By on Friday, 06 July 2018

July's Blossoming News

News from Kylie 

A very big welcome to all our new children and their families I would like to extend a warm welcome, we hope that your children will learn many new skills whilst attending the centre and that their families will enjoy the support and encouragement of our friendly team of professionals working here.

We have had a few changes within the centre as you have probably noticed but we are doing our best to ensure the children's stability is our first priority.  In Blossoms, Miss Kirstin has left us due to health reasons and hopefully returns in early 2019.  In the mean time Miss Tiahn is stepping up.  Once a replacement is found I will let you know as soon as i can.


Well hasn't this change over been fun!  Thank you to everyone who has persevered through all the calls and app changes but once you are sorted all should be great.  For those small minorities that are still not sorted i urge you to please keep in regular contact with centre link until this has been sorted.  If you do have any question about the change over please feel free to come and have a chat and we can make new discoveries. 

Some information/troubleshooting tips.

 Check your child's CRN, enrolment status using your Centrelink online account through myGov or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.  Subsidy is paid for up to 42 absences for each child per financial year. You can use these absent days for any reason, including if the child is overseas. We don't require evidence.

We only count absent days if you would have otherwise received Child Care Subsidy on that day. This includes public holidays.

You need to tell centerlink

If you don't tell them about the changes within 14 days, your subsidy may be affected. We may overpay you and you'll have to pay the money back.

You don't need to tell centerlink if:

We'll only pay Child Care Subsidy to your provider when they send us your attendance information. If you change child care providers, we'll receive attendance information from your new service which means we'll pay the subsidy to them.

Car Park

The car park or lack of car parks at certain times continues to be an issue and we would ask again that families remain patient during these peak times.Please be courteous and only take up one car park, some families continuously park across two and this is causing many problems.Please do not park in the staff car parks during the morning drop offs as staff are scheduled to begin their shifts and if they are not able to park then child staff ratios in the rooms are affected.Please ensure your children are properly restrained before leaving the car park.

Please also refrain from leaving other children in the car.This is illegal and unsafe.

Calendar of Events 

NAIDOC Week - 9-13 July - celebrate a variety of art stories and cooking

Safety Week 23-27 July - Visits from safety teams e.g police fire and ambulance

PJ Day August 1stCome dressed in your warm winter Pjs and enjoy a relaxing day of stories.

Public holiday 13th  August – Centre is closed due to the Exhibition Logan Show day