By Kelly Kollmorgen on Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Category: Cannon Hill Early Learning Centre

October Newsletter

From the Office

Welcome families to our October newsletter. How fast the end of the year is approaching. 

We are already preparing for our end of year celebrations and preparing our older children for their start in school in 2020. 

Our reenrolment process is in full swing and we are currently securing our current families placements for next year. Please return your reenrolment form if you haven't already. We will soon be calling parents from our waitlist and we would be upset to see any of our current children miss out on a placement. When completing your reenrolment form please ensure you complete all sections and tick all boxes on the enrolment agreement. If you are terminating enrolment please also complete a termination of enrolment form. 

We are loving the sunshine and the spring weather with much of our curriculum being planned for outdoors where our children can enjoy mother nature. Water play can be popular during this time of year so packing a spare set of clothes or swimmers is always a good idea.  And of course-Don't forget your hat!

Staffing: We have some new staff members joining our team this month. Miss Nikita has joined us from the Sunshine coast and will take on an assistants position within the centre. Miss Leyla will be joining us also as an assistant educator. We have a couple of new relief educators as well-Miss Aleyna, Miss Irene and Miss Maritza. 

Upcoming Events  

Thursday 31st October Halloween Dress Up Party
Tuesday 5th November​Melbourne Cup Activity Day
Thursday 7th NovemberPre-school Woolworths excursion​
Friday 15th November​​Date Night 7pm-11pm

We are disappointed to have had to cancel our Think U Know presentation due to lack of interest and numbers. This is such a beneficial and informative session that is provided free by the Australia Federal Police to educate everyone on cyber safety. Our children are in contact with technology every day and we need to be very aware of the dangers out there. If anyone has the opportunity in the future to attend one of these sessions we strongly encourage it. For those of you who would like some content information on the session we have booklets in the front office. 

Nursery News 

Hi Everyone, 

We cant believe how fast time flies. We are already in October and the next thing you know Christmas will be tomorrow. 

In September we had Pia, Tyler, Isabelle and Titus all graduate from the Nursery to the Toddler room. We can see that they are absolutely loving the Toddler room and their new routines.

We ahve also had some new friends join us in the nursery over the last couple of months. Welcome Ryan, Blathnaid, Alice, Brielle, Luella, Levi, Inara and Alexander

We have really been focusing on trying to settle our new friends into the environment and start building relationships and connections with the educators. Everyone is adapting well to the change and we are starting to see the babies beautiful personalities.

Our program is based on alot of experiences that promote the babies physical development and well being. We have also been encouraging communication by singing, reading and talking alot to the children. Conversations are pivotal in language development regardless of whether children can talk. Hearing others speak allows the babies to familiarise with speech sounds.

Please feel free to come and see us in the room if you have any questions.

Until next time

Miss Gabby and Miss Deep

Toddler News  

We have had a busy few months getting to know all of our new friends interests and strengths and making some special bonds and friendships. The toddlers are a very social group of children and enjoy each others company. Welcome to the room Navaya, Pia, Tyler, Titus and Isabelle.

The children have begun to play independently with their peers and we can see a real explosion of pretend play happening in the room.. This is a very important aspect of young children's development-the ability to pretend and role play.

We have also seen the emerging development of empathy in some of our toddlers. This is the understanding of others feelings. We are learning our social skills as we are still developing the ability to resolve conflicts..

We are also learning some self help skills such as wiping our faces after meals and using our spoons and forks independently.

We are loving having Miss Diana in the room, she is a wonderful assistant educator

Can all parents please remember to name all of their children's belongings to avoid lost items. 

Until next time,

Miss Bithi

Junior Kindy News  

​Hello again parents,

In the Junior Kindy room we have been busy continuing on our colour work and learning about shapes. We have been busy with a variety of activities and experiments. Science is one of our favourite subjects and we have also started looking at planets and our solar system.. We have been on many adventures to the moon in our cardboard rocketship that we created. We have also travelled to the deep ocean where we met and patted some sea stars, cucumber and sea urchins and went on a storybook journey with Tilly the Sea Turtle.

Please make sure that you are packing a hat for your child every day for outdoor play.

Please remember to label all of your child's belongings, even underwear so we know who it belongs to.

As the days are getting warmer we will be doing some water based play activities. Can parents please pack a change of clothes in a zip lock bag with your childs name on it or bring along a pair of togs and sun shirt.

Until next time

Miss Kat and Miss Kan

Senior Kindy News  

Hello Families, 

We hope you are enjoying Spring as much as we are. All the daisies that our children have planted are flowering beautifully and we check on them and water them daily.

We have had a few new friends join us in the Senior Kindy room. Welcome to our room Spencer, Harmony and Isla and we are happy to have you and your families in our little community. Everyone is settling in well, making new friends, learning and growing.

The Senior Kindy children have begun preparations for their Christmas concert. They will perform for all of their families on the night of the Christmas Party and will all be little superstars.

We have been learning about safety lately and have covered the topics of fire safety, water safety and road safety so far. We were visited by the fire brigade from Cannon Hill Fire station which was very exciting for the children.

As always we welcome any feedback, input and contributions from families as we work together for the benefit of all our wonderful children.

Miss Gordana and Miss Ai.

PreSchool News  

Gurumba Bigi everyone!(Translation-Good day to you in the Yugera language)

The last couple of months have been very busy in the Pre school room with lots of fun activities and learning.

We are continuing with learning phonetic sounds to individual letters. Some of the children are beginning to recognise the beginning sounds of words through these activities. The children are also using their fine motor skills and hand/eye coordination to trace the letters and patterns in readiness for writing next year. We are also tracing mazes to develop this skill.

​During group time the children are continuing to look at opposites and positional words such as behind, beneath and on top of. We are also beginning to identify numbers and patterns through various activities ranging from recognising the days of the week and what the date is. this helps develop an understanding of ordinal and cardinal numbers.

Some topics we have explored lately are how to call 000, lifecycles of butterflies, frogs, bees and crocodiles. When we explored the lifecycle of a honey bee, we also explored how honey is made.

As part of our understanding of Indigenous culture the children explored art forms from both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. The children thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of weaving various objects through wool and we are continuing to learn some common Yugera words and count to 5 in the language.

We have explored flight by making our own paper planes which are hanging in the room. The children were very interested in how colours can combine to make new colours. Through this exploration we looked at different art activities that saw colours combined through different mediums.

The children are very involved in the garden and are looking at how different plants grow and change. Through this we were able to see the butterfly lifecycle fully when we found caterpillars in the garden.

The children are using their senses to explore the environment. This came in handy with the Ocean Life experience visit where the children were able to participate fully using their sense of sight and touch to investigate the live sea creatures on display.

As the end of the year approaches the children are busily getting ready for their graduation and Christmas concert. We are working to make sure everything is ready for our performances and for school next year.

Please don't hesitate to come and see us if you have any feedback or input.

Miss Odette and Miss Jonabeth.