By on Tuesday, 28 April 2020

April's Newsletter 2020

Hello From The Office,

Welcome to our new families who have joined our centre over the last month.

I would like to thank all our families for your ongoing support and patience during these trying times with the COVID 19 virus. Thank you for continuing to follow our hand sanitizing and handwashing procedures upon arrival and exiting the centre, keeping social distancing and minimising numbers in the centre on drop off and pick up! Please keep up the great work as our centre is starting to get busier with families returning. We hope all our families are keeping safe and healthy during these times. 

A big thank you to all our staff for continuing to practice all our new procedures to ensure our centre continues to be a safe haven.

The weather has been lovely and warm for this time of the year, The children have enjoyed exploring and playing longer in the yard in the mornings and afternoons. Please be mindful the weather is starting to cool down, Please send warmer clothes, shoes, blankets etc. This way we can All stay healthy!

Events coming up: 

Mother's day, Unfortunately, our Mother's day morning tea will be cancelled. But we will be doing a mothers day raffle, Please find your raffle ticket in your child's pocket, We will draw out the winner on Friday 8th May and contact you if you are the winner.

15th-21st of May will be National families week, We are asking for all our families to supply a family photo to the centre, We will be creating a Centre family tree with your photos.

News from the Pips room:

During the month of April, the Pips have been very busy exploring nature play. The pips have been interacting with nature on a daily basis in the mornings and afternoons. Together with the Buds and Poppies, we have gone on a nature walk in our big yard. During our exploration, we have discovered little creatures that live amongst our gardens. On one of our many walks, we have discovered a family of frogs, the children where very fascinated and excited to see the little frogs. The pips have also been collecting natural items from our gardens to create artwork, we have enjoyed painting and creating art.  -Miss Steph Miss Rupinder and Miss Shy 

News from the Buds room:

It has been lovely to see the children settle with Miss Maria as the lead educator of the room. We have been busy making the most of the warm weather every morning, the children have been looking closely at the natural environment around us, keeping a close eye out for the wildlife; such as cane toads, butterflies, spiders and birds. The children have had lots of fun making cards for Easter and enjoying Easter experiences. Moving on in May we will be developing artwork as well as documenting any changes that we notice outdoors during our morning's exportation of the garden. We would like to welcome our new friend Elianna to our room and we would like to wish everyone a Happy Birthday for the month of April. - Miss Maria, Miss Alana, Miss Emma

News from the Poppies room:

Welcome to another month with the Poppies, and what a different month it has been, As many of our friends have been away, we have spent time with the Buds, building on our social interactions as well as continuing our learning. We have focused on good hygiene practices, especially hand washing throughout the day. We shared our love of the outdoors with the younger children, helping find bugs and wildlife. Celebrating Easter was very different, however, we enjoyed making Easter bonnets, utilizing our creative skills and imaginations. As things settle down, we have returned to our room where we will continue on our learning. Numbers, colours, letters are a focus, building a base for school readiness. Miss Ebony has returned and we welcome her back, along with our new friend Eliezer. Let's look forward to what's ahead as we continue to grow and develop. - Miss Sally, Miss Rupinder, Miss Ebony

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