
​Wow it's June, were has the year gone?.  We have been busy here at Mini Mees. 

The Ella program is in the full swing in the pre-prep room.  The Language and Literacy program that is run by Yugumbir State School is well under way, the children are responding very well.

Winter is upon us Brrrrrrrrrr........

Now that we are heading into the cooler months, could we please remember that we need to bring in warm clothes, if it gets too warm we can always assist your child to take their jumpers etc off.

With this please remember that spare clothes are important and to ensure that your child has a few sets of weather appropriate spare clothes in their bag, should they have an accident or come across some excess water. 

We have had some exciting visitors visit the centre. The Logan City Council came out and gave a talk about dog safety and how to act when around strange dogs. We also learnt about caring for our pets.
The Kindy listening to Ros play his instruments

Captain Rob

 We also had a visit from Captain Rob.

The children sang some songs, and learnt about water safety in the ocean.

Captain Rob showing us some world flags

Vacation Care

​Vacation Care starts on 26th June until 7th July.  Lots of visits to the park for sausage sizzles and run around.

Permission slips will be placed in the children that are attending on those days pockets.  Some of the outings will include the pre-prep children, and Miss Lee-Anne.