By on Monday, 03 September 2018

September 2018

Welcome to our September newsletter!

Did you know there are only 16 weeks and 4 days until Christmas???

Crazy, right?!

August hasn't been a quieter month for us here at Piptree Mt Gravatt East!

It's been full steam ahead, with no sign of slowing down in the near future either.   

Our most memorable moments from August were the fire truck visit, the excursions to the fire station & Woolworths for the fresh food tour.

We really enjoyed dressing up for Fiver for a farmer and National book week, and had a blast celebrating our daddies & grandparents for our Father's day Fun Friday on the last day of August!

Father's Day Fun Friday

Thank you to all the special dads and grandparents that came to our Fun Friday in celebration of Father's day.

We hope you enjoyed being here as much as we appreciated having you join us and participate in the many activities your children had set up for you. 

Here are a few photos from the afternoon we hope you'll enjoy.  ​


With our centre occupancy being almost 100%, and being so close to the end of the year, transitions have been pushed back until January 2019.

We as a centre believe that this will be very beneficial to all children, as they will be moving up fresh at the start of the year, with their peers which will help with their self confidence and settling in to their new environment.  

Keep this policy in mind when your little one is sick...

​Following our recent survey on Quality Area 2 - Children's health and safety, it is evident that not many are aware of our Illness and Infectious Disease Policy.  

If you have to give Panadol or Nurofen to your child in the morning prior to coming to the centre, they generally should not be here. 

A fever is a sign of an underlying problem and children should be kept home until they are well.  

What are some other symptoms that may alert you that they are unwell?

Bringing in your child while they are sick, or showing signs and symptoms of illness, does not help eradicate germs.  No matter how much we clean, disinfect, bleach, etc, illnesses and infections will continue to spread to both children and staff if children continue to be sent in while they are unwell.  

Please take the time to familiarise yourself with our illness and infectious disease policy, that will be up on display in the office.  

If you have any questions please dont hesitate to see me.  

Poppies Parent Teacher Interviews 

​Parent teacher interviews for the Poppies will be held on Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th of September.  

The sign up sheet will be located on the office counter.  

Allocated times will be from 5pm - 7pm on the Monday & 5pm - 8pm on the Tuesday.  

Get in quick to ensure you don't miss out!