By on Monday, 28 March 2022
Category: Kidz Magic - Edens Crossing

Edens Crossing March 2022 Newsletter

 Welcome to this month's newsletter and a big welcome to all of our new children and their families who commenced with us the past month.

Many of you would be aware that I am retiring as from 14th April. My time here at Kidz Magic Edens Crossing has been such a wonderful experience, from preparing the centre for opening with Chandell in February 2020, working with some amazing educators along the way, and watching the children bloom and grow during their individual learning journeys.

The support that I have received from you all and from the team during my time here, especially last year with my cancer diagnosis and during my treatment, has been appreciated, and because of the great community spirit and the relationships here my decision was even more difficult to make.

My last shift will end at 12.30pm on Thursday 14th April, and Chandell will be here to provide a smooth transition after I leave.

Regards, Suzie

Dates to remember

14th April – Children's Easter Hat Parade and Egg Hunt. 

15th April – Good Friday – the centre will be closed for this public holiday

18th April – Easte Monday – the centre will ne closed for this public holiday

25th April – ANZAC Day – the centre will be closed for this public holiday

2nd May – Labour Day Public Holiday. The Centre will be closed for this public holiday.

Centre Photos – save the date The Centre has booked in for our 2022 Centre Photos. This will be held on Tuesday 10th to Thursday 12th May. It is still a little while away, and more details including orders and payments will be set out approximately four weeks prior to the booked date.

Child's nutrition - This month we're sharing with you an article from the website Australian School Mums about the importance of parents and other caregivers eating meals with children. The benefits go way beyond nutrition and "fixing" fussy eating! Read the article on the link below:

How Family Meals Can Help Fussy Eating

Discounted Holiday Rate: We would like to remind parents that each child is eligible to discounted holiday rates, subject to certain conditions. These include having an up-to-date account, providing two weeks' notice (there is a specific form for this in the sign in area) and having enough eligible absences to cover the dates requested. The discount is limited to two weeks per calendar year.

Exclusion of ill children – we would like to re-affirm our illness and exclusion policy.

The aim of exclusion is to reduce the spread of infectious disease. The less contact there is between people who have an infectious disease and people who are at risk of catching the disease, the less chance the disease has of spreading. Excluding ill children and staff is an effective way to limit the spread of infection in education and care services.

By excluding one ill person, you can protect many other people from becoming ill.

The need for exclusion and the length of time a person is excluded depends on:

  • how easily the infection can spread
  • how long the person is likely to be infectious
  • how severe the disease can be
  • The exclusion procedure

    To determine when a person should be excluded:

  • identify whether the symptoms or a diagnosed illness have an exclusion period
  • advise the parents, or the staff member, when they may return to the education and care service.
  • Children who are unwell should stay home from education and care services. Even if they do not have a condition that requires exclusion, the best place for an ill child to rest and recover is with a carer. (parent, grandparent etc).

    We display any recent illness by the sign in area so that parents are aware of any symptoms to look out for.

    Connecting with the community –Thank you to those who have donated non-perishable foods or toiletry items for our community pantry collection which has been donated to assist those affected by the recent floods and its on-going affects. This is an ongoing project to support and connect with the community. Please feel welcome to donate at any time. If we all donated one item, imagine what a difference that could make to a struggling family.

    Separation Anxiety

    Separation anxiety in its various intensities is the uncertainty children feel when separated from their parents. It is a normal part of development and has its origins in the profound, enduring attachment between children and parents formed in the early years of life. It is the child's efforts to hold onto what is safe in what they feel is a scary situation.

    "When a child cries because her parent or primary person is leaving her, she is showing that she is not happy, and would like to change the situation and remain with her safe person. "

    Kostelnik, Marjorie et al, 2009, Guiding Children's Social Development and Learning, Wadsworth, USA

    One of children's first experiences is when someone other than a parent cares for them, whether it is a grandparent, an aunt or uncle or a childcare educator. Some babies and children accept and are happy with another carer, others become very stressed with being separated from their primary carer. Children exhibit separation anxiety by displaying a range of behaviours:

  • Crying
    • Grabbing at the parent
    • Showing other signs of distress
    • Reverting to the behaviours of a younger child
    • Withdrawing
    • Refusing to interact
  • Separation anxiety is usually not an issue with very young babies, but it may begin to occur around the age of 8-9 months and often peaks between 13-15 months. Sometimes it can last longer if children experience difficult separations in the early years.

    Why do babies and children experience separation anxiety?

    The level of separation anxiety is different for every child, and there could be a range of contributing factors:

  • Child's Age - Babies begin to show signs around 8-9 months and this often peaks between 13-15 months,
    • The Child's Temperament – Shy children tend to experience separation anxiety in more intensity.
    • Lack of Emotional Vocabulary - Toddlers and pre-schoolers seek independence but there are times when they may suffer from separation anxiety. They may lack the emotional vocabulary necessary to express their feelings about separation anxiety.
    • Major Life Changes - Older children who may not normally experience separation anxiety may do so when there are major changes in their lives such as the birth of a new baby, moving house, family illness, death or divorce.
    • Active Imaginations - Some children have very active imaginations which can lead to what adults may consider are unreasonable fears, however, to the child the fears are very real. They imagine being left in unknown places, not being picked up etc.

  • Separation anxiety is a normal part of development. When children leave a familiar, safe environment and enter the unknown, it is a legitimate difficult transition. It takes time, support and encouragement to navigate. It is also an opportunity for emotional growth, learning to regulate emotions and becoming slowly more independent.

    Sourced from