By on Friday, 25 October 2019

October's Blossoming News

News From Kylie 

October is here and many of you will be on the countdown to Christmas (58 Days) and end of year celebrations, I know they have been on our mind here at the Centre as we are busy arranging all our end of year activities.But before we wipe away the next three months though let's not forget about what's on now!

We are finalising enrolments for next year so if you haven't returned your "Re enrolment for 2020" form then you had better hurry as places are filling quickly. All changing of booking and rooms will not happen until the 27 January 2020.  All staff changes will occur 20 January 2020 to help with the settling of the children who will be transitioning during this time.

Christmas Holidays – you may not be aware, but the centre does not close over the Christmas period. We are only closed for the Public Holidays. When filling out your "Re enrolment for 2020" please remember to fill out the section as to whether you will be taking holidays during December/January. All our wonderful staff also needs a break so in order to schedule leave we need to know how many children will be attending over this period. If you forgot to do this and have handed in your form already, please see Kylie and we can complete another holiday form.

Family Portraits:Thank you to the families who participated, we were able to raise enough money to purchase the children's gifts at the end of year party.

Christmas Hampers:We will be doing our Christmas Hampers Raffle again this year.We were hoping that we could again get support from businesses to donate some items for the raffles as well as our parent donations.If you know of any businesses or work at a business which would like to contribute we would be happy to promote their products/business in our centre.Tickets will be sent home in November to begin selling.

We have got Halloween dress up coming up on the 31st October and would love for all the children to take part.However, we do ask that we do not dress scary as this may upset some of our children.

Centre Car park

Over the past couple of weeks, we have had several incidences in our car park. Please do not leave your children and pets in the car.It may seem like a short time in the car alone but so much can happen in a short time.

There are certain times of the day when it can become quite hectic and as you are all aware spaces are quite limited and parking is tight.I wish I could wave a magic wand and create more car spaces or arrange that everyone drop off and pick up at coordinate times – if only we lived in a perfect world.

If everyone could please remember:

*drive in and out slowly speed limit is 5kms

*be patient and wait in your car until a spot becomes free.

*If there is no car parks please do not double park and leave your car.

*Show courtesy to other drivers in the car park

*Please do not park in staff car parks if there is an available parent park.

* 4WD car owners if you have difficulty parking you may park in the disabled park as it is wider and easier to manoeuvre – alternatively park out the front and use our gate.

*Please only take up one car park 

Graduating Class 2019

The graduating class of 2019 will have their individual photos taken on the 14th  of November and I will bet they will all look fantastic.We are asking that all children who are leaving to go to school and do not attend on the Thursday to please see Kylie to book a time in for the photo shoot. 

The Graduation will be held here at the centre on the 13 /12/2019.Invitations will be sent home soon.All graduating students are welcome to attend as it will be held on a Friday Morning.

Upcoming Events

Halloween Dress up - 31st October

Graduation photo shoot 14th November – Poppies only

Christmas photos shoot 14th November – All room and per ordered and book

Remembrance Day – 11th November