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October's Blossoming News

News From Kylie 

October is here and many of you will be on the countdown to Christmas (58 Days) and end of year celebrations, I know they have been on our mind here at the Centre as we are busy arranging all our end of year activities.But before we wipe away the next three months though let's not forget about what's on now!

We are finalising enrolments for next year so if you haven't returned your "Re enrolment for 2020" form then you had better hurry as places are filling quickly. All changing of booking and rooms will not happen until the 27 January 2020.  All staff changes will occur 20 January 2020 to help with the settling of the children who will be transitioning during this time.

Christmas Holidays – you may not be aware, but the centre does not close over the Christmas period. We are only closed for the Public Holidays. When filling out your "Re enrolment for 2020" please remember to fill out the section as to whether you will be taking holidays during December/January. All our wonderful staff also needs a break so in order to schedule leave we need to know how many children will be attending over this period. If you forgot to do this and have handed in your form already, please see Kylie and we can complete another holiday form.

Family Portraits:Thank you to the families who participated, we were able to raise enough money to purchase the children's gifts at the end of year party.

Christmas Hampers:We will be doing our Christmas Hampers Raffle again this year.We were hoping that we could again get support from businesses to donate some items for the raffles as well as our parent donations.If you know of any businesses or work at a business which would like to contribute we would be happy to promote their products/business in our centre.Tickets will be sent home in November to begin selling.

We have got Halloween dress up coming up on the 31st October and would love for all the children to take part.However, we do ask that we do not dress scary as this may upset some of our children.

Centre Car park

Over the past couple of weeks, we have had several incidences in our car park. Please do not leave your children and pets in the car.It may seem like a short time in the car alone but so much can happen in a short time.

There are certain times of the day when it can become quite hectic and as you are all aware spaces are quite limited and parking is tight.I wish I could wave a magic wand and create more car spaces or arrange that everyone drop off and pick up at coordinate times – if only we lived in a perfect world.

If everyone could please remember:

*drive in and out slowly speed limit is 5kms

*be patient and wait in your car until a spot becomes free.

*If there is no car parks please do not double park and leave your car.

*Show courtesy to other drivers in the car park

*Please do not park in staff car parks if there is an available parent park.

* 4WD car owners if you have difficulty parking you may park in the disabled park as it is wider and easier to manoeuvre – alternatively park out the front and use our gate.

*Please only take up one car park 

Graduating Class 2019

The graduating class of 2019 will have their individual photos taken on the 14th  of November and I will bet they will all look fantastic.We are asking that all children who are leaving to go to school and do not attend on the Thursday to please see Kylie to book a time in for the photo shoot. 

The Graduation will be held here at the centre on the 13 /12/2019.Invitations will be sent home soon.All graduating students are welcome to attend as it will be held on a Friday Morning.

Upcoming Events

Halloween Dress up - 31st October

Graduation photo shoot 14th November – Poppies only

Christmas photos shoot 14th November – All room and per ordered and book

Remembrance Day – 11th November

 Hello every one!

The past few weeks in the Pip's room has been very busy, fun and exciting! We have all been working really hard to reach new milestones. Learning to walk on our own has been the biggest one so far with most us now (except the little ones) being able to confidently walk or at least take about 10-15 steps at a time. We went from moving around the furniture, to walking using the push walker to now walking on our own with big smiles on our faces. We are all so extremely proud of ourselves 😊

Talking and repeating small words has also been another learning task we have been working on with the older children in the room. We have been using flash cards and reading lots of books and stories to assist us with this. Slowly we are getting there.

The younger of the Pip's are also achieving their own milestones by crawling and sitting unaided, holding their own bottle and learning to move around the room to get the toys that they want.

We would like to give a big welcome to Aria and Grace who have recently joined us in the room on a Friday. The twin girls are settling in very well here.

Please remember to take home your child's sheets on their last day for the week and check the kitchen to make sure you have all of their belongings. Keeping items labelled and named saves things from being misplaced.

Thank you!

From Miss Kerrie and Miss Jennifer xx

  The sprouts children have continued to develop their physical skills in outdoor play. The younger of the toddlers are extending on their knowledge of balance in climbing on the planks on their own, the older of the toddlers are showing their ever-growing skills in balance by learning to sand on one foot and hold onto the plank with their two hands. Other children are running while pushing trucks and bikes.

During group times we have been teaching the children about shapes. Once they have gained that knowledge we are furthering that by seeing if the children are able to match the shapes on the wall.   We have also been working on shape recognition, the children have begun to further their learning of shapes bringing it into their drawing. They are beginning to draw circles on their paper, telling Sarah "I draw circles" as they move their arm in a circular motion.

As some of the days have been warmer, we have begun to have some water play in the yard. The children love water splashing around the throwing the water all over Sarah then laughing. Sarah would get them back and tip water onto them and they would laugh

We have been helping the children with their throwing skills, Sarah has a fun spider web board and pretend spiders that stick to it. The children are learning to take turns while developing their gross motor skills in throwing them to the board. They are also working on aim as they have to try and make the board.

until next time Miss Sarah and Miss Raman

Hi everyone!

I would just like to give you another update on what the Buds children have been learning this month and how they have all been going! 😊

First of all, we would like congratulate Isla and Benji on moving up to the Blossoms room with Miss Teagan! They have fit in perfectly and are already in par with the routines and learning in the Blossoms room and have already made lots of new friends! We wish Benji and Isla all the best for the oncoming year 😊

We would also like to welcome to our new friends Sienna, Jessie, Fateh and Elijah into the Buds room!! The original Buds children have been doing an excellent job at making our new friends feel welcome, safe and comfortable 😊

In the Buds room, we have celebrated lots of our friend's birthdays over these past few months – Geoffrey's, Mia's, Isla's, Louis', Zali's, Grace's and also have Fateh's birthday coming up in November!! The children thoroughly enjoy celebrating their own and their friend's birthdays as we all come together and have a party with music and dancing, balloons, streamers, lollies, snacks and cake/cupcakes! 😊

The Buds children have shown exceeding interest in letters and name recognition and have also begun to initiate their own group time amongst themselves, using the flashcards I use of numbers, letters, and names. The children are transferring knowledge and learning from one context to another, and initiating their own role play and scripts, engaging in group play! 😊

Some of the main interests of all the children recently have been numbers, letters, name recognition, animal play, block and construction play, sensory play, music and dance, physical development whilst engaging in outside play and also building friendships by using kind words, gentle hands and group play and also all different kinds of arts and crafts! 😊

We continue to commend our Buds children on their toilet training! We strive each and every day to practice and encourage the children at toileting time so we are able to achieve the goal of being in undies, being independent and developing self-help skills!

Another big achievement we have made over the past few months has been language and speech development!! Some of the children that had not been expressive with words are now talking quite a lot and beginning to put sentences together! This has been a major success!! 😊 The Buds children are still continuing to make outstanding progress with achieving outcomes and goals, which will prepare them for the oncoming months! 😊

The events we have celebrated these past months have been Happy Feet, which we have a weekly visit every Thursday from and Grass Hopper Soccer every Tuesday. We also had a very special event, celebrating Diwali – The Indian Festival of Light, which the children thoroughly enjoyed!! We learnt the story about how the Diwali Festival came to be, we listened and danced to Indian music and also dressed up in their special clothes. We learnt many different Indian words, names and traditions, and we even got to try an Indian donut!! 😊 Lastly, the children had been excited and preparing for Halloween! We have been doing many different kinds of arts and crafts to celebrate Halloween, making footprint ghosts, hand print spiders, Bats, Pumpkins, Mummys, and making Halloween Masks!! We can't wait to see all of the imagination and effort of all the ideas of costumes that the children will be wearing!! 😊

As we near to the end of the year, soon it will be Christmas and the children couldn't be more excited!! We have these oncoming months to prepare and decorate the room with Christmas art and decorations and also getting prepared for the end of year Christmas Party!!

Would also like to thank all the Bud's Parents/Families for being involved and by working collaboratively with us to help the Buds children exceed to the best of their abilities.

Looking forward to the last couple oncoming months!!


Miss Tiahn and Miss Heidi 😊

 Hi all!

Over the past couple of months we have been so busy in blossoms class! We had a running class interest in planets for a few weeks there. We focused on one planet a day, learning about the differences in the planets, their names and their colours. We moved on to what else was in space – rocket ships, (children said) aliens and moons! We did various art activities, songs and discussions about space and the solar system. We learnt that all planets aren't made of rock and water like earth, and some are simply just gasses! This was a great few weeks, getting to watch the childrens knowledge and interest in the solar system blossom and grow together!

We had a special Diwali show recently too. A lady came and did a show to tell us about the Diwali story. The story is a about a King and Queen who send their children to the forest for 14 years, and when they return, they have a party. Calling it the festival of Diwali! During the show, the lady got children from the audience up on stage to partake in the story, she chose one king and queen, and two princes and a princess. After the show, she did some dancing with the children, put on a little lazer show and gave out some indian donuts to the children right at the end. The children really liked this show, they responded really well to the lady!

We are still enjoying doing lots of watering the gardens. With the nice weather lately, we have had lots of tomato's blossom. We are learning about the importance of watering the plants to make help them grow, as well as when to pick tomatoes from the tree, learning to wait until they are red to pick them. So once they were ready to be picked, we gave them to miss tracy for her to put on our sandwiches a couple times.

We have welcomed Jordan, Isla, Mila-Rose, Brooklyn and Zeke to our class over the past couple of months! Welcome to blossoms class guys!

Until next time,


Teagan & Elle


Over the last two months Poppies have been exploring, and extending an interest in money. We have seen children create scenarios similar to that of a fruit market or restaurant, exploring their ideas and approximating using everyday language to talk about money and money exchange. Poppies have also been working hard on developing their fine motor skills and using their drawing writing or arts work to communicate and make meaning!

With Healthy Mouth Day starting off our Term 4! Poppies spent time talking about oral hygiene and good practises for all round good health!

In the lead up to our Diwali Festival at the service children were interested in looking at places from around the world and learning more about the cultural background of our peers and educators at the service. Looking at a globe and a map of the world children swapped ideas and shared stories of travel and culture! Poppies are connecting with and contributing to their world, building positive relationships and showing respect for diversity. Diwali Festival was a great way to immerse children into Indian culture and allowed them an experience that builds their knowledge of the world around them!

In the coming months I will be starting to write and co-construct with you and your child their transition statements for Prep next year.

Miss Brie and Miss Caity😊


Another year of ELLA is also over! Children will be exploring the last App for the year no. 7! Children are encouraged to observe the environment and interact with it using familiar language from apps 1 to 6, and also new language introduced in this app

Learning environment- CURRENT INTEREST

During September Poppies researched Dinosaurs and discovered lots of cool facts. How ever Dinosaurs was the theme to our learning for developing skills in sorting, categorising and comparing collections!

Poppies are excited and looking forward to Prep next year conversations about Prep are becoming more frequent and the Prep visits have started! We are encouraging children to share their experiences with the group during group time meeting!


Halloween Dress Up! 31st Oct

Graduation Day 13th December