By on Monday, 27 August 2018

September Blossoming news

News from Kylie 

 Hello to everyone

I would first like to welcome all of the new families to the centre. I hope that you are all settling in well & I look forward to getting to know you over the next few weeks. Well I don't know about all of you but I am over winter and the cold and flu season.Hopefully we will start to see some warmer weather soon and these nasty bugs will hopefully go away.September already, did you know it is 97 more sleeps until Christmas?Where has the year gone? I would like to thank everyone for their support in the Family Portrait fundraiser. 

With the end of the year drawing closer, it is time to start thinking about 2019. I know it seems like we get organised way too early, but if there's one thing I've learnt in my years of being a director - there is never enough time to get everything done! We start confirming our enrolments for a new year in October, so I am just giving you all a heads up to start thinking about what you will be needing in 2019. If your child is due to move up into a new room in 2019, you will not have to re-enroll. All children progress through each room as they turn the next age. 

Did you know that we operate a funded 4-year-old kindergarten program? Our Poppies room (4-5) is run by Brie, our bachelor qualified kindergarten teacher.

Did you know that we offer yoga on a Wednesday afternoon apart of our Kindergarten program?

Did you know we offer the ELLA Program in the kindergarten room?    The aim of the ELLA Program is for children to have early experience in another language and culture this year children are learning Italian!

Some Housekeeping!

Just a little reminder to please remember to close the pool gates securely behind you when you leave or enter the centre.Also the pool fencing in the foyer please remember not to bang hard as there are sleeping babies on the other side of the wall and it wakes them.

Also the speed limit in our car park is 5kms please ensure that we are following this as we have little children in the car park and they can come from anywhere.

I must ask that all parents please ensure their contact details are correct and updated and that all fees are kept up to date.

Upcoming Events

3rd September - Family portraits are back lets hope they look amazing!

4th September - water safety discussion for Poppies

5th September - Footy colour day please dress up in your favourite footy team gold coin donation please

6th September - Celebrating Educators day!!!

Kylie on Annual Leave 10/9/18-24/9/18

School Holiday start 24/8/18 until Friday 5/10/18

Centre closed October 3rd- Public Holiday