Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are off and racing with 2022!

A very big thank you for joining us for this year ahead. We are very excited to have you with us and look forward to a brilliant journey ahead.

Staffing allocations for 2022 is as follows:

Nursery 1 – Alida and Sandra

Nursery 2 – Yefi and Luna

Multi Age Educator – Inday (floating between Nursery environments to replace team members for lunches and programming/planning time)

Toddler – Liz, Tomomi, Manita, Raman, Hiro

Multi Age Educator – Hiro & Dishu

Senior Toddler 1 – Mel, Maria, Mariela

Multi Age Educator – Priya & Aparna

Senior Toddler 2 – Chrystel, Tahlia, Shwetha, Aparna

Multi Age Educator – Olivia & Salma

Pre-Kindergarten – Amy, Dani, Tabi, Ness

Multi Age Educator – Charmaine & Dishu

Kindergarten 2 – Claudia, Sarah, Laura, Sophie

Kindergarten 1 – Erin (Our newest Early Childhood Teacher joining us in January 2022 ), Narelle, Ailish, Shwetha. Welcome Miss Erin!

Multi Age Educator – Sunita & Olivia

From the week beginning 24th January we will be commencing our 2022 year. All children will transition into their new classrooms along with their allocated Educators. It's still a settling in period for everyone over the next month where we focus on Educator/Child bonds and relationships and play based experiences being offered with a strong focus on child lead interest.

Usually around the end of February/early March we will start to see everyone settling down and feeling more comfortable with the new surroundings.

During the settling in period you are welcome to phone each day to check in. When calling just ask for your child's classroom and the phone will be passed down. We do encourage families to check in via the Educa app from March onwards rather than phoning each day so that the Educators don't have too much time taken up talking on the phone but of course if they are out of whack or had a difficult night and you just need that reassurance that's completely okay.

Farewell and Thank you!

A huge farewell to our Kindergarten children as they head off to Prep in 2022. What a pleasure it's been to have you with us, watch you grow and see you head off on this new journey. Thank you for all the mums and dads, Grandma's, Grandpa's, Aunties, Uncles, Cousins and friends we've met along the way. We wish your little ones all the success and happiness.

Arrival Times:

To support our morning routine and planned learning experiences we ask that all children arrive by 9am each morning.

Our morning welcome commences at 9am and from there we move into the classroom to begin our morning group times, morning tea and indoor experiences. If you're going to be arriving late and can't make this time please send us an e-mail so we can pass it on to your child's educators to let them know. We also ask that if you need to drop off late that you please avoid the times between 11am-2pm as this is our lunch and quiet rest period. Thank you

As always I'm here if you need anything. Please feel free to reach out if your child's classroom team are unable to support your enquires and I'll do my best to support.

Thank you and stay safe,

Hayley and the Kidz Magic Capestone Team 

Hayley Le | Centre Director | Kidz Magic - Capestone 

  • 1 February 2022 - Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year, Chinese Chunjie, Vietnamese Tet, Korean Solnal, Tibetan Losar, also called Spring Festival, festival typically celebrated in China and other Asian countries that begins with the first new moon of the lunar calendar and ends on the first full moon of the lunar calendar, 15 days later.  

  • 2 February 2022 - World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day has been used to raise public awareness of wetland values and benefits and promote the conservation and wise use of wetlands. The 2022 theme is 'Wetlands Action for People and Nature'.

  • 6 February 2022 - Waitangi Day

Waitangi Day is New Zealand's national day. It is a holiday held annually on February 6th to commemorate the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi - New Zealand's founding document - on February 6th 1840.

  • 11 February 2022 - Women in Science Day

The UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science: a day that recognises the achievements of women in science and aims to encourage women and girls to pursue studies and careers in STEMM.

Danielle Runeback - 4 February 2022  

Yefi Macgregor-Davies - 7 and 21 February 2022  

Olivia Kong - 9 and 22 February 2022  

Wunya Families!

Welcome to the year of 2022. Please find below some information sheet related with sustainability from Moreton Bay City Council that might be useful for your household. 

 Miss Laura Chapman

Welcome to January in Nursery 1.

To start off the new year we just want to welcome all our new babies and their families to Nursery 1, all our babies are slowly starting to settle into their new environment, building those secure attachments with their educators where they feel safe, secure, and supported.It has been a great pleasure getting to know each individual child they have been communicating intheir own little way if it is facial expressions, babbling sounds, laughter, and smiles. It makes it allworthwhile watching these children grow and learn in their new environment.

Our day exist of a small group session in the morning where we look at our colour of the week and listen to a story that we also extend over a week's period. We try and make sure all our babies are awake for our small group time as we do think it's very important for their development.

As for exploring colours with the children, it is one of the most noticeable attributes of the world around us. For babies and children, understanding colour is an essential building block they use for learning in all areas of their life. Additionally, as children learn to identify colours and use colour as language tool to describe things, it develops and strengthens their ability to communicate effectively. So, we will continue throughout the year in supporting the children in this area of learning.

Reading stories is just as important for children it stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written word. So, we start off with small stories which would only consist of four
words per page and gradually extend to longer stories.

We would like to thank all our parents for their support over the month of January and if you have any suggestions on your child's learning or interest and feel you can contribute please let us know so we can achieve the best outcomes for our children.

Please could I ask our lovely parents to email Hayley a family photo, our family wall has currently got two family photos and we would like to expand and create a family wall for our children.

Thank you for all your support in January and looking forward to another busy month in February.

Miss Alida, Miss Sandra and Miss Inday

 Welcome to Nursery 2 newsletter for January 2022.

It is so excited for us to meet our new families and we are so proud for our little friends who are moving forward to Toddler room this year.

At the moment our goals are to getting to know our new families and develops a great relationship to meet children needs, routines and milestones.

We are open with any input, ideas, suggestions or concerns so we are all be able to work together.

With their daily activities and routines report will post it in Educa daily.

With our little belongings please make sure they are all named and please provide any cream (Sudocream for nappy rash) available as well. Spare clean clothes, a hat, water bottle, cot sheet and preferred sleep bag and comforter (if need it) as general list to have in daily needs.

These are few activities of our little friends has been interested with and achieved with their milestone during their activities within indoor and outdoor environments.

Looking forward for a fantastic year to come with our fabulous families

Thank you,

Miss Yefi, Miss Luna and Miss Inday 

 Miss Chrystel, Miss Tahlia, Miss Swetha, Miss Aparna, Miss Olivia and Miss Salma

 Welcome to our first Pre-Kindergarten newsletter of 2022.

We have spent the transition period over Christmas and New Year supporting our new friends to become confident in their ownership and belonging in the room, getting to know them and them, us.

We have started on pre writing skills already with the children getting to know more about shapes, so far, we have looked at circles and triangles. We had had the children show confidence in coming up to the board individually to engage in this activity with an educator. We have begun ABC recognition and phonics and also the letter of individual names.

We are working on social skills but getting to know each child and how they enjoy engaging with their peers, we are talking about feelings, turn taking and effective language. We do this by role modelling, games and group times.

Toilet training skills are a big topic at the beginning of each year, and we are supporting this with stories and respectful techniques that encourage self-help and self-awareness. Janet Lansbury's blog isa great inspiration to me surrounding this important time.

My aim for this year is to work a lot around feelings and social skills, as well as a little bit of academics and a lot of imaginary play with loose parts and natural resources.

Thank you very much,

Miss Amy, Miss Dani, Miss Tabi, Miss Ness, Miss Dishu and Miss Charmaine.

Welcome to January in Kindergarten 1, 2022! 

During the very first month of the year we have all been busy getting to know each other and making connections with new friends and educators. We have welcomed Miss Erin to our classroom and have enjoyed getting to know her and some of her wonderful music and movement sessions, including learning our new good morning song as we "tune in" to start the daily routine. 

Our learning focus has been "All about me" which has involved the children being engaged in making their own creative self portraits using self reflection in art form. These will be displayed in the room, so we invite you to take a look next time you come in! We have also focussed on a book called "In my heart" during group story times, where the children are learning about identifying feelings and exploring their own experiences with each feeling. We have scaffolded this learning through group discussions and individual reflections. We have asked questions such as "when have you felt happy? and "What makes you feel sad?" 

The educators have been creating each child's own learning story based on these observations for the month of January. Our daily mindfulness and yoga have been well received by the children, as they enjoy learning about body awareness, being present and relaxation. As a group we have been playing getting to know you games, having fun with music and movement based activities, and learning the rules and expectations of the room. 

Our numeracy focus has been on numbers 1-10, particularly 2 and 0, the numbers in our new year of 2022! We have been using loose parts to create the shape of these numerals and also counting through songs with actions and 1:1 correspondence. Outside play has been based on the childress interests and has involved making beach landscapes using a range of natural resources such as pebbles , rocks, seashells, sand and water. We have played some outdoor group games such as follow the leader and what's the time Mr Wolf and also used the obstacle course to climb, crawl, jump and balance.

Reminders:  Each day please send in a sun safe hat, water bottle, rest time sheets (if required) all labelled with your child's name in their bag. ● encourage your child to apply sunscreen before arrival ● adults please wear a mask when coming into the centre to drop off and pick up.

Thank you,

Miss Erin, Miss Narelle, Miss Ailish, Miss Swetha, Miss Sunita and Miss Olivia 

 Wunya families and welcome to Kindy 2 in 2022!

We are so excited to begin an exciting new year together filled with excited, bonding and learning. Our kindergarten program officially commences when the school term starts and we run our set program based on these school terms Our first 2 letters that we will cover will be the letter S and the letter A and the topics relevant to these letters. We look forward to some amazing learning experiences.

Just a reminder to please regularly check the educa message board as I post a lot of information and reminders on this forum.

Please don't hesitate to see myself or the team if you have any queries and information we need to know.


Miss Sarah, Miss Claudia, Miss Laura, Miss Sophie, Miss Sunita and Miss Olivia