By Yolene Felix | Cleveland on Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Category: Cleveland Early Learning Centre


Where has the year gone? Can't believe it is June next week. Please see photos of our beautiful children at the centre, showing us what they have been up to in the month of May.

With the weather starting to cool down we ask that you dress your child accordingly & to please pack extra clothing just in case.


As stated in our Policies - we ask that your child does not bring toys to the centre as this can cause distress not only to your child but the other children as well, we encourage that you speak to your child & get them to leave their special toy on their car seat for when they get picked up in the afternoon, if they would like to bring a cuddly for rest time that will be fine. 

In regard to Breakfast, although we do not supply breakfast, we do have milk for those who need it & a reminder that breakfast cut off time is 7:30am, as this is when we like to separate the older children from the younger ones.

Please watch your children when in the carpark, as we have had a few near misses where parents are entering the carpark & children are running around while the parent is still getting their belongings out of the car. Please ensure you know where your child is at all times, we wouldn't want to have any accidents to happen.

Please remember if your child is unwell, we do ask that you keep them home until they are well; especially with the colder months approaching us.

Cleveland Early Learning Educators