By on Wednesday, 01 November 2017

November Family Newsletter

​Welcome to our November Family News, we have a few important dates coming up, so please enter them into your calendar so you don't miss out!! This will be our last newsletter for the year.

Kindergarten Graduation is on the 1st December from 4pm-6pm. This is a celebration and a farewell to all the children who will be going to school in 2018. So children from Aman, Jas and Dollys room only. Please bring a plate of food to share for the night. As the kindergarten room is very popular, we have a class of 50 graduating, we will be asking that each kindergarten graduate only brings along two guests please. We will make photos and a video of the night available for all to share.

-Kindergarten November News:

We have still been working hard on our alphabets, numbers, colours, shapes, seasons and days of the week both in oral and written form. During the past three weeks we have begun to teach the children how to do the alphabets and some songs in sign language. Most of the poppies have picked it up very quickly. I have even had parents come in quite surprised when their child has gone home and started showing off their new skills. A big thanks to Miss Bel.

We are still sending the homework books for you to continue helping your child to improve on their hand writing and cognitive skills.

Poppies will have their transition statements ready for you to view, please use this document and the samples of their learning journey to support the school for 2018. All kindergarten children are more than welcome to stay until the 19th January 2018.


Christmas Party for Blossoms One, Two and Poppies (will be held after the youngest party on 9th December). Blossoms and Poppies will celebrate with a Christmas party from        4.30pm-6.30pm.  We have a science show to delight, activities, food and drink supplied. If you have children in both downstairs and upstairs, please choose a party time that suits and attend one only.

Blossom One and Two November News:

Year is running fast.Is there any way we can hold this…

Hold these beautiful conversations which children make with me a friends, hold these heart-warming cuddles that we get when we enter in the room. Hold those giggles that we all do on our silly expressions.

Sometimes if we are lucky, we can capture in our camera but other times in our memories and deep on our hearts .Some of the beautiful Quotes from our children …

Rashmi_" Kingsley! love you"

Kingsly – I love my mummy"

Ryan: Pirates take that.

Mohnish: Look I made a big tower, my dad says this is Paris.

We would love to share our pictures with you, please bring in a usb so we can download the pictures taken throughout the year. A very big thank to all of you for coming to celebrate Diwali with us .we would not have done it without your support.

Christmas is approaching and most of us have already made plans to celebrate with a bang ...and why not ,we all deserve that celebration as we have had a wonderful year with your lovely children, learning and achieving success every day.  

It has truly been a fantastic experience in Blossoms with all the beautiful children and supportive families . We are thankful to all of you for trusting us with your children.

It was so rewarding to see them using so many new words or explaining scientific facts or recognising numbers and letters and being able to write their names .This motivates us to teach them more. In the next few months most of our Blossom children will be moving into poppies room, we wish them all the very best and cant wait to see them blossom further!!


Rina and Joyce, Rashmi and Shikha

Christmas Party for Pips, Sprouts and Buds (will be held BEFORE the older children s party). Celebration will be 2pm-4pm. We have a magic show to delight, activities, food and drink supplied. If you have children in both downstairs and upstairs, please choose A party time that suits and attend one only.

November Family News from Pips, Sprouts and Buds:

It's getting closer and closer to the end of the year! Time flies!

We celebrated Diwali recently which is  also known as the "festival of lights". We decorated the rooms with lots of art work and decorations. We would like to  thank  Ashish's family , they brought some traditional Indian clothes for staff and our children to wear to help celebrate the event. Miss Julia and Miss Sera wore traditional Indian clothing , the children enjoyed getting this done. It was a great experience to celebrate Diwali at the centre and everyone that was involved enjoyed the week.

We always welcome and appreciate any involvement from the parents in our room.

We have provided a variety of fun activities for the children. Over the last few weeks we focused on nature.The children had the chance of using nature materials such as pine corn, leaves, vegetables and water. Natural materials stimulated children's creativity and imagination as they can be used in play in many ways.

Also, one of our favourite activity of this month was messy sensory activity , the children were excited to play with spaghetti and they were exploring the textures of spaghetti using their fingers.

In November we will learn about the colours and we have noticed that the children are engaged in story times. At the moment we are using picture books to explore children's understanding. Please share your child's favourite book so we can continue to build on their interests and skills. 

We hope you are all in good spirits and happy with your child's performance.

The past months have been extremely productive and a great experience for the children. Through the past months, the children engaged in various activities that helped them get a better understanding on different things. Some areas which were explored include- home corner role play (laundry, hanging clothes, iron etc.) teddy bear art & craft activities, zoo animals, community helpers, nature play, construction etc. We tried our best to organise different activities on these areas to help the children learn.

When we were learning about nature, there was a vast variety of interactive resources to help them learn. Some activities that thoroughly engaged the children were nature collages, rock painting, leaf stamping and counting pine cones. When the children were introduced to the topic of community helpers, many of them were eager to dress up, read books, and solve puzzles all associated with community helper.

Some daily activities included obstacle courses and role play. Everyone was very active and eager to do the activities set out outdoors which involved the obstacle course. Musical instruments were a favourite activity among the children. We will be focusing on many more activities and topics to help the children learn. More activities that the children like more will be organised for the future. The children will hopefully continue to learn and grow in a safe and positive environment. Many thanks to all the parents of the children.

Some of the youngest one in Pips have begun to crawl, some of the older ones are beginning to walk, beginning to talk and getting so tall. We would love to share all their pictures with you, please bring in a usb so we can transfer the pictures from our laptops to you!!

We hope you have some free time over the Christmas break and wish to remind you that we offer two weeks at half fees for the families who notify us of their leave. If you are taking holidays please just email Sandra or let us know. 

Now is the time for adding days if needed, we have accepted all the return booking advice and have a few positions left, if you are in need of an extra day or two, now is the time to add it for the New Year.