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Weekly Family News

Up and Coming Events- 

Prep Information: Wednesday 4pm-5pm for all 2019 and 2020 Prep families. A resourceful evening discussing the "REAL" needs of a Prep child and how to successfully transition from Early Learning to School.

Grandparents Afternoon Tea 3.30pm to 5pm  with Ocean Life all welcome!!

Buds 2 

Hello and welcome again. First of all we would like to welcome our new children in the room including Vibuti, Jaivinbir, Gurbaz.Inside the room, our Buds 2 children have been showing interest in solving puzzles, sorting, recognising and naming shapes and numbers. Most children are starting to recognise the numbers by fixing the pegs on the number matching cards. They have been exploring different mathematical concepts of literacy and numeracy. Some of our children have started to write numbers on scrapbooks. While other children are exploring their creativity through drawing. few children in the room are also doing observational drawings by looking at the object in front of them and drawing it on the paper. In these days, we are celebrating NAIDOC week and children enjoyed face painting, dot painting and hand print painting.

Children have also been refining their fine motor skills by inserting the match sticks into the small holes of the bottle lid. Another activity was threading flower blocks into the straw. All these activities improved their hand eye coordination.Children are also exploring their sensory creativity by learning to cut the playdough with scissors. We also showed different spices including cinnamon, cumin, cloves, cardamoms etc. All children had the opportunity to touch, smell and taste different spices. Most of the children are learning self help skills by following the routine and toileting by themselves.

Our Buds 2 children have showed great interest in outdoor play such as riding the bike and swings. They also had the opportunity to go upstairs and play on the big fort and swings. They also enjoyed learning to share the bike with friends and taking turns. This is improving their social and gross motor skills. Children enjoyed playing musical instruments including guitar and drums.

Lastly we thank all the parents for participating in our 10th Anniversary of our centre. If you have any suggestions, we would like to welcome to bring along your ideas. 

Blossoms One

Hello again!

We hope you all are doing good and feeling excited to see your children growing and learning well.

It is very rewarding indeed to see children developing and blossoming. Their persistence to achieve their goal, kindness and empathy towards others, their can-do attitude, and very inquisitive eyes are the moments we always treasure. 

The past few weeks of our learning journey is picking up fast, and the children are responding well.

A high level of comprehension is clearly visible in group time communication and story reading.

We always focus on their wellbeing and promoting healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle; so that our children live a healthy and happy life.

Families – your input is always appreciated and very much valuable for us. So, please keep giving your input about your child's interest, strengths and abilities so that we can make our program more meaningful for your children.

Until next term, have a good time.

Rina and Rashmi.