By on Friday, 05 June 2020

June 2020

 It seems like we are starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel, with some of the restrictions being lifted and reduced!

Majority of the families have now returned, and we have seen a huge spike in attendance numbers the last few weeks.  

I would like to take the time to remind everyone to still follow safe hygiene practices when entering and going through the centre.

Please ensure you are limiting your time in the centre when dropping off and picking up.  I'd like to remind everyone that we encourage families to catch up outside of the premises to limit traffic coming in and out of the centre.

Please also remember to use the hand sanitisers provided at the entrance before entering the rooms and using the kiosk tablet.  Please encourage children to sanitise hands upon arrival also.  

Although restrictions are being lifted, we are by no means anywhere near the end of this pandemic so please continue to follow safe hygiene practices and practice social distancing with educators and families.  

As you would have noticed, it has started to get colder in the mornings and afternoons.  

Please ensure your child is coming in with appropriate clothing, including shoes, socks, and jumpers.   

Centre Photos 

With the restrictions slowly easing, we have started to allow limited external visits again.

Our centre photos have now been rescheduled and booked for Wednesday 24th June and Thursday 25th June.

If your child does not attend on either of these days you are more than welcome to come in for 10 minutes in the morning to get their photo taken.

A new link will be sent out next week for those that wish to purchase photos that haven't done so already.

If you have already paid, rest assured little images has a record of this.  

Please don't hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions.  

Next week's Roster -  

As per the email sent out on Thursday night, there has been some changes to the staff you see in the mornings and afternoons. 

Please see the roster below for the changes.  A copy of this can also be found on our parent information wall in the foyer.   

Upcoming events  

Tuesday 9th June - Aboriginal Culture Story "The Rainbow Serpent" Show (10am)

Thursday 18th June - Ocean Life visit (10am)

Wednesday 25th June & Thursday 25th June - Centre Photos

Please click the links below to leave us a review! We would really appreciate it.  

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