By on Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Category: Cleveland Early Learning Centre

Cleveland Early Learning Centre June Newsletter

 Dear Families, 

Welcome to our June Newsletter!

Wow, can you believe we are already half way through the year! Before you know it, we will all be out Christmas shopping.

This month we have welcomed many new families into our close knit centre. All children seem to have settled in well, forming friendships with the other children, and forming close bonds with the team of educators. Please always remember to communicate any concerns with a team member, as we believe Parents are the first educator of their child, and we are here to work alongside families to obtain the best outcomes for your child. 

We are excited about our upcoming Open Day next Saturday June 22nd from 10am-1pm. Everyone is invited to attend this event, with a free jumping castle, face painting, and sausage sizzle. Happy Feet will be doing a special presentation class at 11am for Parents and children to join in. We look forward to showcasing our beautiful centre to the community. 

We hope you enjoy reading through our centre newsletter this month.

Policy of the Month For Review

This month we will be looking at our Biting policy. Please find it attached with this newsletter.

Please take some time to have a read of this policy. Your feedback or comments are encouraged.

Loose Parts 

We would like to start a Loose parts collection station at the centre.

Please start collecting bottle tops, material, wool, containers, corks, etc... for the children to use in collage and contraction play.

Racheal's Kitchen

Please see below a great idea to entice our fussy eaters to eat a little more fruit. Racheal has served the fruit platter to our children on numerous occasions to encourage our little people to eat more fruit! Please remember to check out the menu when you are dropping off your child.
We are also sad to say that Racheal will be leaving our team in the very near future. She has made a huge contribution to the centre, having been instrumental in the opening of the centre, and developing and planning of the menu and educational program of the centre. We wish her all the best for her future career!


 Kindergarten News

 June 2019

Welcome to the June edition of the Kindergarten newsletter.

This month saw the children go on their very first excursion. In the lead up to the excursion, Miss Christa looked at lots of road safety rules and the importance of following instructions, to ensure their safety. The children were confident in knowing what to do, which was shown through discussions and putting it into practise. The children were super excited to visit the library, and even more excited about borrowing books. This was followed by a visit to the local Woolworths store, where the children learnt about where the food was stored and made. Their favourite part of this excursion was throwing cardboard into the compactor. The children now do weekly or fortnightly visits to the library, where they participate in different experiences and activities, as well as their favourite, borrowing books, using their very own library cards. Miss Christa has been introducing ways to care for books as well as title and author.We were very lucky to have some parent helpers come along, sharing in our excursion experience. If you would like to accompany us on an excursion, feel free to chat to Miss Christa or Miss Petra. The children had a visit from Miss Michelle, a Prep teacher from Cleveland State School. She sang some songs and told some stories with the children, using props, and the children as characters. This led to a visit to Cleveland State School for their under 8's celebration. The children enjoyed a range of activities such as painting, kite making and the fort. This was to help familiarise the children with the environment, as well as the teachers, in preparation for the transition to school. 

Nursery News

Nursery newsletter for the month of June 2019

This month in the nursery we will be focusing on sustainability and sensory as the children have really taken a liking to each of these.

If you have any concerns that you would like to discuss with us please feel free to come and have a chat

Just a few friendly reminders:

Miss Yolene and Miss Elisa

 Pre Kindy News

Dear Families,

This month has seen a lot of excitement in the Pre Kindy room. Again this month we are focusing on your child's identity , sense of belonging in their environment and what makes them unique. The children's ALL ABOUT ME have been displayed with family photos, name rocks and our hand prints have also displayed on the wall. Could you please bring a photo in if you haven't already that we could keep and display on our wall, or you can email a photo to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will print it for you.

We welcome Lillith into our room who transitioned from the Early Learners room and also welcome our new friend Bella. We look forward to watching them grow and learn here with us in the Pre Kindy class.

This month we have incorporated cultural celebrations into our program and curriculum including Mothers Day, National Sorry Day and Reconciliation week and celebrations through arts and crafts, cooking activities, stories and celebrations.

I have also introduced sensory play to the children including wool strings, bubble wrap and moon sand. The children have been really engaged with these experiences. We are confident and involved learners as we looking into experimenting and investigating with science. Experimenting with magnets, float and sink experiment, and experimenting on scales, weighing different materials to see whether they are heavy or lighter. We also focused on challenging our physical wellbeing during inside play and outdoor play.

Extending the children's learning have also been our focus in this month program and curriculum. By extending the children's learning, this promotes positive interactions and positive learning for all children.

Just a few friendly reminders:

Please label all your child's belongings.

Please bring a hat every day your child attends care.

Please bring sheets top and bottom in sheet bag every day your child is at care.

Please bring enough spare clothes for your child and now that winter is upon us please pack enough warm clothes for your child.

Thank you

Miss Mere.

Early Learners News

Another exciting month it has been in the Early Learners.

The Children's interests have been our focus in this past month. By encouraging the children's interests we have promoted positive interactions and extensions of learning. This has happened with the moon and stars. Each day the children look up into the sky to find our moon . We then discuss the shape and type of moon we see.

The children are also showing more and more interest in spending time in the Large playground as they are growing in confidence in their capabilities and physical abilities.Families, if your child has an interest that you would like me to extend or explore please share this.

Throughout our June program and curriculum we will be focusing on more cultural celebrations, and extending on their interest of the moon and stars.

We will also explore sensory play, using shaving foam, flour, and sand to activate our senses such as touch, taste, smell and vision. This month  so far the children have made their own moon sand!

We have also explored an experiment where we made our own volcano using bicarb soda, vinegar and a plastic bottle. The children helped make the volcano come to life in the sandpit by creating a tall mountain of sand around the bottle. Together we then added the bicarb into the bottle with red food colouring, and lastly added the vinegar. The children were very amazed and excited to see the red lava explode from the volcano.

Pleas continue to send in a photo of your family to add to our wall as this created a sense of belonging to our room.

Thank you so much for your input, ideas and discussions and we look forward to another fantastic month in the Early Learners.

Miss Mandi

Toddler News

 Toddlers Newsletter

Recently we have been practising colour recognition and language develop ,the children have been engaging in learning with concentration and curiosity throughout the days. We have been focusing on the children's interests and strengths by painting, collage and drawing to increase their confidence of learning and sense of belonging. They have been increasing speech and communication skills around the community.

In the last month, we have also been focusing on The Early Years Learning Outcome 1 – children's identity as we welcome all of the new children who have started care with us at Cleveland Early Learning Centre. We have been getting to know the children and building positive and trusting relationships to ensure the children have the best quality of care during their learning journey. We hold high expectations for the children, focusing on their strengths and building on their learning every day through planned experiences and planning and learning through play. Through focusing on all of this, not only have our new and current children built positive connections with educators but are also building and developing on their social and emotional wellbeing, creating life long friendships with the children in their room.

Miss Joyce and Miss Brianna