From The Office

Well here we are right in the middle of the year.  For those of you who have children in primary school, the holidays are finally here for them. If you are travelling these school holidays please stay safe and have a fabulous time!

June has been all about "Pink" at the centre as we support the National Breast Cancer Foundation and help raise funds for research. We have so far held an event every week to help raise awareness. Our children and staff have all been having a ball dressing in pink, colouring our hair, creating lots of pink art and craft, baking and having a Pink Hatters Tea Party to boot. Our last event is coming up on 30th June. This will be our "Pink Olympics"- a day of fun games and sporting experiences for the children to participate in. Thankyou to everyone who donated to our Think Pink Dress Up and Crazy Hair day and also to those of you who purchased some yummy treats from our cake stall. All funds raised go straight to the NBCF. We are still looking to raise more towards our goal. There is still time to head over to our fundraising page to donate  Any amount helps us work towards our target goal. You can find our page at........National Breast Cancer Foundation - Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre (


We would like to welcome Miss Arti to our team. Arti has been working casually with us for several months now and has quickly developed some lovely bonds with our children and staff. Arti will be working in the role of assistant educator and is currently completing her Diploma.

Unfortunately we also have some sad staffing news. Miss Dianne will be leaving us on 2nd July. She has been offered a wonderful opportunity working with the National Disabilities Insurance Scheme(NDIS). We have loved having Miss Di at our centre and we will miss her terribly but wish her all the best in her new role.

Upcoming Events:


 Parent/Teacher Meetings: Over the next two weeks staff are offering 15 minute meetings for parents who would like to discuss their child's year so far. These are not compulsory so please do not worry if you cannot make the times available. Unfortunately not all of our lead educators are available after working hours however they have allocated the quiet period in the day between 12pm and 2pm for interviews if you wish to book in. We can also offer telephone interviews if you are unable to attend in person

Winter Pie Drive: Our Winter Pie Drive begins on 5th July. Please keep a look out in your inbox for a link to order forms and due dates.

NAIDOC Week: 4th-11th July 

National Pyjama Day: Friday 23rd July we will be having our Pyjama Day. Children can come to the centre in their PJ's and join in watching some movies and having some sneaky snacks.

Friendly Reminders 

Toys: We have recently had quite a number of children bringing toys form home into the centre. Some of these toys have been toy "weapons". This type of play is not encouraged at the centre and bringing in toys sometimes results in loss of items and arguments between children. We ask that parents please discourage this as we have many resources in the centre for children to play with. For the rooms that have "show and tell" rosters, we ask that families please encourage their children to bring alot and interesting item or photo rather than a toy. Some examples of great items for children to bring in and discuss could be-photos of family or pets, a new clothing item(hat, headband, jewellery), items found on holidays such as an interesting rock, shell or plant), fruit grown on trees at home, a recipe they helped with or a picture they have drawn.

Fees: Please be reminded that fees are to remain in advance at all times. Please ensure that you are on top of your CCS and requirements around receiving this such as income updates and immunisations. 

Until next month


Centre Manager