By Kelly Kollmorgen on Monday, 23 July 2018
Category: Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre

July Newsletter

July News 

Welcome everyone to another newsletter edition. It is already July and we are well into the chilly winter months. 

The children have been very busy within their rooms and we have also had some parent helpers and many centre events happening throughout the month. 

Gareth, one of our Toddler parents bought in his electric train sets to share with the children. This was a wonderful experience where the children were able to watch and enjoy the movement and sounds of the trains. Our older children were able to ask questions and learn more about how the trains work. Thank you Gareth for your time and sharing this experience with our children. 

4th July Party 

A very special thank you to everyone from Miss Kelly for joining in and sharing a part of her cultural heritage on 4th July. It was such a fun day with lots of awesome dress ups, food and games. Everyone's support and response to this event was AMAZING!!!!! 

Centre Disco 2018 

Wow what a great night! Thank you to all who attended our centre disco. The children had an absolute ball and again, everyone's costumes were just magnificent! We will have to think of another fun theme for next years disco.  

Pyjama Day 

Another very fun day and very fitting for the cold weather. Pyjama day saw us all cozy and warm in our PJ's and donating to the Pyjama foundation to assist children in foster care. Thank you to everyone who donated to this very worthy cause.  

New Child Care Subsidy system and CWA's 

By now all of you have connected to the new CCS system. Accounts can be a bit confusing to start but please feel free to ask questions if you are unsure about your statements. Your CWA's(Complying Written Agreements) were sent out a couple of weeks ago. If you have not yet signed and returned these please do so as we need these back from every family. If you are requiring a change of booking or holiday discount fees please complete the appropriate forms and return them to the office. We cannot make these changes to your account without these forms.  Change of booking, Termination of Care and Holiday discounts still require a 2 week notice period. 


 It is with great sadness that we announce that Miss Jo will not be returning to the centre due to personal reasons. Jo has been with us for 8 years and we are very sad to see her leave but wish her all the best in the future. 

As Miss Jo was the nursery assistant on Mondays,  Miss Sunny will now take on this position. 

Miss Pinky is now a working as our Inclusion Support Assistant in the Pre-school room until the end of the year. 

Upcoming Events:  

​30th July ​Lunch Day-$5 per child
​4th August ​Jeans for Genes day
23rd August​Book Week Parade
​31st AugustFathers Day Afternoon

Policy update! 

Please find attached our updated Sun clothing and protection Policy. 

Friendly Reminders!

Illnesss: When your child is ill please keep them at home. All it takes is one unwell child to spread viruses and infections to others. Germs and bugs are easily airborn through sneezing and coughing. All vomiting and diarrhea requires 24 hours exclusion from the last bout.  If your child has a temperature please keep them at home. Temperatures are quite often a sign of infection and onset of an illness. 

 Children's Items from home: We encourage parents to not send in toys or valuable items from home as these are easily lost or misplaced. This is through no fault of our educators as children will often play with these, hide them or lose them. Please ensure you are naming all of your child's belongings. Staff cannot be held responsible for lost items that are not named and definitely do not deserve to be spoken down to if an item goes missing.

Signing in and out: Please remember to sign in and out on kiosk every day. If our kiosk is down please see our staff and we will mark your children on our outdoor roll and then on kiosk through the office computer. When kiosk is back up you will be prompted to confirm the missed sign in or out. Please do this as your information is required to be sent through to the government as proof of your attendance. 

From the Nursery 

Hey there everyone. The year is flying by so fast and look how much everyone has grown in the nursery room. Most of the children have started walking in the last month so we have been focusing on gross motor skills and incorporating outdoor play into the program to further develop these skills. The children have enjoyed trying to climb on the equipment and riding the bikes around the toddler yard.

Inside we have been working on communication skills with lots of singing, nursery rhymes, dancing, reading books and looking at flash cards. The children are responding well to all of the pictures and are pointing, smiling, giggling and beginning to say simple words.. we have started to incorporate photos from home around the room as well to create more of a sense of belonging and identity.

We cant wait to see how much more learning and growing everyone achieves in the next few months  

Until Next time

Miss Sarah and Miss Ai

From the Toddler Room 

Welcome Back!

It has been a busy couple of months in the Toddler room and we are thrilled to have welcomed Aria, Thea, Archer, Margot and soon Lennox to our group. 

Everyone has settled in so nicely and we have seen lots of new friendships building.

Recently we have had a lot of family input into our program and we would like to say thankyou in particular to Theas dad who shared his automatic train set with not just our room but the rest of the centre. Trains have been very popular in our room so this was an absolute hit. If you have anything you would like to share  with our toddlers, please feel free to talk to Mel or Pam and organise this. 

Throughout the year we have introduced group times to our toddlers, where everyone joins in on storytelling, singing songs, small games and a variety of other experiences. Everyone has been so involved in this. We have also added a roll call to our wall. Each morning the Toddlers help us mark the roll by looking at their photos and telling us if they are here or not.

These experiences link to Outcome I1.2-Uses effective routines to help make predicted transitions run smoothly

Until Next Time

Miss Mel and Miss Pam

From the Junior Kindy room.

 Hi again everyone.

Since we last spoke, many amazing things have been happening in the Junior Kindy room- from new friends, to birthday celebrations, to exciting new experiences and activities.

We have welcomed George, Stella and Chase who have moved up from the Toddler room. They have all had a wonderful transition.

Many of our Junior Kindys have turned 3 in the past months. Congratulations to Astoria, Mali, Lucia, and Klay. Happy Birthday to everyone.

In the last few months we have been exploring and investigating our colours through group experiences, art activities and play scenarios. The children have been giving alot of input into their program making our curriculum primarily child based at this present time. 

We have also been very active in the garden, planting and caring for some new flowers and vegetables. 

We will be continuing with role play and imagination by creating a shop and doctors surgery. If you have any old baskets or empty egg cartons, cereal boxes and milk cartons we will be happy to take them off your hands. all we ask is that they are clean and food free. 

Just a few reminders.

Please remember to bring a water bottle and a hat for your child every day

Please make sure all of your children's belongings are labelled

Until next time

Miss Kathryn and Miss Deep

From the Senior Kindy Room 

Hi Everyone

It has been a busy last couple of months in our room learning about dinosaurs and the season of winter. We have had many important instructions about our excursion to the museum on Thursday 26th July. The children have been discussing road safety and personal safety so we are totally prepared on the day. We are all very excited and looking forward to experiencing the world outside of the centre together. We are excited to see the Dinosaur exhibit and many other interesting things at the Museum. 

This term we have welcomed Phoebe and Grace to our classroom alongside our friends Preston, Stella and Eva who have joined us from the Junior Kindy room. 

Thank-you so much to everyone who participated and supported us at the centre disco, pyjama day and 4th July Party. The dress ups were amazing! 

Please remember to bring sheets for rest time. All children have a bed at rest time to either sleep, rest or participate in quiet activities on so we do need you to bring bedding to place on these. 

Until next time

Miss Gabby and Miss Jonabeth

From the PreSchool room

Dear Families

How fast has this year gone? We cannot believe that we are coming to the end of July! So many exciting things have happened this year. we are grateful that you have been so supportive in sharing your ideas with us as it allows our learning in the classroom to flow.  

In the past month we have had parent teacher meetings together and made some collaborative goals as we work towards school readiness. School is a big step but it is full of excitement. During our group times we often have conversations and wonder about what school will be like. School have open days throughout the year where they invite children and parents for a day of play or a series of play days. We encourage parents to take advantage of these.

In the coming months some of the schools will begin to send teachers out to visit your children and observe them in play situations. Your childs school will notify you about the date so if you can inform us we can begin to talk about their visits in group times. Please note that not all schools will do this. 

The block construction area in our room is truly thriving. it is an experience enjoyed by all of the children throughout the day. we have encouraged children to add new materials into their play such as animals, fabrics, smaller construction sets and their ideas have continued to blossom. Block construction supports so many different areas of development.

As we prepare for the next stage in the childrens lives at school, we also encourage children to commence, continue and complete an experience. Through encouragement, children learn to develop confidence in this cycle as it ensures they persist with any challenges they encounter. 

Learning works best according to theorist Vygotsky, when it is in the Zone of Proximal Development. This is when the learning opportunities or tasks are slightly above the child's current abilities. Through support from their peers and teachers, children begin to develop more confidence in the skill.

Just a friendly reminder to all families that we are finding many lost items without names on them. we kindly ask that you name them so we can find their respective owners. Thank you in advance!

Mata Kondo(Until next time:Japanese)

Miss Joyce, Miss Bithi and Miss Pinky

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