By on Wednesday, 03 July 2019

July's Blossoming News

News From Kylie

Hi everyone,

A very big welcome to all our new children and their families I would like to extend a warm welcome, we hope that your children will learn many new skills whilst attending the centre and that their families will enjoy the support and encouragement of our friendly team of professionals working here. We are quickly approaching the middle of the year.  Hopefully the second half of the year will be as busy as the first half, if not more. We are definitely in for more exciting times. It is only 23 weeks until Christmas Yay!!

Some very important reminders are included in this Newsletter but one of the most concerning for me is that staff are continually telling me they are finding things like medication, plastic bags, creams, lollies, toys etc in children's bags. We need to be vigilant in ensuring the safety of children. You are reminded that the children's bags are easily accessible to all children and that if you leave medication, or plastic bags etc which could easily harm a child in your child's bag and your child or another child gains access to this it has a potential to cause great harm. Please check your child's bag at the beginning of the week prior to them coming to the Centre and remove all harmful materials.

Parent feedback

We always welcome parent input in relation to your child's interests, developmental progress and suggestions for our educational program and how families would like to be involved. Especially your skills we can incorporate into the program, cooking, dancing, story reading, languages etc. Please feel free to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to offer any suggestions.  Please also help us by completing the survey every three months on Facebook and email.

Centre fees

It is that time of year again when centres across Australia increase fees. We here at piptree have decided to put a hold on our fee increase to help assist our families.  

CCS - Child Care Subsidy

As this is now a new financial year please be aware of changes to your account and direct debit due to the changes you  lodged with Centerlink.  This also includes your yearly caps for Subsidy and this will restart again. This should all be sorted in the next few weeks, as this is a busy time for Centerlink.

Car Park

The car park or lack of car parks at certain times continues to be an issue and we would ask again that families remain patient during these peak times.Please be courteous and only take up one car park, some families continuously park across two and this is causing many problems.Please do not park in the staff car parks during the morning drop offs as staff are scheduled to begin their shifts and if they are not able to park then child staff ratios in the rooms are affected. Please ensure your children are properly restrained before leaving the car park. Please also refrain from leaving children in your cars, this is illegal.


Please email the centre or bring in a updated immunisation record for your child file.  You can bring in the book or email Kylie from the medicare app.

Bringing sick children to Day Care 

​Please check your child daily to ensure that they are well enough to attend the Centre. If your child is displaying any of the common symptoms, eg high temp, lethargy, vomiting, not eating, stomach pains etc then they should probably be kept home. We have a duty of care to all the children attending and sick children will be sent home. Regular updates are posted to inform you of any illnesses reported to the centre.

Your child needs to bring to Piptree each day:

Calendar of Events for August

NAIDOC WEEK - 8th July - 12th check your rooms for details

State of origin 10th July  - decided come dressed in your supporting colours GO QLD!!

Term 2 commences - 15th July - Please ensure your children have their homework with them and reading books for us to help them during the afternoon.

PJ Day July 16th – Come dressed in your warm winter Pjs and enjoy a relaxing day of stories and maybe a movie.

International friendship day 30th July - Bring in a flower or create a card to give to your friends and let them know how special they are.

Public holiday 12th August – Centre is closed due to the Exhibition Logan Show day

Important Reminders

Breakfast:The centre does not provide breakfast for the children .For those children bringing breakfast you are reminded that only healthy breakfast cereals etc are acceptable. Breakfast stops at 7.30am due to staff child requirements