By on Friday, 27 September 2019

September Blossoming News

News from Kylie

 Hello to everyone

September already.Did you know it is 89 more sleeps until Christmas?Where has the year gone? 

I would first like to welcome all of the new families to the centre. I hope that you are all settling in well & I look forward to getting to know you over the next few weeks. With the end of the year drawing closer, it is time to start thinking about 2020. I know it seems like we get organised way too early, but if there's one thing I've learnt in my years of being a director - there is never enough time to get everything done! We start confirming our enrolments for a new year in October, so I am just giving you all a heads up to start thinking about what you will be needing in 2020. If your child is due to move up into a new room in 2020, you will not have to re-enroll. All children progress through each room as they turn the next age. So, please don't stress!Please complete the enrolment form for 2020 that will be sent home soono and return it to the office as soon as you can.This form will also ask for holidays you are taking over the Christmas new year period so we can organise our staff to have a well deserve break also.

Did you know that we operate a funded 4-year-old kindergarten program? Our pre-school room is run by Brie, our bachelor qualified kindergarten teacher. So there is no need to send your child anywhere for pre prep as we cater for that and will have your child ready.

Parent feedback

We always welcome parent input in relation to your child's interests, developmental

progress and suggestions for our educational program and how families would like to

be involved. Please feel free to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to offer



We have had many parents approach us to ask if there would be a better method of supplying sunscreen to the centre.

After consultation with families it has been agreed upon that we ask each family to donate $5 to the centre which will be put aside to purchase sunscreen.

All new enrolments will be asked to provide either $5 or a 500ml bottle of sunscreen as part of their enrolment and ongoing per year. If families could please put $5 in an envelope with your name on the outside and place it in the fees box in the foyer this would be much appreciated.

Please remember to apply sunscreen to your child at home before they attend the centre, as sunscreen takes at least 20 minutes before it is fully effective


Breakfast will not be served to children after 7.30am. Please do not bring your child in with breakfast after this time.Morning tea is served between 9 and 9.30, so if your child has not wanted to eat before coming to the Centre then some healthy fruit will be served to them at morning tea.

I thought the following article was very relative and informative under the circumstances!

Children's health, mood and behaviour - the important role of breakfast

Breakfast plays an important role in children – both for their health and development as well as for promoting smart, happy kids. The following information comes from Accredited Practising Dietitians' with the 'Start Right - Eat Right' Child Care Nutrition Award Scheme Project in South Australia, and is based on the most current scientific evidence.

Why eat breakfast?

Breakfast makes a big difference to a child's diet, as a good breakfast can supply up to 1/3 of a child's daily nutrient needs. A good breakfast usually includes some food from the 'breads & cereal' group, some food from the 'dairy' group and also some fruit.

By including these foods your child is getting:

carbohydrates for energy for learning and playing

protein and calcium for building muscles and bones

fibre for their bowels

vitamins and minerals to stay healthy

Another great reason to eat breakfast is that regular breakfast eaters have been shown to have lower rates of obesity, lower cholesterol levels and a much better sense of general well being.

Eating breakfast, however, is not just for the health of your child's body. Children who eat breakfast learn and perform better and have improved visual, concentration and thinking abilities 

When children skip breakfast, their mental function declines and some studies have even shown increased rates of depression, anxiety and hyperactivity in children who do not eat breakfast. Eating breakfast will very likely improve your child's mood and ability to learn and play well.

Some great ideas for breakfast for kids…

…in a bowl:

Breakfast cereal, chopped fruit and milk

Yoghurt with chopped or stewed fruit

Porridge with milk and dried/fresh fruit

Rice porridge with meat or chicken and vegetables

Moisten muesli with milk or juice, leave in fridge overnight and add yoghurt before serving

…in a flash:

Tub of fruit yoghurt and a piece of fruit

Toasted fruit bread or muffin with a glass of milk

Rice cakes with peanut butter and banana

Wrap a banana in wholemeal bread or fruit bread

Wheat flake breakfast biscuits with sliced banana

Grilled cheese on wholemeal or multigrain toast, cut into fingers

…in a glass:

Fruit smoothies; just blend milk with fresh, tinned or dried fruit. Try bananas or strawberries

Flavoured milk or breakfast drinks

Yoghurt drinks

Fruit lassies; blend yoghurt and fresh fruit or fruit juice such as mango, rockmelon, berries, banana, apricot

Get children involved – have them squeeze orange juice, set the table or pour the milk.

Finally, remember children are great imitators, so always eat breakfast yourself!

Just a little reminder to please remember to close the pool gates securely behind you when you leave or enter the centre.Also the pool fencing in the foyer please remember not to bang hard as there are sleeping babies on the other side of the wall and it wakes them.

Also the speed limit in our car park is 5kms please ensure that we are following this as we have little children in the car park and they can come from anywhere.

Some Housekeeping!

Sick children....and Parents:Thank you to all of you who have been vigilant in keeping your children home when they are sick.Please remember that if you are sick it is not a good idea to be coming into the centre as you are passing your germs on to other children and staff.Consider having someone else drop off and pick up the children.If they are not on your pick up or drop off list, then you can ring the centre and arrange this and your stand in will just need to bring ID with them.Our staff will assist them in the routine to follow.

Contact details:I am finding that some of your contact details are not up to date and or when I try to reach you then your phone is turned off.Please remember that you need to be contactable when you drop your child at the centre just in case something happens and we need to contact you, especially if it is an emergency.This is extremely important – please leave your mobiles turned ON.I must ask that all parents please ensure their contact details are correct and updated and that all fees are kept up to date.

Upcoming Events

Centre closed Monday 7th October - Queens Birthday

Health Mouth day -Poppies only 9th October

Family Portraits - Saturday 12 October bookings essential

Diwali - Festival of lights 24th October Buds,Blossoms and Poppies only - $9

Halloween dress ups day - 31st October