By on Wednesday, 03 July 2019

July 2019

 Welcome to the beginning of the second half of 2019!

A few quick reminders for the month of July -

` As we've entered into the 2019-2020 financial year, please check your statements to ensure you are aware of changes to your account due to the changes you made to centrelink.  This includes things like your CCS%, approved hours, and even owing amounts as Centrelink starts to balance out amounts from last financial year.   Please come see me or email if you have any questions on this topic. 

` Recipe books have now been finalised.  They are off to get printed and ready for handover on Friday.  If you haven't ordered one and would like to, please put your order in before 11am tomorrow with any of the educators .  

` Our Centre philosophy has been reviewed and updated to ensure it aligns with and reflects our practises.  Please head over to Educa and take a look at the pinned message board notice.