams for my Child This Year' letter.On this letter we ask that you write down what you feel is the most important skill we can teach your child over the course of the year. This letter also includes areas of which we have seen and documented for further progress in line with the Early Years Learning Framework. Collaboration and communication between parents and staff about children's learning is vital for providing the best possible learning experience for your child.If you have not received your letter it will come as soon as possible and to those that have, please bring them back as soon as you can so we can structure your individual child's learning accordingly.

Here's to another exciting month in Senior Kindy

Miss Casey and Miss Hannah


Hello Families,

Wow, March already. What a wonderful year so far as we have been learning our preschool routine and adjusting to life as big kids. I would like to remind all parents to ensure you bring a named hat and water bottle to preschool every day. Notices about this and other important information is placed in each child's pocket that is hanging up in the room. Please check these daily to ensure all information is going home.

This past month, we have been exploring a variety of skills, we have been further investigating colours, through recognition, mixing colours and painting. Water play has been a large influence in this as the children have been exploring coloured water and learning what happens when they mix it together. Furthermore, through water play the children have been developing their numeracy skills and learning about the early maths concept of measurement.

We have continued with our ELLA program and exploring the French language, the children have ventured into the second app which begins to incorporate colours into their learning. We will begin to explore these words and further cement our understanding of the French language over the next couple of weeks.

Numerals and number recognition has been an ongoing investigation within our room over the past couple of weeks, we are planning to extend this further by introducing one to one correspondence, numbers from 11-20 and jumbling numbers to gain further understanding of numbers. The children have loved our number jumping activities and learning how to engage in hopscotch, we will continue to explore activities like this to engage with numeracy through play.

Lastly, over the next couple of weeks, we will be exploring healthy bodies and learning how to take care of ourselves and others in order to keep everyone safe and healthy. Through activities such as meditation, breathing exercise, exploring healthy food options, role play experiences and books, we will begin our understanding of how our body works and what it requires to keep healthy.

Thanks for a great month and we hope the next month is just as good!

Miss Savannah and Miss Julie