By Hayley Le | Kidz Magic - Capestone on Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Category: Kidz Magic - Capestone

March Newsletter - Kidz Magic Capestone

 Dear Parents and Guardians,

Wunya and Welcome to our Newsletter for March 2020.

With March and all the worries of the COVID-19 virus there has been so much happening and I'm sure lots of uncertainty within ourselves, families and the wider community.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that at this point in time, and until otherwise informed, we are continuing to operate as usual. We have been monitoring the coronavirus disease (COVID – 19) and will continue to encourage good hygiene practices within our service as well as adding some additional procedures during this time.

Our service numbers have dropped slightly and we are monitoring this weekly to see where we can allow for educators to take leave, combine classes (where appropriate) and roster accordingly to our numbers and families requirements.

Health and Hygiene

Cleaning of our service

We will continue to ensure cleaning requirements are documented and completed regularly, we have also recently implemented rosters around - end of shift, individual room, monthly and daily full cleans of areas such as bathrooms (twice daily), playgrounds, classrooms (twice daily) and staff and kitchen areas.

Antibacterial hand sanitiser's have been stocked at each hygiene station and we will be purchasing additional supplies in the coming weeks to ensure we keep stocked.

I have also removed our centre water station within our reception area during this time.

On arrival

We ask that on arrival each day that you wash and dry your own and your children's hands.Additional hand sanitiser has been made available in reception as well as on the 5 hygiene stations located throughout the veranda areas.

Our downstairs bathroom is also available for hand washing with soap and water.

*Our extra circular activities such as Tennis, Soccer, Kenitic Kids and Martial Arts have all been cancelled until further notice*

If you are having difficulties with attending care or are concerned in any way please don't hesistate to send me and e-mail or phone me and I can support with the options that are available during this difficult time.

Looking forward to getting through this next step in our journey and getting back on track in the weeks/months to come.

Take care.

Kind Regards,

Hayley Le – Centre Director Kidz Magic Capestone