Mini Mees Newsletter for July 2017

From the Office

Welcome to the July newsletter

Pie Drive Order Forms

A big thank you to those families that have returned their order forms. If you still have an order and would like to place it please bring it in before Wednesday 26th July. All orders that have been placed will be delivered to the Centre on Friday 4th August 2017.

Lots of things happening around the centre.  New softfall being installed outside for the children, we have had fun watching the workmen doing their job.  We are looking forward to playing on it as soon as it is finished.  Please bare with us through the construction.

There is now a recycle bin near the front door for donations to go to 1-World Charity shops. So you don't have to drive around for months with bags in your boot. (like me)

Nursery Room News

Hello to our families and our new family who started last week.

Wow where has this year gone, it's July already.

Mid year reports will be in your child's pocket which are located outside of our rooms door from Friday 21.7.17.

This month we have been focusing on supporting the children's independence and encouraging them to self regulate their own emotions. The children are all doing well and feel safe, secure and supported.

The children have been exploring sensory from creative arts to the garden/yard exploration. The children have been enjoying investigating different sensory experiences that have been enhancing their senses.

Lots of chatter has been happening in our room lately, the children are getting older and expresses themselves more vocally. The toddies are learning to extend and enhance their vocabulary and language development by word play, picture books and action songs. Check out our Word kites that we have created. All the new words the children say will be put on their individual kite with the date.

Please remember to check your child's communicated book as I write in there everyday ?

Thanks for reading, until next time...

Miss Hannah and Miss Sandra


Kindy room news

To our families ?

 Firstly i would like to say thank you to our families who have spoken to me about their childs' Half Year Report. This Family Feedback included comments about individual children making connections between familiar and new experiences as well as confidently communicating their interests of colours and numbers. The childrens' responsiveness towards our intentional teaching strategies has provided opportunities to promote the five Learning Outcomes and scaffold potential learning and developmental progress. We purposely integrate learning experiences and play activities relating to Language/Literacy/Numeracy and Sensory Exploration to provide creative opportunities for children to explore new concepts and co-construct their own learning through play. Individual children have been communicating their understandings and initiating independent interests within our creative play opportunities. 'Sensory Exploration' and 'Circle of friends' experiences have been repetitively incorporated within our Program to promote exploratory investigations and social learning through collaborative play opportunities. Our 'Circle of friends' experiences have supported individual children to develop 'ME' concepts - building positive self identities as well as encouraging friendly behaviours - Sharing / Taking turns. We promote Social / Physical play within indoor / outdoor environments. The children have been enthusiastic to demonstrate their 'yoga style' body balance movements and physical capabilities through physical play opportunities. We acknowledge individual childrens' sense of achievements when they communicate "Look at me!" and "Yay! I did it!" as they confidently initiate physical play opportunities. Lastly, I would like to encourage Family Input / Family Feedback for any ideas for us to incorporate within our Program. Thankyou Miss Sharon and Miss Sandra ?

Pre-prep Room News

We have been very busy in the Pre-Prep room these last two months.

We've had a few visitors come to help us with our learning, this includes two ladies from the Logan City Council who talked to us about how to care for our pets and how to be safe around dogs we don't know, and Rob the Pirate who taught us about beach safety.

Over the last few weeks we have been doing Mid-Year Reports with Miss Laura. Everyone got asked a number of questions to help document how well we know our numbers, letters, colours, shapes and names. This will help our parents and teachers know what we are doing really well with and what we might still need some assistance with.

Everyone has been enjoying participating in the Kindergarten Q program where we are learning about print text, how it works and what it does for us. We've even been practicing some rhyming words which we are all getting really good at!

Until next time!

Miss Laura