By Kelly Kollmorgen on Monday, 20 November 2017
Category: Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre

November Newsletter

From the Office

Can you believe that the end of year is almost here? Where has the time gone. It seems like only yesterday we were welcoming our new families and friends and beginning our new classes for 2017. It has been such a busy year developing long lasting relationships and making new connections.

And now 2017 is coming to a close with end of year experiences and events just around the corner.

With Christmas rapidly approaching we ask that everyone please take some time to think of those less fortunate and donate to our charity boxes in the front foyer. This is definitely a time for giving and showing that we care.

​Upcoming Events

Date Event
Friday 1st December​ Preschool Graduation​
Friday 8th December​Centre Christmas Party
School holidays begin​
Monday 25th December​Christmas day-centre closed​
Tuesday 26th December​Boxing Day-centre closed​

Please note that our centre is open throughout the holiday period with the exception of public holidays. Fees still apply during this period and are charged as per normal for public holidays.

Referral Incentive.

We would like to remind everyone that if you refer a new family to the centre for a minimum enrolment of 2 days per week you may be eligible for a fee free week of care for your children. Conditions apply so please see Kelly in the office for more information. 

Sun Safety

 As the weather warms up and we head towards summer we request that your children are dressed in sun safe clothing when attending the centre. This means that singlet tops and strapless dresses are not appropriate attire to protect young skin from the sun. Please ensure your little ones are wearing sleeves and of course don't forget your hat!

Staffing 2018

We have confirmed our room staff for next year. They are as follows:

Nursery Miss Sarah, Miss Ai and Miss Jo(Mondays)
Toddlers Miss Melissa and Miss Pam
Junior KindyMiss Kathryn and Miss Deep
Senior KindyMiss Gabbi and Miss Erin
PreschoolMiss Joyce and Miss Bithi

Friendly Reminders

Nutrition: Please ensure that you are packing nutritional food in your child's lunchbox. We encourage healthy choices at the centre and request that items such as chips, chocolate, lollies, roll ups, LCMs and other foods high in sugar and artificial ingredients be left at home. We also encourage water in drink bottles. Please do not send juice or cordials.

Illness: Please do not send your child into the centre sick. If they are ill then they need to stay at home until they recover. This helps prevent cross infections. Suspected contagious illnesses require a doctors clearance before returning to the centre and this will be requested by staff when children return. 

Centre Christmas Party.

Our Christmas party is not far away. How exciting! We have sent out notices and itinerary for the night however here are a few reminders.

1. Don't forget to bring in a wrapped book with your child's name on it before the day. This is for Santa to hand out to your little one. 

2. Children in Senior Kindy and Pre-school please ensure you let your teachers know if you are attending or not. The children will need to be bought to the Senior Kindy room by 6.45pm to get ready for their performances.

3. Please bring a plate of yummy food to share.

4. Collect and bring your spare change to enter our raffle and competitions or purchase an ice block or temporary tattoo.

5. Bring your Christmas Cheer. 

From the Nursery

So much has happened since our last communication. Our babies have developed a keen interest in stories. Books have been very popular as early literacy awareness starts to develop. The children have been browsing through pages and listening to Disney and animal stories.

Sensory play has seen the children developing and enhancing many skills such as physical, social and investigative aspects. Our teachers have introduced us to shaving cream play, edible paint, finger-paint and more. If you would like the recipe for edible paint- it only takes 3 ingredients: Rice cereal, water and food colouring. we dare you to try it at home. 

Many of our babies are working hard on their movement and balance using their upper body strength and practicing walking.

With the weather being the right temperature for some water play, we encourage parents to pack swimmers and a change of clothes. we have enjoyed splashing the water at each other in recent weeks. 

A Few Reminders.

1 Hats: Please remember to pack your child's hat in their bag everyday. We spend a lot of time outside and the children need to be protected.

2.USB STICKS: If you would like digital memories of your child's time in the nursery could you please bring in a USB before 5th December.

Thank You

Miss Kathryn and Miss Erin

From the Toddler Room

​Hello everyone,

This year has gone so fast and December is right around the corner.

The Toddlers have grown so much throughout the year and their communication has really blossomed.

We have all been keeping a close eye on the little owl family who live in the tree above the sandpit. The Toddlers are very excited and involved when we go out to the big yard to visit them. Our favourite book at the moment is called "Owl Babies" which directly follows on from the experience.

We have had a lot of fun lately participating in some sensory experiences as well. Our favourite was blue spaghetti. Please check out our Facebook page for some photos of this.

Many of the Toddlers will be moving into the Junior Kindy room next year. With this in mind we would like to mention that our centre doesn't supply nappies in the Junior Kindy room so therefore mums and dads will need to pack about 5 nappies each day for your child.  

Just some reminders to please check your child's pocket every day for notices and to take home your children's drink bottles at the end of the week. Also don't forget to name all of your child's belongings.

It has been so much fun educating your children this year. Thank you to all of our parents for your support.

Until next time

Miss Gabbi and Miss Jo

From the Junior Kindy room

 Hi Everyone, 

Over the last month our interest has been focussed on the beach. We have been discussing what we see at the beach and how we feel at the beach. We even turned our home corner into a beach! The children helped brainstorm ideas for this and we gradually added sand, water, a boat , houses and a tent. The children are relishing in this new dramatic play environment that they have created themselves. They have been role playing, imagining and extending on this with the creation of a lemonade stand and making real lemonade.

Another interest at the moment is construction. With the diggers removing a house at the back of the centre the children have been incorporating this in their play by using the blocks and trucks to build houses and knock them down. There has also been the addition of mobile, Lego and play dough with sticks to further the creativity.

We have begun our Christmas discussions with the children and incorporating stories and songs. The children are all very excited and cant wait to decorate the room.

It is hard to believe this year is coming to an end already, it seems like yesterday we were all just starting in Junior Kindy. All of the children have grown so much and have come so far in their learning. We are very proud of them.

It has been a pleasure teaching Junior Kindy this year. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Safe holiday season.

Miss Sarah, Miss Pam and Miss Madhuri

From the Senior Kindy Room

 A HUGE welcome to all of our new families this month. We have had many new friends join us. The senior Kindy children have welcomed Theo, Lincoln, Skye, Theodore and Indigo. It has been wonderful watching the children build new friendships and showing their new friends our routine and classroom.

As you may have heard at home-we have been spending lots of time practising our Christmas songs. The children are doing a great job at remembering the words and actions and are really excited to show all of our families. Could you please let Mel or Bithi know if your child will be joining us on the night of the centre Christmas party?

We have started taking down some of the children's artwork in order to prepare the end of year scrapbooks but recently we have been doing lots of group activities as well. The highlight in the room is definitely the doctors surgery that we created in home corner. This was an extension from the children's interest in painting themselves in red paint(and pretending it was blood). This has been a huge focus over the past week and the children have displayed a lot of enthusiasm in dressing up, treating one another and creating our own ambulance out of boxes.

Just a reminder to please make sure you are taking your child's sheets home to be washed at the end of the week

We hope that you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year
Miss Mel and Miss Bithi

Preschool News

​Kia Ora Preschool families,

How fast has this year gone? I am so happy to see all of the children grow emotionally, socially and of course academically over the course of the year.

On behalf of our Preschool team I would like to express our gratitude to all of you for being so supportive and communicating with us this year. This creates a partnership in supporting the children on their journey towards school. 

We have been busy preparing for Prep next year by signing in by writing our names on the board as we enter the room and practising our hand-eye co-ordination through tracing, cutting and writing experiences. 

The children have also been very active in creating both lemonade and Ice cream stalls using collage, boxes and lots of imagination.

Our physical skills have been enhanced through our Fundamentals program with Mr Iden every Wednesday. Through this program we have practised our ball skills, co-ordination, balance and strength through may gross motor activities.

It is a very emotional time for all as we approach graduation and Christmas and we wish each and every child in the Preschool room the very best in the future.

Just a few reminders

1. We are currently completing the children's end of year scrapbooks so if you have not paid $2 could you please do so as soon as possible.

2. The weather is warming up so please help your child pack a spare set of clothes and a small towel for water play.

3. We are welcoming donations of clothes to use for spares. 

Have a Merry Christmas and  a Happy New Year

Miss Joyce, Miss Sara and Miss Sunny