By on Monday, 08 October 2018

October 2018

 2018 Christmas Party

This year, the Children's Christmas Party will be held on the 14th of December.

The Poppies graduation will also be held on the same day.  

We are still working out technicalities, but we are aiming to hold the Graduation between 1.30pm-2.30pm, and then move on to the Christmas party.

Both events will be held at the centre this year, with lots of special surprises!

As always, make sure you have liked our Facebook page to keep up to date.  ​

2019 Enrolments 

It is time for us to confirm bookings for 2019!

We will be contacting families on our waitlist within the next few weeks, so to prioritise your bookings and secure your spot for 2019 please check your emails and follow the link to complete your booking form for next year.  

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.  

 Kiosk sign in & out

As required by the Education and Care Services National Regulations, children must be signed in upon arrival to the centre, and signed out upon departure.  

The person who delivers the child to the education and care service premises or collects the child must sign in at the time that child arrives and departs.  (Regulation 158c, pg145).

Please ensure you are doing this upon arrival and departure.  

If you are having problems with the kiosk, or are not confident using it, please let me know and I'd be happy to walk you through it. 

Providing Meals

I am very excited to announce, that after a long search, countless no shows, and interview after interview, we have finally found our Cook!

Bringing with her a wealth of knowledge and experience gained from 18 years in the hospitality industry, our wonderful new cook will be starting on Monday 15th of October.  We will officially be providing all meals, from Monday 22nd October.  

We will be using the next week to put together a 4 week menu, in line with the Healthy Eating guidelines, and familiarising our new cook to the centre, the children and our food safety program!


 The cooler weather is heading out the door and we can finally venture outdoors. We have exciting adventures to come in October.

Our Mini Pip Garden is looking wonderful and the children love getting involved especially watering the garden with the watering can. Our room is focusing on the diverse ways to look after and sustain our environment around us.

We have welcomed two new friends to our Pip room, Clara and William, they have settled in very nicely and we love having them around. Welcome!

Ms Taylah and Ms Julie


 It's October! Time has gone so fast that it is almost the end of the year.

Before we talk about this month, let's recap on the last 3 glorious months of July, August and September.

We worked on the usual letter/sound recognition of some of the alphabets, counting 1-10, identifying numbers mostly 1-10, identifying basic shapes, developing physically, asserting autonomy (independence), increase attention regulation, follow one to three step direction, identify 3 or more body parts, people and objects, expand vocabulary and communicate with simple sentences, but most of all begin to develop respect, empathy and friendship with peers and others.

Our young generals, the Sprouts had been meeting new people, challenging themselves and through their perseverance in every step of their learning process, they were able to acquire skills,nurture what they already had and build their self-worth.

Our toddler's learning process is lengthy and can occur over a period of many months. And so we welcome October with open arms. We are ready to begin this month by getting to know more of our new friends and learning new material with the children, using fun topics that interest them.

Our theme for this month is FAMILY, FRIENDS, and FEELINGS but we will continually review shapes, colours, letters and some self help skills on a regular basis. The class will work together to discover new ideas for building friendships while helping them to learn important lessons about friendship, taking turns, saying sorry and explore different ways to communicate their feelings and improve language. It is very important for children to know how to express and identify feelings so that they also can learn how to manage certain feeling when they're experiencing it or when they see someone else experiencing it, they can help solve the problem.

Some of the Sprouts had shown readiness for toilet training and this month we plan to work on it. In this case we ask parents to please, let us work together because when it comes to toilet training, we believe that consistency and continuity are the ways to success.

We hope to fill this month with new learning experiences, and lots of FUN!

Miss June and Miss Coralie


A big welcome to Vivian, Leah, Lucas and Hayden. All our new Buds children are settling into the room beautifully and are building positive relationships with educators and room children.

In the next few weeks, we will explore dinosaurs as our next room focus. The study of dinosaurs fosters children's curiosity and a thirst for learning. We will also explore earth science theme - volcanoes. Exploring the world of dinosaurs and volcanoes opens up the creative mind. We will set up natural and science table in the room for children to explore their interests.

In the Buds room we also like to give the children access to a wide range of open- ended materials. These materials stimulate the children's imagination and creativity as they work out what an object can be or how they can change and make a new product from these items. Allowing them the freedom to choose their own resources means we are not limiting their learning. When they are constructing with open- ended materials they develop their problem- solving skills, fine motor skills and communication. 

Toilet Training

At our regular changing times we offer the children the choice if they want to try the toilet or not. We do encourage use of the toilet; however, we do not force children to use it. If your child is in the process of toilet learning, please ensure he/she has at least two spare changes of clothes including underwear in their bags. Also for more success, toilet training should be done at home and at day care so the routine stays the same for the child.

Ms Na, Ms Innie & Ms Shahnaz



It has been a great journey with all of you. A big thanks from Miss Elena and me to each and every family that has been with us through these times. Thank you for being a part of our everyday and of your children's learning journey.

For the past three months, blossoms had been very much interested with planets and the solar system. We made our planet arts using different ways and materials. Blossoms also explored solar system with the exploration box we made. We also would like to give special thanks to Mum Jane for lending us her books about planets. Blossoms did learn a lot from them. Oh wait! The highlight of this long journey about planets was our excursion to the planetarium. It was so much fun exploring and learning the planets with these young minds.

Together with these experiences about planets, we are proud of our blossoms on how well they were developing their fine and gross motor skills with their interests in scissor cutting activities, bowling (indoor and outdoor) as well as, using tongs to serve themselves with fruits for morning tea. Mathematical concepts such as counting, making patterns, identifying shapes, sorting and matching were another achievement.

"Harry" our room bear gives blossoms the chance to show their love and affection. Harry is enjoying his journey with the children. He had been to ballet classes, beach (without getting wet of course), race, jumping castle, parks and lots of birthday parties. Harry is still open for more tour and he is enjoying his time with our blossoming blossoms.

Now we are ready to move on with more fun and learning. We started our new adventure with children's interest in animals that lay eggs. As we say that 'circle has no beginning' do you think "Chicken comes first or the eggs?" We introduced farm animals to blossoms and children got so much to tell. We are delighted to extend on all of these interests. Hang on guys! We will explore altogether.

Moreover, blossoms begin to understand why we need to reduce our wastes. We started to focus on our sustainability practices in the room. We made our yellow bin for our plastics and recyclable wastes. The educators noticed the great reduction of our food wastes from morning tea. Children do love to try each, and every fruit served.

We have had such an amazing adventure throughout the year and eagerly awaiting for what the next few months hold for us in the room.

Love lots,

Miss Elena and Miss Lyn 


Hi Parents/Caregivers,

We would like to welcome Miss Julie Cooper to the Poppies room. She is a great asset to our room and has helped in many ways during our first month together. The children have taken a positive approach towards a change in educators and gained an insight to how they will transition into having new teachers for school.

The Poppies have actively been caring for our class garden. They are learning about living and non-living things, as they engage in seeing things grow. We are reading a book about living things and have identified that non-living things such as air, the sun and water help living things to grow. Renny was excited to see that his salad mix seeds were the first to hatch. Maximus and Sofia are amazed at how fast their bean seeds are growing and wondered if they could reach the giant. Hudson has shared his love of carrots and was eager to plant seeds to see how the carrots could grow. We have appreciated the interest also shown by parents about our developing garden and sharing and discussing this with your children when entering our room. If you have any seeds for herbs please feel free to donate some, as this is an area we would like to investigate more.

The children have also been involved in planning and implementing our "Kids Hospital". Charlie helped to make a stethoscope using his creativity and resources found within his learning environment. Ruby enjoys being a Doctor. Samuel is in charge of x-ray and evacuations from the hospital, he also encourages other children to make a train which takes the patients to the hospital. We have many patients who have been cared for including; Maximus; Isobel; Sofia; Charlie and Eli. The children learn new vocabulary while developing their role-play in their hospital and explore how the people in the hospital care for everyone.

We are also beginning to discuss with the children ideas for our graduation. Please feel free to share any ideas that you would like to have included for your child's graduation.


Miss Renee and Miss Julie