By on Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Blossoming News

From the font desk 

Wow it is the middle of the year already! Lots of exciting things have been happening and lots of new children have joined us, some have come back from holidays and others are fresh and new!

We would like to congratulate the Gavin family on the safe arrival of their baby girl Brooklyn on the 3rd July, sister for Willow and Eli.

Miss Yu Mei (Sophie) will be back mid-August after the recovery from her knee surgery and will continue to shape little minds and deliver high quality Kindergarten program.

Also, we are hoping Miss Lydia will be back in August after some time off, she will be joining Poppies room and continuing to assist Miss Tertia. 


We still have a small number of families who are yet to complete their CCS assessment, this results in an enrolment status of "pending eligibility" on our end and those families are paying full fees until enrolment is confirmed on Mygov. 

If you have not signed a Confirmation of Childcare Agreement (CWA) for booked days please come and see Natasa as soon as possible. 

Special days at Piptree 

 The kindergarten children have been strutting around the room parading in family dress-up clothes or just their own clothes for the past week. For that reason, we discussed and agreed it would be exciting to have our very own fashion show! We will have chairs lined up on either side of a run walk we will create in the room. And don't forget the loud music that will accompany the little models!

The children can bring any clothing they want to show off for the fashion show. As it is Winter, some children asked if they can bring their boots, umbrellas, raincoats. That is a great idea, we can have a winter fashion show as well! Anything goes! PLEASE don't buy anything special for this day, it's all about the children having fun.

Date:Next Thursday, 26 July 2018

Place: Kindergarten room (Poppies)

Jeans for Genes day is on Friday 3rd of August, please dress in your best pair of jeans to raise awareness for birth defects and other genetic diseases.   

We are all very excited for Pyjama Day on Monday 13th August, please come dressed in your cozzie pyjamas to raise awareness for the dreams of Foster children.

 Our centre will be closed on Wednesday 15th August for Brisbane Show Day (EKKA).

Keep smiling

Natasa 😊