By on Tuesday, 11 December 2018

December 2018 News

What a wonderful and eventful year we have all shared together!

We have welcomed so many new families to our Piptree family, and cannot wait to create amazing memories with you all.

The time has now come, for us to share our last news for 2018.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continual support this year.  It has no doubt been very eventful, but your encouragement, respect and support have made everything worthwhile.  I look forward to continuing to work with you in 2019!

​From the office, wishing you all a very Merry, and safe Christmas and Happy New Year.


We are so excited for our Christmas party this Friday, we hope to see everyone there as it'll be a day to remember.

We have been dancing and singing lots of Christmas songs, the children have been enjoying this and the one on one time they have with myself and Ms Julie. The pips have been drawing activities to help with pencil grip! We are doing well with this and are becoming comfortable to hold the pencil properly. 

With Christmas not too far we have been busy creating wreaths, which were fun for the children as they could use their own creativity and fine motor movement to pick up the small pieces and place them on the glue. They look great and we can't wait to show you all.

We have welcomed our newest friend Evelyn to the Pip room and she has settled in ever so nicely. Evelyn really enjoys it outside and loves the swings. Evelyn is practising her standing and is so strong in her legs!

As the weather has been so lovely and warm, we have been playing outside and enjoying a lot of water play.  Being involved in these experiences help the children cool down but have loads of fun too.

We can not wait to celebrate with everyone on Friday for the Graduation and Christmas party, its going to be such a fun afternoon.

It has been such a pleasure being a part of your child's life and we can not wait to watch them continue to flourish and grow.

Have a very Merry Christmas and an even better new year.

Lots of love Ms Taylah and Ms Julie


Happy summer everyone! 

Amazing things are happening here at Sprouts! We are witnessing acts of kindness, sympathy, caring-sharing among the other children, love of nature and how we take care of it and a display of independence and initiative in self help and simple tasks.

With the previous months, each day was an opportunity as we focused on our Family, Friends and Feelings which had brought fun activities to our adorable toddlers. Thank you for filling out our "Sunday in detail" family activity. This is to support the foundation of empathy and friendship in order to build feelings of safety which enable the children to gradually move further away themselves and develop more relationships with others.

Christmas is the focus of this month which includes variety of learning developments. Our activities range from fine motor activities like arts and play dough, which strengthen the fingers and hand muscles of the children in preparation for writing in the future; Sensory and cognitive activities as the toddlers love experimenting, thinking, solving problems and learning all the time. 

Through exploration and experimentation, the children develop the ability to think, understand, communicate, make memories, imagine and work out what might happen next.

We also need to address transition to the next class and reinforce the expectation that learning will continue until the children's last day at Sprouts. The more time we spend setting children up for success, the better.

Summer is upon us and we will be doing a lot of water play and sensory messy play. Please provide many changes of clothing as we would like your child to enjoy, explore, have fun but is safe and healthy.

Thank you everyone and Have a Merry jolly Christmas!


As the end of this year is fast approaching we would like to take this moment as a time of reflection and gratitude. 

We appreciate the partnerships and relationships we have formed with the families over this year to care, nurture and teach our Buds children. The educators in the room, Miss Innie, Miss Shahnaz and I have enjoyed watching all children participate in our curriculum, developing a strong sense of identity. 

The Buds children have been provided with consistent opportunities and routines to help them gain a positive sense of well being so they may flourish confidently and healthily as they grow. We are constantly surprised when we think about how far the room children have come this year, with their language, social skills, independence, toileting, vocabulary, everything!

Christmas: As we are very close to Christmas, we started talking about Santa and presents which is the favourite part of Christmas for children. We will be organising Christmas activities in the following weeks which can be seen in our daily programming updates. Along with the above activities, the children will also involved in some other activities such as drawing, painting, play dough, dramatic play, block construction, and so on. We will keep trying our best to enhance children's learning and skills.

We wish you a very enjoyable holiday and look forward to seeing you back in 2019!

Thanks Na, Innie and Shahnaz


We're finally here!! 

Yes, its December.. It's crazy to think that a whole year has passed! 

The children have grown up so much, they have truly BLOSSOMED. 

The children started off their year with a fresh face, ME. 

They were all so welcoming and made me feel right at home with all the cuddles! 

The children also welcomed Mr Shane with open arms, they all absolutely love him! 

Throughout the year we have learnt many new things – washing our own dishes, making our beds (these being just a couple things we learnt). We have also learnt about how to be a good friend, how to use our words – we focused on helping the children find their voice, their confidence and their independence. I think we have achieved just that! Each and every child is a confident communicator, very self confident and independent in every way.. but we do miss the little things. We miss helping the children put on their socks and shoes and putting on their sunscreen, but we still get our cuddles when they wake up from rest time (favourite part of the day). The children set high goals for themselves, and now in the last month of the year we look back and see how much they have achieved and how much they've exceeded in each task.

Both Mr Shane and I are so proud of all the children, we have had a blast being their educators and will miss them all. 

Merry Christmas everyone, hope you all have safe and happy holidays with your families.

Best of wishes,

Miss Elena and Mr Shane