Hi Families,

Welcome to our August Newsletter!

Can you believe we are edging closer and closer to Christmas this quick!

It's been a busy month with loads of experiences throughout the service for the children to enjoy.

 A reminder of our Fathers Day/Special Friends morning tea between 7am-9am Friday 2nd September is coming up and we look forward to seeing many of you there.

We also have our lovely table display set up in reception for families to purchase a little gift for their special person.

Don't forget to save the date for our Halloween Disco - this is one of our favourite nights - Friday 28th October at 5.30pm.

School photos are in the process of being completed so we should see these back in the coming months.  Thank you to everyone for placing your orders!

Until next time... Hayley

Hayley Le | Centre Director | Kidz Magic - Capestone  

  • 4 September 2022 - Father's Day

In essence, the date of Father's Day does change every year. This is because it is celebrated a set month and day: the third Sunday of June in the USA, and the first Sunday of September in Australia.

  • 7 September 2022 - Educator's Day

Early Childhood Educators' Day recognises and celebrates the work of Australia's educators in early learning services for their wonderful contribution to the wellbeing and healthy development of the young children in their care. It's a chance to say thank you to Australia's early childhood educators on a very personal level by service operators, families and their children, as well as collectively at the state and national levels.

  • 8 September 2022 -R U Ok Day

It's our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, 'are you OK? ' and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life.

  • 19 September 2022 - Talk Like a Pirate Day

This unique day came to life after two friends started giving pep talks to each other during a game. If you've ever wanted to be the "Ruler of the Seas" or be a fearsome pirate like Davy Jones, today is the day! Talk like you would as a pirate in the 1800s, so instead of saying "Hey, guys!

  • 20 to 25 September 2022 - Recycling Week

Recycle Week is Recycle Now's flagship annual event which is a celebration of recycling across the nation. Now in its 18th year, it's the one week of the year where retailers, brands, waste management companies, trade associations, governments and the media come together to achieve one goal: to galvanise the public into recycling more of the right things, more often.

This year's theme: Step It Up this Recycle Week

Manita - 08/09 - 09/09 and 13/09 - 07/10

Ailish - 21/09 - 04/10 

Mariela - 15/09 - 19/09 

Charmaine - 19/09 - 21/09 

Hayley - 30/09 

Erin -  19/09- 30/09

Amy - 30/09 

Chrystel - 30/09 

 Welcome to August in Nursery 1.

Hello to all our Nursery one old and new families especially to those new little babies that have just started this month we just want to welcome you and hope you are going to enjoy your time with us, it has been a busy month with all the children investigating, exploring, and achieving new milestone's. From the beginning of the year all our babies have had the opportunity to participate in a group learning session every morning where we have been concentrating on one specific colour and number a week along reading a story which we read all week before changing the following week. These have been mostly primary colours and numbers one – five giving our children the opportunity to be able to sit down for a short period of time to concentrate and uses their language skills by identifying and pointing to the colours and even little things that are familiar to them. All our children have already started to develop their language skills through facial expression, words and babbling sounds to express their feelings and emotions and or things they recognise. This has been a high light of our year so far as Sandra and my-self are very proud of all the children how much they have learnt and developed over the last couple of months, we can see changes and milestones reached on a weekly basis and we will continue in supporting our children to reach their potential.

As we are fast approaching the end of the year it's been amazing journey for Sandra and myself to watch our babies develop into toddlers, the children are all comfortable in their surroundings so has those little personalities started to become a lot stronger which brings so much joy to watch each day. Some of our children will start the transitioning process in the late afternoon's which all our parents received an email from Hayley explaining, just to familiarise our children with their new surroundings for next year which really makes it a lot easier for the children in their new adventure.

We would like to thank all our parents for their support over the last couple of months and if there are any concerns or suggestions on your child's development and learning and feel you can contribute, please let us know so we can achieve the best outcomes for our children.

Just a reminder to please make sure our children have some spare cloths in their bags as those cold days don't look like they will be going any time soon.

Miss Alida and Miss Sandra.

 Nursery 2 newsletter for August 2022

Wunya and apa kabar for all our beautiful families. Yes its August and has been so much develops for our little friends in Nursery 2 as well.

Firstly, we would like to say a happy first (1st) birthday to Samuel and Lolita this month.

And we are giving a warm welcome to our new family Calista who joining in our Nursery 2 this month. We will be continuing to support her settling transition within her new environment and routines.

We are so proud of our little friends that they are all has been active and productive at the same time. From be able to hold their spoon during meal time, drinking their water when they need to, settling well for rest time, taking their milk bottle independently, washing their hands before meals time, starting dancing when they hear nursery songs play, starting to communicate with their language to the educators and other peers, recognizing their friends and their name, enjoying story time, enjoying art and craft activities, starting playing in small group and large group and so much more. We are still encourage and support to who are still develops their skills and their milestones too.

Just a small reminder regards naming each belonging it would be so much appreciated.

With Educa, specially for their daily intake information for the day we are not upload the info due we do have our late bottle between 4.30-5pm intake to recorded before we upload at Educa. You are more than welcome to write or take a photo which is located on Nursery 2 bench of your child bag locker when you are collecting your child to update your daily intake.

We do have our "Parent Communication" book provided for all parents/guardian if you have more details to share with us which located on the bench of your child bag locker as well.

We are so appreciated to our parents or guardians until present that we do maintaining a positive relationship when come to your little one needs and developments so "Thank you"

Please take a look of the images of your little ones as follow:

 Hi Everyone,

As always we are working on pre writing skills, shapes and sounds. This month has M, N, O and P. To scaffold and extend on this subject each week we have created activities to link what we are discussing on the board to a more practical activity. For instance for N, we used natural paints to create a nest while using an actual next to touch, feel, discuss and explore as our still life subject. Lev Vygotsky was a Soviet psychologist and childhood theorist who surmised that children learnt about their world through physical interaction. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory asserts that learning is an essentially social process in which the support of parents, caregivers, peers and the wider society and culture plays a crucial role in the development of higher psychological functions.

That being said the children have created some wonderful artworks in association with this, like magical moons, beautiful mushrooms, made octopus tentacles and learnt all about muskrats.

Something we have been working on is the human body, with Miss Charmaine taking the children on a journey of the human body starting with the skeleton.

Miss Dani has been busy with creating sensory items for the room, with the favourite being cinnamon and musk playdough which the children got to take home.

Music and rhythm was something we explored this month, with listening skills being used to copy patterns in music. Using instruments is a great practical way to indrocte ideas of fast, slow, loud, soft, rythm, and mathematics.

Thanks so much,

Miss Amy, Miss Dani, Miss Tabi, Miss ness, Miss Dishu and Miss Charmaine.

 Newsletter August 2022 Kindy One:

Hello from Kindy One! Where has the year gone! It has been such an eventful learning month! As our over arching theme is Fairy Tales, we have been investigating different fairy tales. This month we looked at the Three Billy Goats Gruff, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, How the water got to the plans (a dreamtime story), Jack and the Beanstalk and finally Little Red Riding Hood. We have very much enjoyed reading these fairy tales and talked about the structure of fairy tales, having a beginning middle and end; kind and unkind characters; the setting; and finally, the plot, where we focused on the story problem and the story solution.

Delving in the Three Billy Goats Gruff, allowed for some fantastic STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) to occur. We were posed the question "How could we make a bridge strong enough to hold the goats and maybe even a can of tomatoes?" This required a lot of thinking and problem solving and soon we were creating wonderful bridges with blocks, Lego, arches, etc.

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears provided us with the opportunity to talk about consent. We all noted that Goldilocks did not ask to enter, and that it was the wrong choice. We also were able to practice our mathematic skills of sorting with sizes. Story stones were a great tool used to help us remember the story and tell it in our own words.

Including our dreamtime story, How the water got to the plans, allowed for us to link our notions of stories to culture and we talked about how these stories are past down from generation to generation through story telling.

Jack and the beanstalk was a great story to read; we all loved joining in in saying 'Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum' and we talked about measurement in relation to the beanstalks. We used our unifix cubes to be able to do non-standard measurements. We talked about how when we measure, we must make sure each piece is touching the one before in order to get an accurate measure.

With our Little Red Riding Hood story, we talk about how we should not speak to strangers or tell them where we are going. We talked about how Little Red Riding Hood could of stayed on the path, listened to her mothers instruction and been safe at Grandmas. To work our fine motor skills, we weaved Grandmas basket and then scrunched paper up to be the apples. This was a great way to work on hand-eye coordination as well as strengthening our small muscles in our fingers, which is important for manipulating a pencil.

Group times have been a wonderful time for literacy and numeracy learning. This month we continued to introduce more sounds and used them to create basic CVC words. We talked about what each letter is, whether it is a vowel or constant, and apply our colour codes when writing out words. Black is for the constants, pink for the vowels and blue for the switch sounds. We have also been talking about rhyming words and used the song "I know a word and the word is _________ (Bat). This word _________(Bat) rhymes with __________ (Cat)". As a class we noted that when rhyming the ending sounds the same.

Gross motor skills are important for major body movement such as walking, maintaining balance, coordination, and reaching. These abilities share connections with other physical functions. At 4-5 years of age, we are seeing our friends catching and throwing balls to one another, developing their hand-eye coordination, etc. Working on gross motor skills helps a child gain strength and confidence in his/her body. It also helps them get exercise and physical activity, which is important for a healthy lifestyle. Developing these skills helps a child's ability to do more complex skills in future activities, such as playing soccer with a team.

Science week was great fun as we explored being scientists. We explored chemical reactions and compounds through making lemonade! We all had a try of the lemons after we had juiced it and then added the lemon juice into a jug with water and talked about how much sugar we would need to make it taste wonderful. We talked about how the lemons was sour and had a high acidy rate compared to the sugar; balancing each other out. We measured and used mathematical language as we conducted our experiment. Once we believed we had the right mixture, we of course had to taste test! The general consensus was that it was delicious. We also explored slime and talked about how the glue mixed with the special solution is able to change the glue to only stick to itself not us! We also explored the walking water experiment. We watched the colours move up from the cup onto the paper towel and down into the next cup.

We have been celebrating lots of wonderful days this month. We were able to wear red for red nose day; and blue/jeans for jeans for genes day and enjoyed all the yummy treats on sale which raised a lot of money. India's Independence Day enabled us to talk about why they celebrate it. We talked about how the English were mean to India and on this day many years ago the English left and India was able to do things by themselves. We watched a video about being independent and it linked it back to India's Independence Day.

We have had so much fun and learning this month and look forward to more as we head into the end of term 😊

Many Blessings,

Kindy One Team


Wunya families

August has been a wonderful month with lots of learning opportunities. We have focused on the letters Oo, Uu, Ll and Ff.

We experienced a fantastic incursion from Cool Kids Safety. This was a first aid course for the children that taught them how to establish the difference between asleep and unconscious, how to put someone in the recovery position and how to call 000 on a mobile phone. The children absolutely LOVED this experience and have continued to role play their learning. Thanks for sharing wonderful skills with us.

School photos were a huge success for our Kindy children, we captured such gorgeous photos. Hopefully you have all put in your orders for these.

The weather is warming up now so we are taking off jumpers and shoes in the warmers parts of the day and earlier afternoons. As the afternoon cools, we will get jumpers and shoes back on. PLEASE PUT SUNSCREEN ON YOUR CHILD IN THE MORNINGS ON ARRIVAL. Please ensure they are sent into the playground with their own hat. Every child must have a named sun safe hat EVERY DAY please.

Thanks for your support.

The Kindy 2 Team