By on Tuesday, 20 August 2019
Category: Cleveland Early Learning Centre

Cleveland Early Learning Centre News!!

Cleveland Early Learning Centre has become very busy this month, with many new families joining our service. We welcome all our new families and trust that you are settling in well. Our occupancy rate has grown significantly, with our centre almost 60% full as of this week. This is very exciting for us as educators as we are able to grow our programs to encompass all the interests of the children in our centre. 

The Out and About program is doing very well, with the children participating in walks to the local park, to the Cleveland Library and to the markets for Crazy EKKA Wednesday. Each of these excursions are a valuable learning experience for our children as they learn about their community. their world around them and have opportunities to interact with members of the public. We are looking forward to having the local nursing home visit us in the very near future, as part of this program. It will be a wonderful opportunity for both the children and our older members of our community to interact together.

Save the Date

As part of our First Birthday celebrations, we will be having a Bollywood style disco and mini market on Friday October 25th.

Please mark this date in your diary as it will be a fantastic night. More info and advertising to come soon.

WHATS Coming Up At Cleveland Early Learning Centre

 Father's Day Breakfast 30th August
All our fabulous Dads are invited to a Father's Day Breakfast on Friday 30th August. Bacon and Egg rolls will be served from 7am- 8am for all our Dads or Grandads.
Dental Visit- 4th September
Our Pre Kindy and Kindergarten groups will be visited by a dental team to talk about oral health and hygiene.
World Educators Day- 4th September
We will be celebrating our wonderfully talented educators on this day. Children will be invited to write a note to their educator in the foyer. There will even be a surprise for all lovely  Educators because we think they are the best!
Book Week Dress Up September 11th
We will be celebrating our love of books with a "Dress as Your Favourite Book Character" on Wednesday September 11th. Please dress up and join in the fun and celebrations of our love of literacy!
Spot the Dog Story Time fun- 24th September- Cleveland Library
Our Pre Kindy and Kindergarten children will be enjoying an excursion to the library to join in on the adventures of Spot the Dog.

Nursery News

Over the last month we have had some new friends join our Nursery family – Ayden, Brooklyn, Leo, Lilly and Ava they have settled well into their new surrounding and have had made some great relationships within the group; interacting and having conversations throughout the day.

We are continuing with embedding the different cultures into our room, we sent out a note asking for families to provide a family photo so we can add it to our cultural wall, we would love to have your photo displayed along with the others.

As the weather is warming up could we please remember to bring a hat for your child every day your child attends.

We also ask that you fill your child's book out each day as Elisa and I are not always there when you arrive with your child.

Just a few friendly reminders:

Toddler News

Toddler's newsletter of August

Recently the Toddlers room have been focusing on developing their health and emotional welling, playing indoor and outdoor in both fine motor and gross motor activities. We set up physical environment with instruments to encourage dancing to different types of music, with the children engaging effectively, moving their bodies in many interesting ways, stretching up high, bending down low, running on the spot and jumping up and down. This type of activity achieved outcomes of well being learning. To support many of our new children we spent time with them, to build a trusting relationship between us, and because of this the new children have settled very nicely with confidence in their new environment.

To follow up with physical well being and gross motors skills, I have implemented fun physical activities into the program for this month, where the children will be exercising while car racing and bike racing. The children have showed great gross motor skills so far while doing this and we will continue to focus on social skills next couple of weeks.

Kindergarten News

The kindergarten children have developed confidence in their acknowledgment to country, which is said each morning. This is an important part of their morning routine, as they acknowledge the Quandamooka people. Following this, the children look at Jolly Phonics. They have a quick revision of the previous letters they have looked at, as well as the current letter. The turn around for each letter is currently 2 weeks. During this time, the children learn the song, learn the sound and assist to make a word bank of words starting with the focus letter.

I will be holding parent teacher interviews next week. Please see the sign on the door for available times and dates. If you would like to have an interview, please see me and I can book you in. The interviews are for you to ask any questions, raise any concerns, and set goals for your child, which I can help them achieve.

As the school year is quickly approaching, I will be working more with the children in encouraging their self help skills. These will include cleaning their lockers each day by placing their belongings in their bags, and zipping them up. I will be encouraging the children to carry their own bags, as well as remembering their hats and water bottles. I will make a visual tag to attach to their bag, to assist in learning what they need to bring.

Most Tuesdays we attend the Cleveland Library. During this time, the children are borrowing books. If you would like to have your book longer than a week, please let me know. I have only reduced it to a week turn around, so the books are easier for you to keep track of. If you would like to attend the library with us, please see myself or Petra, and we can discuss a day and time with you.

Over the past month, I have been working with the children to develop the necessary skills in writing their name. This included finger painting their names, tracing over the dots, to copying their names. The children are excellent at recognising their names, as well as most of their peers. I have introduced writing and recognising surnames, as well as developing skills in writing first names. Last week I placed a poster in each child's family pocket in the hallway, about pencil grip. I will be using this as a transition tool, to ensure that the children are holding a pencil correctly, before they start Prep. 

Pre Kindy News

 Welcome to the Pre Kindy newsletter.

What an exciting month in the Pre Kindy!

The children have been very engaged , enthusiastic learners and participants in variety of activities and experiences.

During morning group time the children have been looking at the weather and day of the week. Together we sit in a yarning circle and discuss the days of the week followed by the children telling me what the day is and the date. To determine the date, the children look at what the date was the previous day, then count until they find the following number. The children are encourage to look outsideto see what the weather is doing.

This month we have also incorporated cultural celebrations into our program and curriculum including NAIDOC week, Friendship day and Pyjama day celebrations through arts and crafts, cooking, stories and celebrations. NAIDOC week saw the Pre Kindy children immersing themselves into our Indigenous culture with some interesting educational experiences. We are continue to follow our interest in learning more about our first peoples.

The children have had the opportunityto create gardens in our garden beds. Planting native shrubs and learning about sustainability. Introducing recyclable materials into our everyday arts, crafts and activities is showing how to reuse items and caring for our environment.

Bush Kinder has started in the Pre Kindy. This experience providing the children with sort walks to the local park, where they get to explore nature and collect natural materials to use in our arts and crafts.

Early Learners News

Another exciting month in the Early learners!

I would like to Welcome our new friends into our class Gianna and Phoenix. Welcome to Cleveland Early Learning Centre, we look forward to watching you grow and learn with us. I would also like to welcome Claudia, Arrien and Alise into the Early Learners, as these children have graduated from the toddler room. And not forgetting Miss Makayla, who is now a permanent Educator in the Early Learners.Welcome All!

With our room increasing with new children, we have now created an indoor/outdoor program that continues throughout the day. Where the children have access to both indoor/outdoor spaces as they please.

This past month the children focussing on Transport. Researching, discovering and experiencing all means of transport, incorporating this into our daily discussions.

Families with the weather becoming windy and cool over the next few weeks, providing spare warm clothing will be helpful. Also we all like to enjoy some messy sensory experiences where we my need a change of clothes.

This next month the children's interest of the Ocean will be our topic of discussion.