By on Thursday, 27 February 2020

February Newsletter 2020

 Welcome to February's Newsletter 2020

Hello from the Office,

Welcome to our new families that have joined the centre over the last month. We are very excited about the year ahead.

Over the last month, the Poppy children have been attending story time at Logan West Library, I have had the privilege of going with them. The children are always so excited about Library day. The children have been learning new songs and listening to interactive stories. We are very pleased to have this partnership with the community.

This Year we are continuing our extra curriculum activities. Billy Buddies is on a Thursday morning. $12.50. Register at, Tees Twinkle Toes is on a Wednesday afternoon at 2pm.

Please remember to always bring a drink bottle and sleeping sheets for your child every day.

Up coming events for March:

Wednesday 11th  Piptree's Sports day

Harmony day 21st - Celebrations Friday 20th wear Orange

News from the Pips

The children have been exploring the big yard and interacting with the older children. They have enjoyed playing on the fort, balancing on the balance beams, digging in the sandpit and riding/balancing on the bikes. The children have been exploring water and bubble play. The children have been drawing on chalkboards. They decorated Australian Flag by using red and blue crepe papers for Australia Day and also decorated Australian Aboriginal Flag with black, yellow and red crepe papers. The children have been acknowledging diversity as the children celebrated the Chinese New Year by decorating the rat with some glitter and painted with grey paint.

From Miss Rupinder

News from Buds

The Bud's have had a very busy February learning about all kinds of new things. We started our month by celebrating Waitangi day. We did this by creating korowai collages and learning the Maori colour song. Next, we celebrated Valentine's day. The Bud's celebrated Valentine's day by learning about how to build and maintain positive relationships. The children enjoyed doing friendship and group painting as well as some special coloured sensory play! The Bud's then did some learning about emotions. The children learnt about anger, sadness, and joy through lots of craft and sensory experiences. They also watched the movie inside out! The children were very interested in seeing how some emotions make you look a different way. We ended our month by celebrating international pancake day! This was the children's favourite because they got to eat lots of Miss Sandra's yummy pancakes. Next month we are going to be learning about our cultures and identities in the Bud's room. We will be doing lots of experiences on Australia as well as other countries that the children are from like New Zealand. Let me know if you need me to add more or less or change anything.

From Miss Steph, Miss Chelsea & Miss Alana

News from Blossoms

The Blossoms have had a very busy February! The children have learnt all about transportation. The children explored transport books and magazines. They got messy collaging trackers and doing boat paintings. They then got very interested in barnyard animals by role-playing in the yard. Miss Shy and Miss Emma helped the children create a farmyard theme table for the toy animals. The children role-played and washed the animals as they engaged with each other. Wow, the blossoms got very excited when learning about all the different fruits. The children had their very own art class where they free drew bananas and apples! The children had a blast juicing oranges, to make orange juice!!!

From Miss Shy,

News from Poppies

Hello families, in the Poppies room this month we have been getting very busy getting to know each and improving our writing skills. On a Wednesday the children set out in the Piptree bus to go to our local library. All the children love going on the weekly adventures and learning lots of new things. We enjoy listening to the librarian and reading lots of interesting stories, and she has even shown the children some sign language. We have been learning about Space and all about the planets. The children have been building their confidence and ability to correcting hold a pencil and write their names. This week we have begun learning about animals, and the difference between pets and animals that live on farms. Let's have a marvellous March! 

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