Welcome to our first newsletter for 2022 😊

We would like to welcome back all our returning children and their families and give a warm welcome to our new additions to the Kidz Magic Edens Crossing family. If you are looking for additional days, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can assist you.

Please keep in mind that we require two weeks written notice if your child is finishing or you are changing your booked days.

Fee Payments – A big thank you for to those who are ensuring fees are always paid and at least one week in advance. If you are paying fortnightly you will be required to pay two weeks in advance so as you are still in advance. If your direct debit fails at any time and you have not discussed this with me you will be expected to pay the missed payment via Bpay prior to your child's next day of attendance.

Lost Property - We understand your frustration if your child's belongings go missing, this is the same frustration that we feel when items are not labeled and we cannot find a home for them. We have a basket set up in the foyer for clothing and other items that have been left behind. Please have a look in the basket if something of your child's goes missing. The basket will be cleared each month and the unclaimed contents given to charity.

Signing in and Out - It is very important that children are signed in and out each day on the Kiosk iPads. This is a legal requirement and failure to sign your child in and out correctly may result in your childcare subsidy not being applied correctly, resulting in full fees being charged. If for some reason the Kiosk iPads are not working there will be paper based sign in/out sheets available.

Dates to remember -

February 2

The Centre's 2nd birthday celebrations

February 4

Waitangi Day activities

February 6

Waitangi Day

February 11

Chinese New Year activities

February 12

Chinese New Year

February 14

Valentine's Day activities

Updating Details - It is extremely important that we are made aware of any changes to details that we currently have on file e.g., change of address, phone numbers, authorised pick-ups, current work details, health/medical plans etc. If there is an emergency, we need to be able to contact the families as quickly as possible. It would be appreciated if parents could possibly phone through if their child/ren are being collected by persons other than themselves and if they could please remind the person to have their license or photo ID with them. It is our policy that we will only release children to authorised persons on the enrolment form and all persons dropping children off and collecting children must be 18 years of age.

Unlearning what we think we know about mealtimes - Parents and other caregivers fear children won't have enough to eat, frequently not allowing the little ones to leave the table until they finish the food on their plate or encouraging them to" have one more bite" or saying "no dessert for you if you don't finish your dinner". All these, of course, are done with the best intention, which is to make sure children will have proper nutrition and keep good health. 

That's quite logical thinking, in fact.

Trouble is that young children – the age that so-called fussy eating starts is usually at 2 years – are still a work in progress, their brains are not yet ready for complex thinking. So, using logic and lecturing normally doesn't work and aggravates the fussy behaviour.

Read the full article here: Children's nutrition and fussy eating; unlearning what we think we know about mealtimes… - Triangle Genius

(This article may help you identify some of the reasons for children's behaviour at the dinner table as well as some small tweaks you can do to your own attitude to provide a conducive environment for your children to enjoy those foods you want them to eat, regardless of what food it is.)

Current Covid information - this link has all the current requirements regarding COVID for staff and families to keep up to date … https://www.acecqa.gov.au/covid-19/government-updates

(All information and guidance last updated on 27 January 2022) 

Room transitions and staffing -

The children and educators have moved into their new rooms as from the week beginning 24th January.

Staffing from this week will be as follows:

Centre Manager – Suzie

Educational Leader/2IC – Chandell

Joeys 0 – 2 years

Lead Educator – Leigh-Ann

Assisting Educator – Harman

Bilbies 15 mths – 2 years

Lead Educator – Mandeep

Assisting Educator – Majanna

Koalas 2 – 3years

Lead Educator – Kc

Assisting Educators – Ann and Teagan

Wombats 3 – 4years

Lead Educator – Rachel

Assisting Educator – Emma

Goannas 4 – 5 years

Early Childhood Teacher – Angela

Assisting Educator – Sara

Float/relief staff – Kamini, Mandy, Tegan, Hema, Portia

Kitchen – Pinky