By on Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Newsletter for Jan 2019

Warm welcome 

 I would like to start of the year, and our first newsletter of 2019, with a warm welcome to all of our returning families and staff! Also, a very special welcome to all the new families joining us at our humble centre. Let's make this year as great as it can be!

News from our kitchen 

 Next month we will be introducing you to our new cook, Leny! She is a qualified baker and will be responsible for providing our centre and your children with an excellent standard of nutrition! We can't wait for Leny to get started!

So, in celebration of Leny joining our team, I would like to mention a little bit about healthy food and nutrition. The Australian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents provides a guide for what sort of food our service should provide. We pride ourselves on providing a wide variety of nutritious foods with plenty of breads, cereals, vegetable, and fruit. We recognise, as the guide suggests, that low fat foods are not suitable for young children, and we encourage the children to drink plenty of water. We only provide a small amount of sugars and food containing added sugars. We choose low salt foods, but plenty of iron and calcium. Our menu is designed to serve the needs of young children and your input is always welcome. If you have any suggestions or wish for any changes, please let me know!

Australia Day 

  We will be celebrating Australia Day on the 26th of January. As that is a Saturday, we invite all the children (2-years-old and up) to join Edward Emu for a puppet show journeying through the great Australian outback, discovering all kinds of wonderful animals from kookaburras to kangaroos. This is a story which celebrates the uniqueness of Australian wildlife and the awesomeness of our great country! The show will start at 10:30 am on the Wednesday, the 23rd of January. Please pay $5 to your room staff or to Natasa at the front desk anytime before the show.

Our centre will be closed on Monday, 28.1.2019 for public holiday and we hope all our families have a fantastic long weekend.

Transition to new rooms 

 Finally, the children will be moving into new rooms on Tuesday the 29th of January. This is a very exciting time for everyone, so your support is greatly welcomed. Though this is a great indication of their growth, it can also be an unsettling time for both children and families. The children are entering new rooms with new teachers and new relationships are yet to be established. This is the process that involves some tears and it will last for a few weeks, but we would like to assure you with patience, time and positive encouragement,  they will settle into happy little learners once again.

Please take the educators advice to hug/kiss your child, give them a short reassurance that they will be fine and leave the area. Feel free to contact the educators by phoning our centre at any time. The room list will be placed on each room door next week. 

If you have any concerns, please see me, I hope you all enjoyed your breaks, and hope your 2019 is off to a great start.

Keep smiling, Natasa