​News from Kylie

Hello to everyone I would first like to welcome all of the new families to the centre. I hope that you are all settling in well & I look forward to getting to know you over the next few weeks.

It seems incredible to think that the year is almost over.. This is our second last newsletter for 2018 and so we thought we had better give everyone a reminder of what is coming up at the end of the year.

Health and Safety

We have found that many children have been wearing beaded jewellery lately. Due to the risks to young children under the age of 2 we ask that children do not bring anything that could present a choking hazard. Children are family grouped in the morning and afternoon which means the older children and younger children play together so please keep this in mind and avoid letting your child bring anything such as jewellery and toys that could present a risk. Don't forget some toys break and then present a choking risk to younger children


Please ensure you have brought in a bottle of sunscreen for the centre.We are now running low and as per the enrolment forms and handbook 1 bottle of sunscreen will need to be provided for each child per year.We use nearly a bottle a month per block so as you can imagine if only 15% of families donate we run low and have limited play outside due to the sun safety regulations. So please help us out and bring in a bottle of sunscreen and give it to your class educators or give to Kylie out the front.

2019 Reenroling

We are finalising enrolments for next year so if you haven't returned your "Bookings for 2019" form then you had better hurry as places are filling quickly.

For your enrolments for next year and you will all be receiving letters to confirm your places and rooms, these will be in your Information Pockets so please remember to read your mail!!!This will happen as of Tuesday 29th January 2019.  If you are leaving us next year for Prep, could you please inform us of your final day here at Piptree.  

Christmas Holidays – you may not be aware, but the centre does not close over the Christmas period. We are only closed for the Public Holidays. When filling out your bookings form for 2018 please remember to fill out the section as to whether you will be taking holidays during December/January. All our wonderful staff also needs a break so in order to schedule leave we need to know how many children will be attending over this period. If you forgot to do this and have handed in your form already, please see Kylie and we can complete another holiday form.

Reminder: All fees need to be up to date always. The centre has a zero-debt policy which means your account needs to be at Zero by the end of each week. If your account is in arrears, then the Holiday Rate cannot be applied.

Christmas party is organised and it will be a fun morning with a  performance from our very entertaining Dance along .Santa will also be coming to deliver gifts to the children who attend the Centre. If you are bringing along other children and would like them to receive a gift also, please give me a wrapped book with their name on it. 

Our Christmas Hamper is out and ready to start filling for you Christmas raffle.Your Raffle Tickets will be sent home to sell this week please return sold tickets to the office before the 07.12.18 – the hampers will be drawn at the children's Christmas party 08/12/18.We hope to see you all there. We would like to thank you for your donations as with our them we would have no hamper.

Centre events 

If you would like to attend an interview with your teacher to discuss their progress Parent/teacher interviews will be held in the second week of December. Please see your class teacher for times


21st Graduation photos (poppies Only)

21st Christmas photos 


6th - Home style bakery orders are due in

8th – End of year Christmas Breakfast celebration – all children and families are invited to attend the end of year celebration.Invitation and information have been sent home.

10th - 14th – Parent /teacher interviews interview appointment day and times will be posted in each room for you to add your name.

13th - Homestyle bakery orders delivered

14th – Graduation for the class of 2018

25th and 26th -Centre closed 

Centre Car park

Over the past couple of weeks, we have had several incidences in our car park. Please do not leave your children and pets in the car.It may seem like a short time in the car alone but so much can happen in a short time.

There are certain times of the day when it can become quite hectic and as you are all aware spaces are quite limited and parking is tight.I wish I could wave a magic wand and create more car spaces or arrange that everyone drop off and pick up at coordinate times – if only we lived in a perfect world.

If everyone could please remember:

*drive in and out slowly speed limit is 5kms

*be patient and wait in your car until a spot becomes free.

*If there is no car parks please do not double park and leave your car.

*Show courtesy to other drivers in the car park

*Please do not park in staff car parks if there is an available parent park.

* 4WD car owners if you have difficulty parking you may park in the disabled park as it is wider and easier to manoeuvre – alternatively park out the front and use our gate.

*Please only take up one car park 

 Hi All,

Firstly a big welcome to our new little friends, Jordan, Joshua, Lyla and their families. Everyone is settling in really well as we work together on building trusting relationships.

As we know the year 2018 is flying by and we are approaching 2019. Most of our older children are transitioning and moving up soon. We are very excited that they have reached their milestone and have achieved it in their own time.

In the last month we have seen our room settle into routines and strive for a welcoming environment. The children are rapidly learning and gaining more skills and experience as they discover, explore, learn, face new challenges and adapt to the new indoor and outdoor environment through various play in sensory skills using activities such as; water & bubbles, sand (wet/dry), rice, pasta vegetable (dry/soft), ribbons and paint, as well as cognitive skills such as sorting and matching puzzles, blocks, shapes, colours recognition etc.

As of now, most of our children's artworks are filled in their art folder for the end of the year and we will start to display our Halloween and Christmas artwork.

Just a little reminder to all to PLEASE make sure you are completing your child's daily communication sheet upon arrival each morning. This is very important to us as it helps us understand your child's needs for the day. Coming events will be displayed on the main door and your child PARENT INFORMATION shelf.

That.s it from the PIP staff, If you have any question or concerns please don,t hesitate to ask we always available.

Keep smiling :)

Miss Lucy & Miss Suki.

 Hi all,

What a busy couple of months we have had. Over the past couple of months we have welcomed Eden, Jazayah and Phoenix into our class. its been great getting to know you all and watching your little (sometimes big) personalities blossom.

We have had some interest in sensory play, so we've done some fun sensory activities including goop play, play dough and water play. Corn flour goop is an interesting texture to explore and play. playing with goop is a great sensory and science activity to learn about the concepts of what a solid and liquid is. We used some corn flour and added some water. when we applied pressure to the goop it turns solid, and as soon as we stop, it turns back to a liquid form. it is so much fun watching the sprouts children as they discovered what the goop did while they were experimenting with it. It was a great way to really explore descriptive words with the children such as what does it feel like, does it feel soft, slimy or runny. Words to broaden their cognitive thinking. Sensory play encourages children to manipulate equipment with increasing competence and skill by building on their fine and gross motor skills.

We have also done a couple of cooking experiences in sprouts class. Our cooking experiences have lead to similar kinds of thinking when we use eggs. the children feel the egg before and after it is cracked, noticing how it changes from solid to liquid, and how the flour changes from soft to liquid too. so far we've made cookies, brownies and a cake! We have continued our interest in the swing. though now we have noticed how our educators are pushing us, we are now building on our relationships with our peers by pushing them on the swings too.

We have started doing a new song in group time "one little finger". this song helps us to name body parts, build on our hand eye coordination and to participate in group activities. keep an ear out for your little one singing this song!

Another big interest we have seen is in doll play. Baby dolls are fantastic toys for both boys and girls to learn about themselves and their world. Bringing the big world down to a manageable size for our sprouts children, they open up and expand pretend play opportunities. Realistic dolls are the optimal option for toddlers as they look like the real thing and wont take away from imaginative play. Doll play gives a lot of opportunities for toddlers to experiment with different types of words for colours, size, position, actions and feelings. experimenting with these different types of words is the building blocks for your toddlers to use to make longer sentences. During doll play, we have been introducing the occasional "where, what or who" questions to keep conversations going. pretend play with dolls gives toddlers the opportunities to lean body parts, clothing names and different foods & utensils.

We now have a few children who have turned two and are beginning their toilet training journey, you may have noticed our sticker reward charts in the bathroom. Please remember if your child is toilet training, to bring in enough spare clothes.

over the next couple of months as we finish up for the year, we will be getting the art folders ready to be sent home. we will continue building language and cognitive development though sensory activities.

until next time,

Teagan and Havane.

 Hello everyone,

Over the past month the Buds children have been focusing on their gardening skills planting Cress Seeds and watching them grow. We have also done lots of artwork based on this e.g. the children's interpretation of a sunflower, the children have then planted their own sunflower seed to take home.

We have been watching the Poppies tomato plants grow and thrive over the past couple of weeks. We even found three caterpillars on them. From this we have been doing 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' story and artwork, at each group time Miss Sarah and Miss Jamie-lee have been reading the story using different forms of media e.g. the book, video and felt board. They have made their own felt story where the children can make it up. Miss Sarah has programmed lots of fun artworks for us to do each day, starting with making our own Hungry Caterpillar story; using a balloon to make a caterpillar, cotton tip painting on a leaf, painting on a piece of paper then folding it to make a butterfly and collaging our own cocoons.

In the next few months we will be continuing to focus on the children's gross and fine motor skills, by doing more drawing and painting using different forms of media and starting to use scissors and cutting up paper and magazines to do collage. For gross motor we will be encouraging the children to do more jumping, running, climbing, kicking, catching, throwing and balancing. We are looking forward to the last few months of the year. 

Until next time

Miss Sarah and Miss Jamie

 Hi everyone!

As its coming to the end of the year, I would just like to update you all on what the Blossoms children have been learning over the past few months since our last newsletter 😊

As you all know, our main focuses have been colours, shapes, and numbers and our goal from our last newsletter was for the children to be able to identify up to 10 numbers and 10 shapes, and after observing all of the children this month, it is evident to see that they have all made fantastic progress with their colour, shape and number recognition which means our goal has been achieved! We will be continuing to broaden our learning of these topics throughout the end of the year by adding more numbers and shapes to make it a bit more challenging and practice each day to make it easier for the children memorise as we have been doing previously, which proved to be an effective means of learning. Each activity that is planned is based off the children's interests, then incorporated and extended into the program so that the children's full attention is held and they are engaged with enthusiasm and concentration. In the next few weeks, we will also be covering the topics of Patterns, Colour mixing, and focusing more on Letter Recognition and to get the children familiar with their names.

We were sad to say goodbye to our friends Eli, Hunter and Archer from the Blossoms room as they continue on their new journey, and we would also like to welcome some new friends, Valerie and Lincoln to the Blossoms room! They have settled in extremely well and have already familiarised themselves with the routines, rules and transitions and have already started to form comfortable and trusting relationships with myself (Miss Tiahn) and the other children in only a short few days!

The children have had a great time doing Halloween artwork, and had such a great time for the Halloween Dress up day on Wednesday 31st of October! Was amazing to see the creativity of all the children's different costumes! 😊

As it nears the end of the year, the children are extremely excited and looking forward to Christmas!! We will be learning Christmas songs, doing lots of Christmas artwork and getting prepared for the Christmas Party!!

We all can't wait! No long to go now!!

Miss Tiahn Taylor 😊


In the kindergarten room over the past month the children have been very busy!

We have been tending to our tomato garden and enjoying the fruits of our labour! Our tomato plants have finally produced red tomatoes! There is always a lot of excitement in the air when the children arrive at Kindy to find more tomatoes turned red!

Children take pride in caring for the gardening, watering the plants every second day. And very recently we have discovered that our snow pea plant is producing yummy snow peas!

With all the excitement around gardening we have taken this into the kitchen with a variety of different cooking experiences! Investigating and using recipes! Children have even made their own recipes of their favourite foods they like to make at home!

With all this talk of food it brought about discussions on being healthy and looking after our wellbeing.

We had a special visitor to the centre to talk with us about dental hygiene! Children enjoyed a hands-on activity of brushing a kangaroo's teeth and then their own while having a check up with the dentist.

Miss Brie and Miss Kerrie 😊


The aim of the ELLA Program is for children to have early experience in another language and culture this year children are learning Italian

App 7:

Children are encouraged to observe the environment and interact with it using familiar language from apps 1 to 6, and also new language introduced in this app. The culture of the chosen language is represented in objects from earlier apps, and in new objects in this app's play space and learning experiences.

It has been great fun interacting with the ELLA apps and hopefully the children know some Italian😊

Learning environment- CURRENT INTEREST 

As we are fast approaching the end of the year we are exploring and revisiting episodes of our learning journey so far. Children are making connections and links to their prior experiences and building on their current knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Through building on these experiences, we help children to feel secure, confident and included and to experience continuity in how to be and how to learn. Children's learning is ongoing and each child will progress towards the outcomes in different and equally meaningful ways. Effective learning usually occurs over time as children practise and master new skills, concepts and techniques. New learning typically builds on previous knowledge and experience, and exposing the children to the information a number of times. Revisiting prior learning allows us to check for understanding and plan the 'where to next' in preparation for Prep next year! 😊


This year's Graduation will be held on the 14th of December at 10.00am

With Graduation just around the corner there is a few things you need to know. The children will need to arrive to the classroom between 9.15am and 9.30am this is so we can dress and prepare them for a prompt start at 10.00am.Following the graduation ceremony, all families and friends are invited join the children and staff for a shared morning tea. Please bring a plate to share 😊 The children will receive their portfolios and Transition Statements on the day.


Every Wednesday Yoga's class 2.30pm

Graduation Photos 21st Nov It would be great to have all children in this photo 😊

 Hello to all families

We wish to wellcome Layne & Alina for Morning/After schoolcare & their families to Piptree Early Learning Centre.It is nearly the end of the year and we will be busy with halloween/christmas Art/craft & other activities.All children have settled well & is enjoying their time at PipTree.

Until next time

Miss Kamani