By on Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Category: Cleveland Early Learning Centre

Cleveland Early Learning Centre June News

Can you believe that we are halfway through the year already? 

In all my years working in Early Childhood Education, I have not experienced such a tumultuous and eventful year, as I am sure you are the same.

I am so very proud of our children, at their resilience and reaction to change during these last few months. As at many workplaces, staff have had to change and adapt with changes to hours during Job Keeper, enrolment numbers and personal health reasons. Our children who have attended, have adapted to these changes well, with most children settling with other educators and children who they may not have been as familiar with.  As a manager, I have tried to maintain a continuum of care for our children and hope that all these disruptions have not affected your family too much.

Recently 3 new Educators have joined our team. We have Adriana, Ana and Emma now working for us.

Ana is currently working in the Kindergarten room. Emma will begin in the Toddler room from next week and Adriana is working across all rooms. We hope you get to know these ladies in time as they care and nurture your children.

Reintroduction of Fees

As you may have seen in the media this week, childcare fees are to be reintroduced the week beginning July 13th. Each family should have received an email regarding this. If you have not, and need to change enrolment details,  please see me at the front desk or phone the centre on 32864446 to discuss.

Centre Photos

We are excited to have Centre photos coming up in July. These will be on Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th July. Our photographer this year will be David Pforr photography.

An outside studio will be set up in the playground for  individual photos, and the class photo will be a collage of all the children in the group. This will eliminate gathering issues with parents having to wait around while this was to be taken. If your child does not attend on any of these days, we will arrange a time for you to attend the centre to have their photo taken.

Centre Activities

Recently our little people have been very interested in  our world around us, especially our natural environment. We have had discussions and activities about plants and where our food has come from. This week we followed up  on this interest by replanting our vegetable garden. This was greeted with much excitement from our children as they assisted Miss Fiona in planting many different varieties of vegetables. We cant wait to see them grow!  Please take a look at our gallery and have a peek at the garden next time you are in.

To extend further on our interests, we will commence our nature walks once again. Please look out for permission forms in the next couple of weeks.

We cant wait to be out and about again!

Kind regards,
