By on Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Piptree Eight Mile Plains

Welcome to another month, the year is flying by and we are sure having fun!! There is a wealth of information, experiences and photos available for the  our families on Educa- if you have not yet joined please see a staff member to help. 

Coming Soon to Warm Us UP!!! Centre Events to Warm the Heart


5th World Environment Day

14th Dress up Day- Winter Warmers

17th June Hampers for Homeless Drive- Please bring in jumpers, socks, blankets, food items, cleaning products, personal products, beanies for Helping Hands

26th Cardboard Creations


7th-14th Naidoc Week

19th P.J Day

26th School Planting Day

29th Recycled Bird Baths and insect homes

Our policies and procedures which guide the service are always under review in line with new information, legislative changes and better outcomes for children. The policy folder is always available at the front counter, these are current and we welcome your input, in the recent weeks we have updated our indoor and outdoor policy, chocking policy, community policy as well as created a procedure to check the temperature of the surfaces when the warmer weather is upon us again. 

Centrelink Details- 

Annual Cap and Allowable Absent Days

As the months have clicked past so is the absent days and possibly the cap of the Child Care Subsidy. The allowable absent days are 42 within the financial year, after this there will be no child care subsidy for your child, this will reset in the New Financial Year. Some families will have reached their annual cap, this only affects families with the income of $186, 959 or more, currently Centrelink subsidise your fees up until $10,190. . Families will an income of less then $186, 958 will not have a cap on their child care subsidy and it will be just as normal. We are approaching a new financial year and there are a few accounts reaching their CCS annual cap, and this is the month that it will affect more families. If your stuck with the above information come and see me and I can provide walk you through it personally. 

We thank all our families for their support and hope again we can help the most vulnerable within our community/ the hampers for the homeless is once again underway and we would love it if the discussion could be had at home. Whether its teaching your child about compassion or the rights of all, about sharing for the less fortunate, however you frame it for your little ones, please give as much as you can. Food items such as non perishables, personal items such as deodorants, soaps, tissues, wipes, clothes, blankets, boots, shows, socks the works. For the families out their struggling, please offer some toys, books, pencils, arts and craft items. We gathered so many items last year, we were able to help a multitude of families, these items are given to Helping Hands, a charity which supports homeless and those having serious difficulties.