By on Thursday, 27 September 2018

Play Frog Language Tuition coming to Piptree!

 We are excited to share that Play frog Language Tuition will be coming to Piptree in the Poppies room beginning Term 4 (8th October)!

Play Frog believes that young children benefit intellectually and socially from learning another language.

The Early Years Learning Framework also supports the benefits of a second language.

Play frog believe that all children can succeed through -


Corinne recently came out to do a trial with the children in the Poppies room to see how they would react to the session.

The children loved the new experience and were very quick in learning new french words.  

We believe supporting children's interests is crucial, so we have decided to bring Corinne and her team on board, to teach the Poppies children another language - FRENCH! 

The fun and engaging program will become a weekly experience for the children, at no cost to parents, but rather as part of our Kindergarten Program.  

If you have any questions or would like to know more about Corinne and her team at Play Frog, please don't hesitate to come see me, or head on over to their website!