By Kelly Kollmorgen on Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Category: Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre

July News

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July Newsletter

Hello everyone and welcome to our latest newsletter. It has been a busy and active month within the centre and with everyone's help we are steadily getting back to a somewhat "new normal". This means following our Covid-19 health and hygiene procedures and being very aware of any signs of illness in both the children and yourselves. Remember if you or any family members are displaying any symptoms related to Covid-19- please get tested. We also continue to ask that you please keep your children at home if they are not well. This includes coughs, temperatures, thick runny noses, lethargy and general unwellness. We realise that sometimes this can be off putting and interfere with your work however we need to be very vigilant in keeping everyone in the centre healthy. Thankyou to all of the parents who have been keeping their children home if unwell and also to those of you who we have called to collect unwell children or advised they are too unwell to stay. We greatly appreciate your cooperation, especially in light of the developing situations in NSW and Victoria.

Meals and Snacks 

As you all know, our centre provides morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea for the children. Our menu consists of alternate hot meal and sandwich days and a variety of afternoon tea options. Our meals all have a vegetarian option as well as catering to allergies and intolerances. We have had wonderful success with the children's acceptance of centre food and they are generally very excited to know what is on the menu every day. Our educators work hard to encourage the children to eat the food that is served and with great success. We have noticed of late that quite a few parents are sending in lunchboxes for children and we kindly request that this not happen. When children know they have a lunch box full of food the they are reluctant to eat the centre food and this makes it harder for staff to encourage their eating at mealtimes. Please do not send lunchboxes into the centre for mealtimes. We do have alternatives for children who refuse the meal. We will not let the children go hungry.

NB: For those of you who are sending breakfast into the centre before 7.30am, a container or small lunchbox is fine to bring this in. 

In addition to this we would just like to remind parents of children here after 5pm to please bring a small late afternoon snack(non refrigerated) and place it in the containers provided in the room kitchens. We have noticed lately at late afternoon tea that many children don't have a snack in the basket and staff have had to go searching through children's bags for this. If the snacks are placed in the kitchen containers then they are all together for the afternoon and no child is left waiting. 


We have welcomed a lovely new staff member to our team this month! Miss Dianne will be taking on the Preschool Assistant position as Miss Ai will be on maternity leave as of Thursday 30th July.  We would like to wish Miss Ai all the best with the upcoming birth of her baby. We cant wait to meet her new edition.

Miss Ellyse is also taking on the position of Assistant in the Nursery as we have said a quick and sad goodbye to Anastasia who has decided to take on a position as a private Nanny. 

Pyjama Day 

We had a fabulously fun day on Pyjama day and raised some funds for children in foster care. This is one of our favourite days of the year where we can just hop out of bed and roll into the centre in our PJ's.  The children had fun playing outdoor games in the morning and then relaxed and chilled out in the rooms to finish out the end of the week.

Upcoming events 

Date ​Event
31st July School Tree day
3rd AugustJeans for Genes Day
14th August​Brisbane Show Holiday- our centre is closed
17th-21st AugustParent Teacher interviews
19th AugustOcean Life Show
​21st August​Kindy cuts by Hair on the Move -Bookings essential

Kindy Cuts by Hair on the Move 

We are excited to introduce kindy cuts at the centre by Jayde from Hair on the Move. Jayde is a qualified hairdresser and will be visiting the centre once a month for hair cuts, braids and gel spikes. Her first visit will be on Friday 21st August. We are currently putting the finishing touches to the booking forms so please keep an eye out in the front foyer. Bookings and pre payment will be essential. 

Community Advertising 

 We love helping out our community. If you have a business or know of one that you would like to advertise in our newsletter please email the office and let us know. In addition, if you refer to any of the businesses advertised on our page please let them know that you heard about them through our centre :)