By on Friday, 07 September 2018

October Blossoming News

 Hello again,

October is here and many of you will be on the countdown to Christmas and end of year celebrations, I know they have been on our mind here at the Centre as we are busy arranging all our end of year activities.But before we wipe away the next three months though let's not forget about what's on now!

Please keep an eye out for enrolment form for next year. We have got Halloween dress up coming up on the 31st October and would love for all the children to take part. However, we do ask that we do not dress scary as this may upset some of our children.

November and December is hectic months for most of us as Xmas preparations and end of year function tend to take up a lot of our time.  So we have already booked in Saturday the 8th December at 10am is our children's Christmas party.  We are having a disco Christmas show and a visit from the big man himself.  Details and invitations will come out in Mid November.

We are able to host such a special day for our children as over the year we have held lots of different events/fundraiser to help raise money for this.We have a couple more to come yet so we may be able to do some nibbles and drinks too.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

I have been asked a lot of questions of late regarding the holidays and public holidays.  Please find below the information to help everyone be on the same page of what we offer and how it works.

Holidays - A discount of 20% off the full fees will apply to any family taking holidays.  However reduced rate available as per the following specifications: 

the discount will be charge to you prior to holidays as per the week in advance.

Public Holidays and absences - As your child occupies a permanent booking at the Centre, fees are payable for all booked days, including absences whatever the reason and public holidays.  This ensures that a place is always reserved for your child and that fees overall are able to be kept to a minimum.

Graduating Class 2018

The graduating class of 2018 will have their individual photos taken on the 21st of November and I will bet they will all look fantastic.We are asking that all children who are leaving to go to school and do not attend on the Wednesday to please see Kylie to book a time in for the photo shoot. The ready to buy packages will be available for you to purchase in the second week of November.Please see Kylie for any information.

The Graduation will be held here at the centre on the Friday 14th December 2018.  Invitations will be sent home soon. All graduating students are welcome to attend as it will be held on a Friday.


Family Portraits:Thank you to the families who participated, we were able to raise enough money to purchase the children's gifts at the end of year party

We also have a home bake fundraiser happening with yummy delicious treats for Christmas.All orders and payment to be made by 7th December and delivered here to the centre by 14th December 2018.

Christmas Hampers

We will be doing our Christmas Hamper Raffles again this year.We were hoping that we could again get support from businesses to donate some items for the raffles as well as our parent donations.If you know of any businesses or work at a business which would like to contribute we would be happy to promote their products/business in our centre.Letters will be sent home in November to begin collecting. 

Centre events

October 3rd - Poppies Only Healthy Mouth day - please bring back your permission slips

October 26th World Teachers Day - Thank you Miss Brie

October 31st – Halloween dress up

Upcoming in November

21st – Graduation photos for the graduating class 2018

21st – Christmas photos must be pre ordered

Educators are busy completing report cards for the year and these will be sent home in the last Week of November. If you would like to attend an interview with your teacher to discuss their progress Parent/teacher interviews will be held in the second week of December


10th-13th December – Parent /teacher interviews interview appointment day and times will be posted in each room for you to add your name.

8th – End of year Christmas  celebration – all children and families are invited to attend the end of year celebration.Invitation and information will be sent home in November.