By on Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Kindness is Powerful

Our weekly news- our words matter. Sometimes we as parents need to be mindful of the words we say in front of our children, or the words that they hear from the TV, ipads, shopping centres ect. We need children to learn the right way from us, not using words such as yucky, stinky or talking negative about differences. We have beautiful little children in our care, and even at four years old we are needing to be mindful of the conversations going on around. Words and comments do hurt others feelings and can have a negative impact on the little ones, through resilience and positive reinforcement children will be able to take care more independently of such things, but at this age they are reliant on us adults to set the bench mark. Please , can you at home speak to your children and discuss kindness and acceptance, not tolerance, we accept differences we do not just tolerate the differences. 

Pips Weekly News and the Importance of Safe Sleeping

Spring time is when Pips welcome babies Takshay and William joining us in play during the month of September.

Spring is when the environment constantly changes with plants growing rapidly, flowers blooming, animals and insects more active. For babies there is lots to experience, discover and explore. Mild spring weather is perfect for spending time outdoors. Please remember the importance of sun protection for your child: e.g. slip, slop and slap… and don't forget shoes.

When outdoors, babies pulling themselves to stand or beginning to walk. Small rises and slopes help to give some challenge to babies as they become more mobile. This is all important for gross motor, balance and coordination development. Pips demonstrate spatial awareness and orient themselves, moving around and through their environments confidently and safely.

When they point to things, they express wonder and interest in their environment. We talk with babies and put words to the new things they are experiencing - what they can see, touch, smell, taste and hear helps to build their understanding of language. Even young babies respond to all the sensations, the colours, sounds, sights and smells of spring. Pips learn about themselves and their world through these sensory stimulations.

Expanding on their current interest we will celebrate the season with sensory play ideas that focus on flowers, gardening, butterflies, bugs, rainbows and more. Natural and open-ended materials provide lots of opportunity to stimulate Pips senses. They can smell and taste, see different colours, heights, shapes and touch different textures.

Indoors in the cot room, effective sleep and rest strategies are important factors to ensure your child feels secure and is safe in our care (NQ Standard 2.1). We have current policies and procedures in place to ensure sleep and rest are implemented in line with the recommended evidence-based practices (ACECQA and Red Nose). 

If you have any issues or concerns regarding your child's safe sleeping routines, please discuss confidentially with Sandra in the office, or Dolly and Eve in the room.

Remember, child safety is always the first priority.

For further information please refer:

Sun Smart;