Confirming enrolments for 2022

Thank you to all our wonderful families for confirming care for 2022. If you have not already done so can you please complete the online re-enrolment form as soon as possible so that we can begin collating these and offering places to those families on our waiting list. We do have limited vacancies in all age group. If any of you are thinking of adding extra days to your current booking let us know as soon as possible. Please see Suzie if you require the link to the re-enrolment form to be resent.

Termination of care

Please keep in mind that we require two weeks written notice via our Termination Request form if your child is finishing up. If you are wishing to change your booked days, we require two weeks written notice via our Enrolment Amendment form. This is to assist with the roster allocations. Under government guidelines for receiving the Childcare Subsidy a child must attend on their last day when notice to cease care has been given by a parent or the subsidy will not be applied. This will result in the parent being liable for full fees for any absences during the notice period.

You will find these forms in the reception in the Parent Information area, or you can ask for a form to be emailed if that is more convenient for you.

Summative assessments

Educators have begun writing the annual Summative Assessments for this year. These will be uploaded to your child's Educa profile once completed, with all expected to be completed by mid-December. What is a Summative Assessment? It is an overview of the distance travelled by your child on their own unique learning journey, a story about their progress so far toward certain learning outcomes.

School Transition Statements

The kindergarten children who will be attending Prep next year will have Transition Statements completed to assist with their transition to Prep in 2022. Remember to send through your consent forms if you have not already done this so that Angela can finalise these as soon as possible. Please see Suzie if you require a consent form to be resent.

Personal Items from Home

We understand that at times children and families will bring in personal items from home as part of the learning program, for example "Show and Tell". All items that are brought into the centre should be labelled and while all care will be taken, we are unable to accept responsibility for any items that are lost or damaged. We ask families to consider carefully what is brought to our service and where possible to provide them directly to their child's educator instead of leaving in children's bags or locker. Remember small items can be a safety risk for the younger children and we do not want to stop children bringing in those special show and tell items, we just need to ensure the safety and well-being of all children.

Connecting with our community – We will again this year be taking donations of toys/gifts for the Kmart Giving Tree. We will place a box in the foyer for you to place your donation, and ask that you ensure that the items are new and can be wrapped or left unwrapped, just put a tag or note to say what age group/gender it is for.. The donations will be accepted until 3rd December and then be taken to the local Kmart ready to be sorted and allocated to the community.

Absent for the day or arriving after 10.00am – If your child will be away for the day or will be coming in to the centre after 10.00am can you please let us know. This would be greatly appreciated to assist with meal preparations and also staffing allocations.

Sun safety –As per our policy, singlets, tank tops, sleeveless tops or dresses are not considered sun safe. If your child does wear a singlet/tank top, sleeveless top/dress can you please pack a tee shirt in their bag to pop over this clothing to provide better sun protection in the outdoor environment.

Hats and drink bottles - We ask that parents take their child's hat and drink bottle with them upon collection each day so that they can be cleaned if necessary. Also please help us by remembering to put your child's hat and some sunscreen on your child each morning upon arrival. You will find sunscreen in the foyer as well as outside in the playground. Mornings are quite busy from the moment the centre opens so this will be greatly appreciated as staff need to remain with the children and cannot keep going from room to room searching for children's' hats and drink bottles.

Extra Curricula sessions -Ginger Sport will be continuing with their Tuesday morning sessions in 2022 for the Preschool/Kindergarten children. They will take a break over the December/January school holidays then resume each week until December 2022.

Mental health in the early years - In our society, we understand mental health to be a health concern or illness, and the stigma has impacted on how we seek help or support and respond to others.

Everyone has mental health, and like physical health, it can range from 'good' to 'poor' and can change over time. Some very young children have mental health difficulties and early childhood communities are well placed to support these children and their families.

Good mental health

Good mental health in early childhood lays the foundations for positive mental health and wellbeing now and into the future. However, good mental health does not mean children will never have a 'bad day'. Occasionally feeling worried, sad, frustrated, or angry is normal. These feelings only become a concern when they make it difficult for people to cope with day-to-day life.

Having good mental health:

Is not about feeling happy all the time

Is about being able to experience and express feelings in different ways, to manage stressful or challenging situations without becoming overwhelmed

Is being able to develop and maintain relationships with others

Is learning and practicing good coping skills to manage feelings and deal with difficulties.

What is mental health in early childhood?

The following definition has been jointly developed by the Hunter Institute of Mental Health and the Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council (2012):

'Mental health in early childhood is seen in the capacity of a young child within the context of their development, family, environment and culture to:

participate in the physical and social environment

form healthy and secure relationships

experience, regulate, understand and express emotions

understand and regulate their behaviour

interact appropriately with others, including peers

develop a secure sense of self.

Early childhood mental health and wellbeing is related to healthy physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Early childhood development and life experiences contribute strongly to a person's mental health and wellbeing during childhood and later in life.'

Mental health difficulties have been defined as 'a very broad range of social, emotional or behavioural difficulties that may cause concern or distress. Mental health difficulties affect children's behaviour, feelings, and learning, relationships with others, as well as their physical health and wellbeing.

Often, the term 'emotional and/or behavioural difficulties' is the description used to talk about mental health difficulties in early childhood. It is also helpful to think about children's mental health as ranging on a continuum from 'good mental health' to 'mental health difficulties'. Many people move from 'good mental health' to 'mental health difficulties' and back again over the course of a lifetime.

There are a range of reasons why young children behave the way they do, and many of them are not due to experiencing mental health difficulties.

Early recognition of children who may be experiencing emotional and/or behavioural difficulties means they can be referred to a mental health professional who can assess whether there is a significant concern present. Mental health professionals work in partnership with families and early childhood educators to come up with strategies to meet the individual needs of the child.

Community services can also be helpful as sometimes they offer groups or programs that are designed to support parenting, which can also have an influence on children's behaviour.


Taking care of our mental health is something that is important for everyone. Adults play a pivotal role in children's health and development, and may at times need additional support for their own mental health to do the best job they can.

What are some of the things you can do to take care of yourself and each other?

Go for a walk

Take breaks

Practice mindfulness and gratitude

Acknowledge, consider, celebrate

Spend time with friends


Seek help when you need it


Go for a run

Sleep well

Have a massage.

And Remember to take care of YOU

Dates to remember:

21st October - Hawaiin Dress Up Day

28th October - Not So Scary Halloween Dress Up and Dance Party 

29th October - Day for Daniel - wear red.

3rd November - Dress Up Day - theme to be announced

3rd December - Preschool Graduation and morning tea (invitations will be send out within the next couple of weeks) 

9th December - Preschool  Dino Encounters show