By on Thursday, 11 July 2019
Category: Cleveland Early Learning Centre

Cleveland Newsletter

Cleveland Early Learning Centre July Newsletter

Welcome to our July News.

Our centre has been very busy  with many fun learning experiences for the children.

We have started excursions to the library, and to the local park for nature walks. This has been very exciting for the children. Our Pre Kindy group will be joining our Kindergarten children on visits to the Cleveland Library for story time sessions. Our families will be notified of this closer to the dates.

The Redlands Mobile library visited the centre earlier this week as an extension to the excursions we have been doing. All our children participated in this and were able to visit the van and see all the books. Some children even were able to borrow books to take home!

We celebrated our centre by hosting an open day. All our educators and children planted native plants and created some beautiful artwork for displays in preparation for our Open Day. We thank all our families who attended on the day. We hope you had fun. 

Health and Safety News- Please remember to bring your child's sheets in a separate cloth bag as this helps with keeping  each child's sheets from touching, and much easier for the children to access.  

Whats Coming Up

Kindergarten and Pre Kindy Parent/Teacher Interviews- if your child is in the Kindergarten program or the Pre Kindy program, Miss Christa and Miss Mereoni will be planning times for 15 minute interviews. We will be sending out details very soon.

RED NOSE DAY- we will be having a red nose day to raise awareness of SIDS on Friday 9th August.

EKKA Fun Day!- we will be celebrating the EKKA at the centre on Wednesday 14th August. 

Public Holiday Monday August 12th- we are closed on Monday 12th August for the EKKA public holiday. We will be open on Wednesday 14th as normal.

Room News

Nursery News

Nursery newsletter for the month of July 2019

This month in the nursery we welcomed to new friends to our family – Mason, Charlotte and Shayne, they have settled well into their new surrounding and their new friends have helped with this by interacting and having conversations with them throughout the day.

We have been looking into the indigenous culture as we celebrate Naidoc Week 8th July to 12th July 2019, we are experiencing the way they lived off the land, the music they played and also how the art work was created. The children experienced using sticks to paint on leaves with, they played with small wooden pieces with aboriginal symbols on them with them meaning of them. We also talked about the meaning of the colours ofthe flag and why it is important to them.

Black – represents the Aboriginal people of Australia.

Yellow circle – represents the Sun, the giver of life and protector.

Red – represents the red earth, the red ochre used in ceremonies and Aboriginal peoples' spiritual relation to the land.

We also looked at our own cultures as we have so many different ones within the room and centre.

Toddler News

The toddlers have been learning many different areas of development such as exploring identity, hygiene practice, taking care of our environment through the care of our garden and body part recognition through the identification of our body art flashcards and many songs. The children showed interest in exploring different identities through role plays and our professional doll characters, they interacted and communicated with educators verbally and non-verbally whilst exploring and recognising the characters.

The toddlers engaged in planting flowers and plants in our new garden beds and participate in taking care of them every day and watching them to grow showing their respect for the environment around them.

It is winter so many children have runny noses as is the usual occurrence during this season, they have been practicing wiping their own noses with tissues and washing hands afterwards, the children show their growing enthusiasm for learning hygiene practices every day.

Recently we have been focusing on body part recognition, most of the toddlers are able to communicate with educators and are learning and expanding their vocabularies, we will continue to develop their language and encourage positive social interactions throughout our weekly programs.

This week we have been acknowledging and exploring Indigenous Australian culture and artwork by creating dots paintings on natural materials and made some Aboriginal flags using hand prints and collage, the children are curious about new styles of painting and love to explore their artistic creativity through these activities.

We would like to welcome Miss Sam as the new permanent assistant educator in the toddlers room joining.

Miss Joyce and Miss Sam

Early Learners News

What an exciting month in the Early Learners!
We would like to welcome Lenny and Jemynie to Cleveland Early Learning, and Austin who has graduated from the Toddlers into the Early Learners.
Welcome Families.
Over the past month we have been focusing on our environment and sustainability practices. The children have had the opportunity to create gardens in our garden beds. Planting native shrubs and learning about sustainability. Introducing recyclable materials into our everyday arts, crafts and activities is showing how to reuse items and caring for our environment.
Families feel free to bring in any recyclable or reusable items from home, as the children are showing awareness of the three "R's" Recycle, Reuse and Reduce.
We look forward to another exciting month, with adding Bush Kinder into our program. The children will be taking short walks to the local park, where they get to explore nature and collect natural materials to use in our arts and crafts.

Pre Kindy News

The children are all settling and adjusting to life in the Pre Kindy room really well as we welcome new faces to their group. We welcome Anja and Ruhi to our Pre Kindy family and it's been great to see our "oldies" take their new friends under their wings as they show them the ropes.

The children have been very engaged, enthusiastic leaners and participants in variety of activities and experiences. The children have used many skills relating to science and math as they pour and fill, engage in experiments and use a variety of strategies in their play. We have been engaged in experimenting with mixing colours, colour changing milk experiments, using eye droppers to transfer water and experiment with magnets. We also have been exploring lots of sensory play including shaving cream, moon sand and finger paintings. We also took a pretend trip to New Zealand and England which the Pre Kindy children were really excited about. Pretend play is very important for children's development and learning. The children can take on and try out roles from familiar family scenes, local community's experiences and imaginative fantasies.

We have also been learning our names at group time, what our names looks like, recognising our names on our rocks and recognising the first letter of our names on the alphabet poster. This learning gives the children their sense of identity and sense of belonging.

We are also encouraging the children to be more independent by asking them to complete tasks for themselves such as washing their dishes after meals, making their beds, putting their belongings in their bags or locker, applying sunscreen and tidy up the room.

Just a few reminders:

Until next time,

Miss Mere.

Kindergarten News

Welcome to the Kindergarten newsletter.

The children have shown a large interest in the collage trolley and expanding their imagination as they create marvellous works of art. Painting, gluing, colouring just to name a few, however the list is never ending. We are always looking for donations of paper, magazines, collage materials etc, so if you have any, the children on Cleveland Early Learning Centre would greatly appreciate them.

Over the last month, the children looked at what healthy foods. This included looking at always and sometimes foods. The children showed their knowledge through telling me what foods they could have sometimes and why. The children continue to show their understanding of these foods, through their conversations with each other, as they play and at meal times. Miss Ashlee assisted the children to make fruit kebabs, which was a huge hit. The children demonstrated their ability to follow instructions and use a knife safely (as they cut their own fruit).

The children participated in a routine centre fire drill. I sat with the children and explained what was about to happen and what my expectation was. The children had the opportunity to ask any questions and raise any concerns they had. Once the fire drill was over, I revisited the topic with the children, ensuring they understood the importance of why we need to leave all our belongings behind and line up at the door straight away.

Each morning the children have been looking at the weather. Together, we sit in a yarning circle and sing the days of the week song. This is followed by the children telling me what the day is and the date. To determine the date, the children look at what the date was the previous day, then count until they find the following number. The children look outside to see what the weather is doing, which is followed by looking in the tablet at what the weather tells us. The children guess what the temperature is, before checking the tablet. Together, we identify the numbers, and count until we reach that number.

This month has seen the introduction of Jolly Phonics. A program designed for children around developing skills in letter sounds. It also guides children in developing knowledge around what words start with that letter, As the year progresses, this will also move onto looking at letter blends (such as sh, ch). The children are so far enjoying this program, surprising me with their prior knowledge base. The jolly phonics letter that the children look at each week, is the letter the children will also be developing skills in writing.