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May 2021 Newsletter - Kidz Magic Capestone

 Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to our May Newsletter!

Almost half way through the year of 2021 and it's been non-stop for our service.

Vacancies: We have just reached 100% capacity for our Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday bookings. Unfortunately, we are still not able to support with the additional day pick up requests for a few families who are currently waiting. We hope to be able to support with this in the future and ask that you continue to check in and communicate with us any changes or requests so we can best support your needs.

Donations: We are on the lookout currently for some donations that you may be able to help with. Items such as paper, craft materials, loose parts, jars, plants, fabrics are a few of the items we would love your support with.

Illness and medical clearances: Just a reminder to please ensure that your children are not ill and well enough to attend care each day. The cold and flu season is fast approaching and we have already seen some illnesses coming through. Things have been going so well for us in Queensland however, we still need to be vigilant. If your child is fluey, please keep them at home. If they present with any kind of rash, cough or temperature please have them checked by a GP to ensure they are well enough to attend care. We also ask that you please ensure you pack some cooler and warmer clothes as backups in your child's bag for each day. We are placing shoes/socks and jumpers on at 4:30pm each afternoon.

Until next time…..

Hayley Le | Centre Director | Kidz Magic - Capestone  

Wunya families and welcome to this months sustainability article. This month I thought I would share some very important tips and information from the Moreton Bay Regional Council website regarding recycling in the local area.

Please don't bag your recycling, keep it loose so it can be sorted out.
Empty, rinse and dry containers and trays before recycling.

Items that are accepted in the recycling bin include (once empty):
- Aerosol cans
- Glass - bottles and jars
- Metal - cans, foil and packaging
- Milk and juice cartons
- Paper and cardboard
- Plastic - bottles and containers

Materials that can't go into the recycling bin include:
- Garden waste
- Food waste
- Disposable paper such as used tissues and wipes
- Polystyrene
- Soft plastics such as plastic bags, chip packets and zip lock bags
- Wood
- Medical waste or nappies
- Light bulbs
- Household glass, e.g. mirrors, windows or drinking glasses
- Ceramic items, e.g. coffee mugs and cookware
- Scrap metal
- Clothing, manchester, curtains, pillows
- Batteries
- e-waste, including printer cartridges
- Motor oil containers
- Hazardous materials

Information from the Morteon Bay Regional Council page titled 'What can I put in my bins?'.

Miss Laura Chapman

Welcome to May in Nursery 1.

I can't believe we are nearly half way through the year.We have welcomed Ari and Oliver into our Nursery. Its so nice to have you join us. We are also saying a sad goodbye to Karina as she moves up to Nursery 2, and soon will be saying goodbye to Jack as he moves up as well. 

The lovely thing about being next to Nursery 2 is that the children still get to see us in the mornings and afternoon and also means they know the educators from Nursery 2 when it comes time to move up.

This month the children have really impressed me with their self-help skills, feeding themselves their own meals, some of them using spoons really well. Most of our babies are also self-settling to sleep now which is wonderful as well. Some of our younger babies have started crawling everywhere too. Its amazing watching their independence develop.

We have been using our side yard a lot more this month which the children seem to be enjoying, moving around on the turf, engaging with the plants and trees, and using our outdoor resources. 

So many of our older children are now also walking. It is lovely seeing their sense of pride and achievement as they take those first few steps, and from then there is no stopping them, you blink and all of a sudden they are walking everywhere.

I know I say it all the time but I cannot believe how quick this year is going, its the middle of the year, how did that even happen!!!! 

Miss Tracy, Miss Hiro, Miss Raman and Miss Swetha

Selamat pagi semua (Good morning all..-Indonesian) dear our wonderful families and guardians. Hoping you are all well and safe.

Time went flies so quickly as we are nearly entering mid of the year already. Same with all our little friends with their improvement of their routines and milestones.

From walking, settling and interact with other pees during activities, playing in solo or in the group, enjoining their art and craft and starting using small words on their own.

Climbing and dancing (particularly the wheel on the bus song) the most activities where all our little friends enjoy as well.

With their art and craft, we are displaying their work and locate it inside the Nursery 2 room. There will be few photos and details of what they did for the day as well.

We are encouraging our little friend to use utensil during meal time as well. Practicing using a spoon for their meals and drinking their water are including to support their fine motor and sensory skills as well to promote a healthy gum and keeping hydrated.

As the weather is getting cooler, please provide as follow and naming each item with their name:

  • Clean spare warm clothes including socks and jumper
  • Clean cot sheet and blanket

Other items need to name as follow:

  • Water bottle
  • Formula or milk bottle
  • Formula container
  • A Hat
  • Nappy cream and bonjela

Lastly, we all are like to thank you for all parents who supporting us for keeping a child who is needed resting at home when feeling unwell and seek medical advice helping the child recovery earlier.

Thank you and keep warm and safe,

Miss Yefi, Miss Inday, Miss Raman and Miss Swetha

  Miss Chrystel, Miss Tomomi, Miss Laura, Miss Shwetha and Miss Prema

Welcome to Pre-Kindergartens newsletter for May.

We've started working on our pre writing shapes, just the real simple ones. Pre-writingskills are the fundamental skills children need to develop before they are able towrite. These skills contribute to the child's ability to hold and use a pencil, and the ability to draw,write, copy, and colour. A major component of pre-writingskills are thepre-writing shapes. The most happy and exciting outcome is that all of the children are so confident to come up to the board and have a go. 

We've eased into letter recognition along with phonics, which we were wetting our toes, so to speak, with at the beginning of the year. We've also been enhancing this with some fine motor and hand strengthening activities, like gluing, tweezers and beads, rocks and bowls, stamping, picking stickers and painting with small fine brushes and other tools.

The children have really taken to yoga and educator led exercises, with most morning spent in a group going through poses and simple exercises together. This not only builds on a love of movement but the children can find out how capable they really are when it comes to moving around our environment.

The children have enjoyed some messy play, making playdo and slime, and cooking experiencesas well. They made lemon and chia cookies which had the texture of shortbread!

Thanks for reading,

Miss Amy, Miss Dani, Miss Tabi, Miss Charmaine, Miss Dishu, Miss Ness, Miss Alida, Miss Sunita and Miss Aparna. 

We have had another amazing fun time in the Kindergarten room during May. Welcome Zane and family who joined us this at the end of May. A huge happy birthday to Macy, Grace and Matthew who turned 4.

The first week of May the children revised the letters Cc and Kk. Then we started two new letters this month – Ee for Emotions and Hh for Health and body.

Letter Ee–
 E is for emotions. The children have been learning all about happy, sad, angry and kind (etc) Sharing with the class what makes them feel these emotions.
 E is for elephant. The children explored this topic through art and crafts. They listened to instructions on how to draw an elephant during group time. We do a lot of directive drawings in our program where they listen to instructions and draw the shapes on their paper. "Draw a big circle for the body"
 E is for eggs – we observed Quail eggs from Miss Laura and learnt that Miss Manita cooks them and likes to eat them. The class matched patterned eggs during group time.

Letter Hh –
 H is for Hygiene, hand washing and healthy eating. The children explored these topics through group time discussions, acting out how to wash our hands, watching vidoes, signing songs and making our own healthy eating plates.
 H is for hugs and high fives.
 H is for happy – the children drew happy faces and communicated what makes them happy.
  H is for house – the children drew Hexagon house, painted their own house and communicated – What materials to build a house and what can you find inside a house.
 H is for Helicopter – we learnt the different parts of a helicopter and demonstrated how to spin like the.

The last week of May the children have been learning about the Aboriginal culture for Reconciliation week. They have drawn their own flags, created the flag using red, black and yellow playdough, completed the Aboriginal puzzles and so on. We will continue to embed Aboriginal and Torres Stait Island culture into our program The children have been loving show and share, next month the children will be learning about the letter's Rr and Mm. We will also
plan to video their show and share and upload to Edca for families to view.

The children are enjoying exploring their new resources and were really into building. Therefore we have created a shelf for the children to display their work. Each day they create something new for the display. This is situated opposite the main room doors. Check out their amazing creations!

Thank you

Miss Cathy, Miss Narelle, Miss Tahlia and Miss Ailish 

Wunya Families,

Time flies and we almost halfway through the year.

Our May learning progress focused on the writing practice not only about the letters but also making curves and shapes. We continue to progress our hand grip skill in various writing tools such as pencils, markers and chalks.

Our room was equipped by new resources which supports the children fine motor skills, weather and seasons introduction, numbers and counting progress such as; silicone road tracks, small natural blocks, pompoms and thongs and writing table activity. These new resources allow us to provide different learning experience in enriching the children's best interest.

Show and tell is one of the most favourite activity in the room. We thank the families who engaged in our children's learning through supporting and preparing the children's show and tell before hand. Together we endeavour to create the best learning environment and experience for our future generations.

Miss Sarah, Miss Claudia, Miss Narelle, Miss Maria and Miss Dishu