Around the centre

How quickly have we gotten to the second half of the year. It hasn't been an easy one but definitely a year to remember.

Throughout the centre the rooms have been exploring so many different topics.

The Pips 0-15 months room have focused on all things sensory and colour. They have been extending and encouraging the children to use their fine motor through different types of art activities throughout the week. Whether it be stamping with scrunched up foil or just using their fingers to paint with the Pips are absolutely loving these experiences. 

Miss Corrine and Miss Chona are doing a fantastic job expanding the children's learning experiences with messy play - as you all know children learn best through play!! And messy play is the best kind of play.

The Sprouts 15-2.5 years room children have shown such a great interest in fire trucks so to extend on this Miss Amy and Miss Kaylee have introduced the children to all things about fire safety and what it means to be a fire fighter. The children have created their own pretend fire through art activities while also extending their knowledge of our fire evacuations - the children have been practicing fire evacuations throughout the week. What a fantastic way to help young children become familiar with such important topics!

The Buds 2-3 years room has been transformed into a natural paradise - the children have been captivated by different natural materials within the room while also extending their interest in sensory play. Miss Ellen and Miss Coralie along with the children have been creating potions, these are created using your imaginations of course. So many different materials and ingredients go into these potions, the children help to add in these ingredients then mix them all together. The children have also planted seedlings to add to their bee hotel!! How amazing, the children are going to put these flowers into the hotel to help attract bees that are far away from their hives throughout the spring, this will then create a safe environment for them to rest during their long and busy season. 

The Blossoms 3-4 years room have been busy focusing on their alphabet and number recognition skills. Through different art and craft activities and through group time experiences the children have focused on different letters each week. Because of the amazing interest shown the children have also started to practice their writing during group time. It is amazing watching them soak in all the learning each week, this is amazing practice for them as they Blossom children prepare to move in to the big preschool room next year.

Finally in the Poppies 4-5 years room the children are extending their interest in science experiments - its so fantastic to see how intrigued they all are throughout each and every experiment the room is filled with wonder and excitement. Lunch box days are also in full swing, it has become so popular with the children, not just in the Poppies room but other rooms too - all children want to "go big school with a lunchbox". It's amazing to observe the children as they show off their knowledge, it is very clear to see that our little people are not so little any more... they are all very ready for big school!

That's a wrap of what's happening within the rooms. Make sure you keep posted on Educa to find out more of what the children do each day!

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