By Kelly Kollmorgen on Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Category: Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre

April Newsletter

From the Office

Can you believe we are in April already? Where has the beginning of the year gone?

We hope you all enjoyed your Easter break and that the school holidays were lots of fun for everyone.

As you may have noticed- we are now providing Centre hats for the children in our care. These hats have all been named for each individual child and are washed at the end of the week. We have been educating the children on leaving their hats at the centre in their pockets every afternoon so it is there for them in the morning. If parents could also remember to leave the children's center hats in their pockets then that will also help a lot. So far this is working quite well. Of course you are still welcome to send a different hat in with your child if you wish.

As the weather is starting to cool down now we would also like to advise parents to please send in a jumper and shoes with your child for the early mornings and late afternoons. You may also see a little change in centre routines as the cold weather nears where children will begin to come outside a little later in the mornings and go inside earlier in the afternoons. With the change in season comes some sniffles and possible colds and flu and we would just like to remind parents to please keep your children at home if they become unwell.

Teddy Bears Picnic 

This was such a cute and fun day that the children enjoyed. we had outdoor picnics with our furry friends. Here are just a few pictures of the day. Most of the pictures will already be on your EDUCA stories :)

Art and Creativity 

Art and crafts engage the children's imaginations and creativity. While participating in art experiences children learn to think, problem solve, create, manoeuvre objects, hypothesise, experiment and release emotions. Active Learning occurs when children are given the opportunity to express themselves through creativity. take a look at some of our budding artists. 

Upcoming Events 

Labour Day Public Holiday-3rd May

Mothers Day Stall: We are holding our Mothers Day stall from 4th to 7th May. If you would like your child to buy a gift please bring in their money in a zip lock bag or envelope and hand it to staff on duty. Then please complete the "money log " in your childs room on the lockers. We also ask children to bring in a bag to put their gifts in to take home

Mothers Day Raffle: Tickets are out in your child's pockets. This will be drawn on Friday 7th May at 2pm.

Star Wars Day: Feel free to dress in your favourite star wars gear or costume on May 4th

Mothers Day Morning Tea to go stall: Friday May 7th-Grab yourself a yummy treat to go on as you drop off your little one. All mums are welcome to come down and select a take out treat even if your child does not attend on Friday. 

Friendly Reminders! 

Children in Cars: We have noticed alot of children left in cars while parents come into the centre to collect siblings. Please bring your children into the centre if you need to. They can always wait in the front foyer for you if need be. Do not leave them in cars as this is actually illegal and you can be fined by the police. It can also potentially be unsafe for the children as they are unattended.

Breakfast: Please be reminded that we stop serving breakfast at 7.30am. If you are arriving on or after 7.30am please ensure your children have had their breakfast already.

Allergies and Asthma: Those children who have allergies or Asthma require a specific medical condition plan that you would have completed upon enrolment. These plans need to be accompanied by a doctors letter/plan. This letter needs to be reviewed by your medical practitioner and updated every 12 months. We have been contacting some parents to update their plan. If your child has a medical plan please ensure that you have provided this information to the centre as the children cannot attend without an up to date plan.

Ill children: It is the season of colds and flus and we are reminding parents that ill children do need to be kept at home. Children who are coughing, have temperatures or are generally unwell should not be bought into the centre. Staff will advise and ask parents to keep your child at home if they present sick upon arrival. While we understand that you may have made a doctors appointment in the afternoon or have to go to work-we cannot accept ill children. Our covid safe plans are still in place and this includes any symptoms whatsoever should be seen to and unwell children kept at home.

Prep Open Days 

For those of you with Kindergarten children, many of the schools in our area are having Prep open days soon. If you have not yet decided which school you would like to send your child to it is a great idea to attend these open days and look at the curriculums and prospectus for the different schools. 

Here are a few who have contacted us to pass on information.

Whites Hill State College-

Mayfield State School- Open evening Wednesday 12th May from 5.30pm. please rsvp to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Moreton Bay College-Prep Open Morning 15th May

Some of you have been asking about which schools other children in the class will be attending. Our Preschool room will be posting a list on their notice board for parents to add the school which their child is going to be attending to share with families. 

UQ Study 

UQ are currently conducting a sleep study in children. This may be of interest to some families. If you are interested in participating please read the information for sign up.

Sharing community 

​If you have a business to advertise or share please send us your information and we will pass it onto families in our newsletter.