By on Tuesday, 05 May 2020

Piptree Tanah Merah Newsletter April

Welcome to our April newsletter, what a month it has been. We would like to thank our families, our educators, our management team and most importantly our children for their support and kind words at this time. 

It is great to see these little people adjust so well to everything that has been happening around them, we are so excited to have our little children slowly returning to the centre.

Each day we have been focusing on hygiene within and out of the centre, making sure everyone is washing their hands, being careful about what we touch. 

As we have not been able to go ahead with some our planned excursions, the children all worked hard on a special message that was placed on our front fence for everyone to see for Anzac Day, The children have also been on a bear hunt, looking around different peoples houses to see if there is a bear/ soft toy animal and taking a photo to place on our bear hunt wall. 

We have also been busy with recycling areas around the centre, using different material throughout the yard to set up smaller learning environments for the children, extending further on our indoor/ outdoor play. The children have been enjoying our new outdoor eatery, enjoying their meals outside while the weather permits. We have been encouraging the children to explore the environment further by looking around at different areas of the yard to then draw/ paint something that reflects this. As the children have shown a lot of interest in insects, there is a learning area just for them to explore and add to, creating a great sense of belonging to the centre.

As some of the restrictions are easing, if you do need your child to resume due to commencing work etc, please let us know, we can`t wait to have all our little friends back. 

You may have noticed that we have a couple of different supporting educators within the centre, this is to help our sister centres to provide continuous work for everyone and to provide the extra care for the children, if you have any questions please see the office.

We would like to wish all our Mother`s a very Happy Mother`s Day.......



Here is some news of what has been happening from our different rooms


 Hi all,

What a busy couple of months we've had! In the pips class, we have been focusing on handwashing with the children. After nappy changes, we have been really emphasising washing hands and how to use soap. Trying to learn cleaning practises from an early age to combat this COVID 19!

We have been doing lots of focus on physical development, with some children learning to walk, some learning to crawl and some learning to sit up! We have been doing lots of one on one with the children to engage them in physical activity which will aid in their goal towards walking/crawling/ sitting up.

Another thing we have begun to try and incorporate every day in our pips class is to do a painting every day. The children are now showing such interest in finger painting, so I have been putting different things inside the paint for different sensory textures! Some enjoying this more than others! We have been trying to learn to hold onto a paintbrush - building on our fine motor skills. Some prefer to finger paint, while some prefer holding the brush. Its a learning journey for each child to explore at their own pace!

Also, with the weather being so nice (not so hot) we have been spending a lot of time outside throughout the day! Children are enjoying block play, the swing and even bird watching while outside.

Over the next couple of months, we will continue with physical development, trying to reach our individual goals of walking/sitting/crawling.


Miss Teagan 😊


Hello, families, we hope you have all been safe and well. In our room we have been exploring insects and small world animals, looking at our nature and building on our gross motor skills as we have fun in the fresh air.

Through our exploration and play, we continually enhance our language skills, socials skills which give us a sense of belonging. The children have enjoyed doing lots of beautiful art and craft and joining in with the buds children in their room. We look forward to the coming months to getting back to normal. As the weather is starting to get a little cooler could we please make sure the children have appropriate clothes and shoes.

Thank you, Leanne and Suki  xx


It has been some tough times at the moment with what is happening around the world, we hope that you are all staying safe, healthy and happy. Even though we have had lower numbers in the centre we are still here happy to help with supporting your child and families.

To keep everyone's spirits up one of the days all the children and staff worked together to make a "we are all in this together" sign with our handprints on it, it looked great once we were done. We also have hung a bear out the front to be involved in the "going on a bear hunt" that is happening around the suburbs. Miss Sarah also drew a big butterfly where the children could stand in front of to get a photo taken.

We have also helped the children in developing their knowledge in washing their hands to help keep them and their friends safe while at kindy. Each nappy change, before we eat food and when coming inside to play, we are helping them get their soap, rub their hands together, rinse under the water and dry with a paper towel. 

We got some parent input on helping teach their child about road safety. So, Miss Sarah made a pretend road and traffic lights for the children to learn how to look both ways and hold their parents' hand when crossing the street. We put on The Wiggles song "Look both ways", and taught the children about learning to stop, wait, look, hold hands and carefully cross the street. From there we did some artwork on traffic lights, teaching the children what each colour means Red- Stop, Yellow- Slow down and Green- Go. The children did colour collage and drawing on traffic lights.

At each group time we are continuing to teach the children about their colours, shapes and counting. To assist the children, we do lots of songs that involve counting and have special flash cards that we hold up and ask them "what shape?"


Hello Again,

Firstly, a big WELCOME to all our new families that have joined us recently, it has been a pleasure getting to know you and your wonderful children who are now part of our family of Pip Tree Early Learning.

For the past few months, we have been trying to settle the new children as they are away from their parents and give them a lot of attention to make sure they feel comfortable with their new environment.  Last month we celebrated  ANZAC DAY,  the children's made a special memory for the day.  Mothers Day is coming up and the children are busy creating and organising their little creation to give to their Mum.  The children are enjoying the process. They are also engaged in practicing counting and letter recognition, this learning helps your children to develop their language and communication skills.  We encourage parents to provide a special item to your child for show and share every week.

Just a reminder for the parents PLEASE read the notices up on the wall and check your child's PARENT POCKETS and pack extra clothes for your child's especially as its getting colder during the late afternoon, as well as other named belonging such as water bottles, fitted and flat sheets and medication (if needed) with chemist labels.

If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to ask Miss Lucy and Miss Heidi or write it in the COMMUNICATION BOOK and FEEDBACK/ SUGGESTION BOX provided on the shelf.



Miss Lucy & Miss Heidi

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