By Hayley Le | Kidz Magic - Capestone on Friday, 09 April 2021
Category: Kidz Magic - Capestone

April 2021 Newsletter - Kidz Magic Capestone

Dear parents and guardians,

Welcome to yet another Monthly Newsletter for 2021.

The year just keeps flying by so fast!

This month we have welcomed our newest team member Miss Narelle into our team.

Narelle is a higher experienced and qualified Early Childhood Teacher and will be working within both our Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 classrooms to support Miss Cathy and Miss Claudia's program as well as their scheduled leave days and programming/planning time.

We are so pleased to have Narelle join the team and I encourage everyone to stop and say hi when you're in next.


-Please ensure you are correctly signing your children in/out each day. If children are not correctly signed in they will be marked as absent and this will then need to be rectified at a later date. If you observe this during your sign in just let reception know and we can support with making the amendment for this.

-We ask that all children arrive each morning by 9:30am or 10am at the latest. Our programs of planned learning experiences commence in our rooms from 9:30am with morning tea at 9am.

-We ask that you please ensure all accounts are kept up to date. Accounts must be 1 week in advance at all times as per our policy and any changes to your income or activity hours must be notified to Centrelink and then to us so that we can be aware of any upcoming changes and make adjustments to your accounts to support quickly and efficiently. Please ensure your familiar with the day in which your payments are scheduled to avoid missed payments and then dishonour fees ($14.95).

-Our calendar of events is all set up for 2021. If you haven't had a copy of this please see reception and we can print one for you. All upcoming events are also shared on Educa, signs on the front door and our Monthly Newsletters. We ask that you please keep up to date with any incursion visits such as the baby animal farm

Vacancies are now filling up fast with only a few spare spots here and there throughout the service. If you are still waiting on day pick up's and haven't communicated this recently to us please send an e-mail over to reception so we can continue to check on the availability and any upcoming vacancies for you. Currently Monday's and Friday's are our least busiest days and there may be some availability for you if needed so just touch base so we can assist.

Thanks so much

Hayley Le | Centre Director | Kidz Magic - Capestone