By on Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Category: Kidz Magic - Edens Crossing

Kidz Magic Edens Crossing June 2021 Newsletter

Welcome to this month's newsletter, and welcome to our new staff, children and their families.

Dates to remember

4th to 11th July -NAIDOC week

14th July – Multicultural dress up day

21st July PJs and onesie day

Did you know that you can access our policies at any time?

Policy login details:

Sign in – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Password - KALv2_2021!

Dressing for the cooler weather

With the cooler days here we ask that Parents ensure that their children have a jumper/jacket and shoes to wear. We know sometimes children do not feel the cold like we do and don't want to wear a jumper or shoes and some mornings or afternoons do really feel cold enough for snow to be falling. Going out and playing in the fresh air, even in the coldest weather, can help build our immunity, we just all need to dress appropriately for it. Staff have been asked to ensure children have their jumpers and shoes on in the colder parts of the wintery days.

Centre photos:

Photos are now back. Please see reception to collect your order.

Connecting with the communityThank you to those who have donated non-perishable foods or toiletry items for our Food collection box. We will be continuing to support this charity on an on-going basis. The Food collection area will remain in the foyer so that families can donate at any time.

We often have parents ask us what is play based learning. Does it mean children just play aimlessly throughout the day without direction? To assist with answering these questions we have provided an article from Starting Blocks below for you.

The importance of play in children's learning and development - Learning through play is one of the most important ways children learn and develop.

Friedrich Froebel, a German educator who created the concept of the 'kindergarten', believed that "play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child's soul."

Educators at your child's early childhood education and care service might have told you that they use a 'play based' approach for children's learning and development.

Play is an activity where children show their remarkable ability for exploration, imagination and decision making. While play is often described as 'children's work', it is intensely enjoyable for them. The type of play children engage in and its purposes change over the course of childhood from infancy to adolescence.

You may have realised that as a parent, you don't generally have to make children play or provide incentives to play. This is because children seem to have a natural urge to play and playing brings a level of pleasure and interest which means it can be maintained without external rewards.

How does play support your child's development and learning?

Physical development - active play using large and small muscles such as climbing, running, ball games, digging, jumping, and dancing. This supports children's overall health and sense of wellbeing, physical growth, appreciation for the benefits of active lifestyles and skills for independence in self-help such as dressing or feeding.

Social and emotional development - dramatic and imaginative play which includes dressing up and role play can develop positive social and emotional skills and values. This provides opportunities for children to:

Cognitive development - when your child plays individually and with others their cognitive skills, such as thinking, remembering, learning and paying attention are all being developed. Children develop the following cognitive skills through play:

Literacy and numeracy development - play requires thinking, language, interactions, curiosity and exploration. Through play children develop skills and understandings including:

What does a play based approach to learning look like?

Educators at early childhood education and care services use a wide range of play based experiences for children's learning and development rather than using structured 'lessons' or formal teaching experiences. They set up games indoors and outdoors that are age appropriate, which can be played safely and enjoyably by every child.

Educators encourage children's learning through play by:

How can you contribute to your child's learning through play?

Children's success as learners depends on strong foundations developed from infancy. Play based learning fosters critical skills, understanding and dispositions which are essential for your child's lifelong learning and wellbeing. You can encourage your child's learning through by:

Sourced from: Importance of play for children I Starting Blocks