By on Friday, 23 March 2018

April Blossoming News

News from Kylie

Here we are in April already and having survived Easter and all that chocolate, we are now well into the year. I would like to thank all the families who came along to our Easter afternoon tea. I think you will all agree that it was a memorable occasion . Congratulations to all the winners of our Easter egg raffle, and thanks to all who supported by donating, buying and selling tickets. We raised another $80 and this is going into the kitty for the Christmas Party at the end of the year.  

As a team the staff and I are looking over Quality Area 3 this month. It is "Collaborative partnerships with families and communities." If you have any feedback, improvements, suggestions or recommendations please feel free to place in our suggestion box located on the edge of my desk in the foyer. I have emailed a quick survey for your convenience and if you could complete and return that would be fabulous.

The Dance Along Commonwealth games was a great show.  We opened the Games with the traditional oath and

opening ceremony where we light the cauldron. Children were competitors in many different sports such as egg and spoon race and

bean bag tossing.

All children cheered on their competitor with a ribbon or number.

Official scores were kept and tallied for the centre to keep at the end of the show. At the end of the games medals were presented to the competitors as well as all children in the audience for such an excellent job!


Please note that the Centre will be closed for the Anzac Day Public Holiday on Wednesday 25th April. 

Bringing sick children to Day Care

Please check your child daily to ensure that they are well enough to attend the Centre.If your child is displaying any of the common symptoms, eg high temp, lethargy, vomiting, not eating, stomach pains etc then they should probably be kept home.We have a duty of care to all the children attending and sick children will be sent home.Regular updates are posted to inform you of any illnesses reported to the centre.If your child has vomited on arriving home from day care, during the night or the morning they are supposed to attend care, then they are not permitted to attend. 


If you have not been receiving your Newsletters and statements by email, please send your email address through to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so these can be sent to you via email.It is also a great way to keep everyone up to date with everything that is happening at the centre.

Hand sanitiser

.Please ensure you wash your hands upon arrival and departure to the centre. The Anti-bacterial solution is situated in the foyer, near the kiosk for your convenience.

Sunscreen Policy

Sunscreen should be applied to children 20 minutes prior to going out into the sun to allow the sunscreen to absorb and protect the skin from the UV rays.We ask that each child arrives to the centre with sunscreen already applied at home so they are ready for the morning outside play program.Staff will reapply throughout the day 20 minutes prior to going back out in the sun. They will also remind you when you need to replace your sunscreen.Remember please provides us with a bottle of sunscreen per year and no hat no play. Your child will then be asked to play under cover. 

 Easter Egg Raffle

Thank you to all our wonderful families who made the Easter Bonnet Parade and Easter Egg Raffle such a huge success. Without your help and support, it wouldn't have been possible. We raised $80 through the sale of raffle tickets. With the amount of Easter Eggs that were kindly donated by you all and our community, we had a total of 10 prizes !

Congratulations to all the winners of the Easter Egg Raffle-:

1st Mary 

2nd Leanne

3rd Cora

4th Amie

5th Melinda

6th Marek

7th Stacy

8th Kyle

9th Laura

10th Kishwah

Thank you all again for your support