By on Monday, 04 September 2017

September 2017

Begin to blossom news from the office

Welcome to the first spring edition newsletter and blossoming hallo to all our families. Let us begin with the new babies for the month and welcome baby Mandela, a little brother for Malia and Maya and Baby Charlotte a beautiful little sister for Layla, who came for a short visit and I had a chance to cuddle her.

With families in mind, we hope that all our dads, fathers, stepfathers, grandpas, poppies, ... were spoiled on Sunday and had a great Father's Day. Your roles are very important to our future, so keep doing a great job by spending quality time with the children.

The Union Action

You are aware that some childcare workers will walk off the job on Thursday, 7.9.2017 to demand higher wages. Courier Mail and News announced this action and some centre will be closed.

I just would like to let you know that our business hours will remain the same and our staff will not participate in the United Voice union walk off action.

Science and Early Childhood

In early childhood settings, learning about science happens every day. Children's natural curiosity leads young minds into wondering, exploring and learning opportunities. When educators show excitement and support in children's ideas and queries a scientific journey starts developing effortlessly.

When children get involved in gardening activities they learn how to care and nurture.

Children learn many life skills when caring for animals, therefore pets are wonderful source for science skills.

Developing an understanding about their bodies provides opportunities to explore and learn about themselves during daily routines.

Riding a bike, children of all ages can investigate the movements of objects and learn about forces and so on …

I asked all our lead educators to provide a wide range of science activities during National Science Week (12-20.8.2017), but then we agreed that every week we learn about scientific processes anyway. Children and educators together observe, ask questions, research and solve problems, investigate, interpret and develop science skills. It is important to incorporate intentional teaching into every day practices. Intentional teaching encourage children to explore through open-ended materials and teach children about basic concept of science and its terminology with specific science goals in mind. Educators' role are to positively encourage participation in science experiences and demonstrate interest in connecting with children's excitement by providing scientific resources and materials for further investigation.

Here are some science projects and activities children and educators were involved in the last couple of weeks at our service. Documentation of the photos are displayed in the gallery and simple descriptions of activities are below.

Miss Melissa and Miss Annie created opportunities for our babies in Pips (6 weeks-2y) Room to experience cause and effect by providing range of equipment that can move. Little Kiavash was very keen and willing to learn about forces and movements.

In our Sprouts 1 (15 months-2y) Room Nikki set up music instruments for children to engage in learning how to make sounds. We did this by teaching them how to bang on the drums, strum the guitar and play the xylophone. Toddlers like to listen as well as play the instruments themselves. They enjoyed this activity. They will often start singing to themselves while they are involved in other play activities.

Songs and playing instruments are good forms of self-expression; it encourages imaginative substitution through pretend play and dramatic play. All children enjoyed singing "I'm a music man" together.

In Sprouts 2 (15 months – 2y) Room Miss Sharon engaged our toddlers in a "sensory blocks" activity at the table.

During this activity, some of the children might prefer to shake the block around whilst looking inside whereas some children might prefer to just simply look at the colourful materials inside of the block. All of the children loved being a part of this development activity and they all happily participated.

Our Buds (2-3) Room children were offered cups of different substances and opportunities to use their senses – sight, taste, smell hearing and touch. They developed a deeper understanding of different and same by exploring it through play.

Making strawberry jelly children in Blossom 1 (3-4) Room were involved in the process of measuring and mixing. They observed chemical change in texture and liquid turning into solid mass. Cooking experiences are enjoyable, tasty and meaningful and provide opportunities for discussions.

In our Blossom 2 Room, (3-5) Miss Lydia provided mirrors for children to explore their facial features and paper and pencils for drawing. Children were looking at their teeth and exploring themselves in the mirror. They were talking about facial expressions, who is funny, and who looks happy. Children were developing knowledge about self-identities and self-awareness.

Miss Tertia and our Poppies (4-5) were experimenting with water and its change with high temperature. What happens to water when it boils? What is that coming out the kettle? What happens when we have a bath or shower? Does the window or shower fog up? Where does the steam go? The children learned about vapour, condensation, evaporation.

We experimented by boiling water, The children noticed the steam and we captured some on a mirror where we could quickly draw something on it before it turned into droplets.

Photos, children's conversations, drawings and learning stories are available to you to view them at any time. Some of them are in children's portfolios; some are displayed around the room or programming wall. Take some time, have a look at the learning that takes place, and please feel free to add to it. All our parents and family members are welcome to share their ideas, suggestions and resources that are valuable to the program.

Now, we have very limited vacancies in the centre, so please if you need an extra day or change to your regular booking days please make sure you see me at the front desk and not the room staff. If I am not in the front, please send a quick email or write it down in communication book at front desk.Enrolment alternation form are available too.

Keep smiling, Natasa