By Kelly Kollmorgen on Tuesday, 20 February 2018
Category: Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre

February Newsletter

From the office

Welcome to 2018 everyone. It has been a wonderful start to our new year.  

We have met so many new families and children in the past weeks and we hope you are all settling in well to our centre family.. we would also like to welcome back our continuing families and thank you all for you love and support.

Our term started off with our Parent Information night in early February. For those of you who could not make this, an email has been sent out to all families with the information discussed. This included some policies of the centre, our calendar of events and our referral incentive for new enrolments. Our Calendar of events is posted on our Parent notice board in the front foyer. We have some very exciting things coming up this year, including some awesome fundraisers so please check it out.  our current upcoming events are as follows.

​Date Event
March 12th ​Lunch day-$5 per child
March 15th​​Funky Hair day- Gold coin donation to Cancer Council
​March 17th​​St Patrick's Day- Time to green out! 
March 21stHarmony Day Multicultural banquet


 You will see that already there is a lot of learning happening in our rooms. The children have been settling into their new environments with their new educators. As you walk through the centre you will see evidence of children's learning everywhere. There are so many stories and displays. Please take the time to stop and observe these as your children have been hard at work developing new skills. Just to recap, our room staff for 2018 are as follows:

Nursery: Miss Sarah, Miss Ai and Miss Jo(Mondays)

Sarah is the room educator and has been with our centre for the past 9 years. She holds a Diploma qualification. Ai is the room assistant from Tuesday to Fridays. Ai has been with our centre for the past 3 years and holds a Diploma qualification. Jo is the Monday assistant in the room. Jo has been with the centre for the past 8 years and holds a Certificate 3 qualification. 

Toddlers: Miss Mel, Miss Pam and Miss Kan

 Mel is the room educator and has been with he centre for the past 5 years. Mel is also the centre Assistant Director and holds a Diploma qualification. Pam is the room assistant and has been with the centre for the past 2 1/2 years. Pam holds a Certificate 3 qualification and is studying towards her Diploma. Kan is the 2nd assistant in the room. Kan has been with he centre for the past 10 years and holds Certificate 3 qualification.

Junior Kindy: Miss Kathryn and Miss Deep

 Kathryn is the room educator and has been with the centre for the past 9 years. She holds a Diploma qualification. Miss Deep is our newest staff member and has been with our centre for 1 year. She holds a Certificate 3 qualification and is studying towards her Diploma

Senior Kindy: Miss Gabbi and Miss Erin

Gabbi is the room educator and has been with the centre for the past 5 years. She holds a Diploma qualification. Erin is the room assistant and has been with the centre for the past 4 years. She holds a Certificate 3 qualification and is studying towards her Diploma. 

PreSchool: Miss Joyce and Miss Bithi

Joyce is the early Childhood teacher in the room. She holds a Masters of education and has been with the centre for the past 3 years. Miss Bithi is the room assistant and has been with the centre for the past 6 years. She holds a Diploma qualification.

​Have you met Gonzo?

Gonzo is Cannon Hill's resident pet turtle. He resides in the Senior Kindy Room. Our children take care of Gonzo and learn important lessons about caring for a pet. Please feel free to come and visit him and say hello.  

Just a couple of friendly reminders........

Please ensure you name all of your childrens belongings to help prevent lost items.

Please keep ill children at home. This reduces the spread of germs and infection. 

Dont forget that we are a nut, egg and shellfish free centre so please be vigilant when packing your healthy lunches for your children. 

Until next month

Take care and keep on learning.